HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 93-96RESOLUTION NO. 0 3" ~) 6 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A MINI- STORAGE FACILITY (FILE NO. P96-0275) WHEREAS, Larry Keller filed a written application for a PCD (Planned Commercial District) for a mini-storage facility for that site generally located along the east side of State Route 99 between McCall Avenue, White Lane and Mesa Grande Street; and WHEREAS, the mini-storage facility is a conditional use permit land use; and WHEREAS, Section 17.54. 020 A. 4 of the Municipal Code allows concurrent approval of a PCD zoning district and a conditional use permit when the proposed PCD land use is a conditional use; and WHEREAS, at a public hearing on June 20, 1996, the Planning Commission approved a conditional use permit for a mini-storage facility; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission found as follows: 1. The proposed use is deemed essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare. 2. The proposed use is in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan and zoning ordinance and land uses in the subject site area. 3. As conditioned, the mini-storage facility is consistent with the intent and purpose of the City of Bakersfield's Zoning Ordinance. As conditioned the mini-storage is compatible with other uses in the area. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOUND AND RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: I. The above recitals, incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. The Negative Declaration is hereby approved. 3. As to the conditional use permit for the mini-storage facility for that site shown on attached map (Exhibit "B") generally located along the east side of State Route-99 between McCall Avenue, White Lane, and Mesa Grande Street, the City Council hereby approves such conditional use permit subject to the conditions of approval shown on Exhibit -2- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on JO[ 2 4 ~ , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex OfficioVClerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED JUL 2 4 ~ ) ' MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDY SKOUSEN CITY ATTORNEY RED:pit June 26, 1996 res\rcup0275cc Exhibit "A" Conditions of Approval Conditional Use Permit P96-0275 Plannine Department Site development shall be substantially as shown on Attaclunents "A, B, C, D and E." Where conditions of approval and site plans are different the conditions of approval shall prevail. Prior to the City Council public hearing, site plans shall be amended to show "site plan review committee" requirements, and where applicable, other conditions or approval. The signs as shown on the site plan are hereby approved by the City Council. The pylon sign may have a height of 34 feet and an area not to exceed 150 square feet. The wall sign shall be located as shown on the site plan and shall not exceed 32 square feet. Any other sign must be approved pursuant to Section 17.54.100 of the Planned Commercial Development zone of the Municipal Code. The project shall comply with the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District's "Regulation VIII Fugitive Dust Rules." Site Plan Review Committee 'A' CONDITIONS - RFOUIRING PLAN COR.RI~-CTIONS: These changes must be telleered on the plans ~ by the Building LMpanmnnt lbr plan chc~:k. FheBuildlagDepatrment~s~llnotbeginplaneheckuntilall'A'¢on~hn~ are eorrec~l.v indicated on the plans submltted for plan cheek. 3. Indicate on the final plan all on-site fu~ hydrant locations and required fu'c tims's. (Fire) Pailting lot lighting shall be provided pursuant to Section t7.58.060 A of the Municipal Cede. Lights ~ be clmi~i. arranged. and shielded to reflect away from adjacent residcntial properties and stree~ with itl,.,,i-~i~,, evenly distributed across the parking area. All light fixtures shall be located between t 5 fe~t and 40 feet abow grade. Lighting direction and light fLxtores shall be shmvn on the final site plan. (Plnnning) The applicant shall construct 4.6' concrete sidewalks on Mesa Grande Siroct pm~uant to city standard. 6. The applicant shall construct new connectionis) to a public sewer. IEnL~nn~ng Services) 7. Indicate on the final plan one, 6' x 8' refusa bin location(s) pursuant to City Standard S-43. (Sanitation) Indicate on the final plan 36' (top-to-top) wide drive approach(es) as indicated on the attached plan. Center the drive approach on the drive aisle. (Traffic Engineenng) 'B' CONDITIONS - REOUIRING COMPLETION PRIOR TO BUILDING PLAN Cl ~CK: Thee conditions must be sausfiat belbre the Building Dcpurtmcnt wfil begin checking plans submittcd for plan check. The applicant shall contact the Fire Safety Control Division. t 715 Cbesta' Avenue, Suite 300, O:im Prevemion Burcaul fat fire and safety roqmremcnts end provide one (I) set of building plans showing the requital plan cor~ca~s to Fire Safety Control (Fire MarehaL (8051326-3951 ) pnor to the final site plan being approved. (Fire) 10. In order to proxsde adequate fire protection during construction. the applicant shall install four fire hi&nat(s) as shown on the attached plans or prmnde altamaitre fire suppression ns approved by the Fire Department pde~ to final site plan approval. (Fire) II. The applicant shall prmSde four copies of the grading plans and txvo copies of the preliminary soils report to Building Departmont. (Engineering Services and Building) Exl. fibit "A" CLIP P96-0275 Page2 12. A landscape plan and specification for irrigation shall bc submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to final site plan approval. IPlanning) 13. A Parcel Map Waiver is required to eliminate old lot lines from the subject parcel unless doenmentstion cen be pre,nded prmang that this parcel was legally created prior to March 4. 1972, and resulted from a division of land in which fewer than five parcels were created. (Planning) 14. ['he Samtation Division shall be contacted to determine alternanves to allow the sali~ collection of refuse and/or recyclables. tSanitation) "C' - ADVISORY CONDITIONS: These are informational notes that might be helpful to you and concerns mattera that can be addressed after building plan check approval. The time requirements are stipulated in the condition. 15. ?all streets and access roads to and around any building under constructran must be at least 20 feet of anobsll'~ted w~dth and graded to prevent ponding at all times. Barocades must be placed where ditches and banners exist in roadways. Emcxgency vehicle access must be reliable at all times. IFire) 16. Based upon available information, the fire flow requirement may be 3,500 gallons per minute. All persons required. to fumish fire hydrants are hereby required to pureham the required fu'e hydrants from the City of Bakersfield. (Fire) 17. The applicant shall provide the Fire Department with one set of approved water plans prior to the issuance of any building pen'ran. (Fire) 18. This taxiroy does not include approval of any sitaris for the project. A separate penrot is required for all new signs, including construction signs, li'om the Building Department. (Building) 19. Fhe applicant shall provide fire p.~istive wall construction details for exterior walls of buildings that are at or near (be propera., hne. (Building) 20. Indicate on the final plan compliance with all handicap requirements pursuant to State Building Code. (Buildhag) 21. A final soils report shall be submitted to the Building Department prior to issuance of any building pertrata. (Building) 22. School District fees will be assessed at the time of issuance of a bulldine t~ermit. (Building) 23. Appmx~xt landscaping shall be Installed prior to final building inspection or occupancy of any building. Landscape in.~:~etions are on Fridovs. Call Dave Dow at 326-3594 or Louise Palmer at 326-3680 prior to the Ffidav you wish your inspection. (PlanningJ 24. NOTICE - I Iabitat Consep,'ation fees for this project will be calculated based on the fee in effect at the time (cusmaly $1,240 per gross acre) payable to the Planning Department prior to issuance of an urban development pemut (includes grading plan approvals) as defined in the Implementation/Management Agreement (Section 2.21) for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. Upon payment of fees, the applicant will reee~w acknowledgment of compliance with Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (lmplcmentation/lvlanagcmcnt Agreement Section 3.1.4). (Planning) Exhibit "A" CUP P96-0275 Page 3 25. Prior to building occupancy. sub-standard off-site improvements shall bc reconstructed to city standard or repaired as directed by the City Engmeer. Please contact the constrnction superintendent at 326-3050 to detenmae the extent of improvements requtred. {Engineenng Scrvices} 26. A sewer connection fee shall be paid prior to issuance of a building permit. The fee will be based on the enn'vat adopted charges at the time of issuance of the building permit. (Enginc~..nnng Services) 27. A transponatton impact fee for regional facilities shall be paid at the rate in effect at the time of issuenee of a building V,.mmt. Based on the rate schedule in effect for the 994-1995 fiscal year and the proposed project use,, a rate of $38 per vehicular mp would be anticipated. Upon submission of construction plaus for the project, the Public Works Department wfil provide an estimate of the total lee. ( Engineering Services) 28. A p~nut from the Public Works Department ts required prior to any work within ei.ty right-of-way (street, alley, casement). A copy of the approved site plan with conditions shall be submitted to the Public Works Deparln~ at the time of application lbr a permit. (Engineenng Scrviees~ 29. l'he applicant shall provide one. three cubic yard front loading type refuse bin(s) for the containment ofrefi[~ or rccyclables. (Sanitation) 30. Facilities required to provide racycling areas shall provida locations of sufficient size as dafmed in Baket'~¢Id Municipal Code, Chapter 832. (Sanitation) 31. Facilities required to provide grease containment shall provide a storage location separate from refuse or recycling bin locations pursuant to Ci~ Standard S-43. (Sanitation) 32. Facilities requiring infectious or medical waste services shall obtain approval for separate infectious or medical waste storage areas from the Kern Coun .ty Environmental Health Services Department. In no instances ~mll the refuse or reeycling bin area be considered for infectious waste containment purposes. (Sanitation) Public Works 33. Municipal sewer servtce to each development, lot, or parcel shall be provided upon further subdivision or development of the GPA/zone change property.. 34. A drainage study for a drainage ~stem for the GPA/zone change area shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior to submittal of any tentative subdivision maps or development plar~. The drainage ~ should include, but not necessarily be limited to, drainage calculations, pipe sizes and locations, the drainage basin site(s) and size, and construction phasing. 35. Necessary riowage/drainage easements as indicated in the approved drainage study, which may be off-site from a proposed subdivision or project, shall be submitted to the City prior to recordation of any subdivision map or approval of any development plan within the GPA or zone change area. p:gO275.ca