HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 118-96RESOLUTION NO. I 1 8 ' 9 6 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE KERN COUNTY WASTE DEPARTMENT'S APPLICATION TO SITE AND OPERATE A NEW RECYCLING/TRANSFER STATION WHEREAS, the Kern County Waste Management Department ("Department") is seeking to site and operate a new recycling/transfer station for the Kern River Valley area, to be named the "Kern Valley Recycling/Transfer Station" (KVRTS); and WHEREAS, the Department is seeking to close the Kern Valley Sanitary Landfill in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations 40 Subpart F, Section 258.1(c) in Subtitle D, with Title 14, and Title 23, Article 5 of Chapter 15, the California Code of Regulations; and WHEREAS, the Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act (formerly the Government Code, Subsection 66701 et see.), provided that each county is responsible for preparing, adopting, maintaining, and implementing a solid waste management plan for waste disposal within its geographic boundaries; and WHEREAS, The State of California passed legislation (Chapter 1617 of the Statutes of 1990) which dictates the approval process of solid waste facilities during the "Gap" period, which is the period beginning when former County Solid Waste Management Plans ceased to exist because of Assembly Bill 939 (January 1, 1990), and when new Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plans are approved by the California Integrated Waste Management Board (ClWMB); and WHEREAS, the operation of the KVRTS will require a Solid Waste Facility Permit from the CIWMB; and WHEREAS, the Department has prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR)/Environment Assessment (EA) that addresses the potential environmental impacts of siting the KVRTS; the EIR/EA was certified by the Kern County Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, on March 26, 1996, the Kern County Board of Supervisors approved the siting and operation of the KVRTS; and WHEREAS, Public Resources Code (PRC) Sections 50000(b)(1 ) and (2) require that the agency proposing the facility obtain the approval of the County Board of Supervisors and of each incorporated city within the County; and WHEREAS, PRC Section 50000(b)(2) requires a resolution of approval or disapproval by each city within 90 days of receipt of the site description; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby finds, determines and declares as follows: 1. The City Council finds that the facts recited hereinabove are true, and further finds that the Council has jurisdiction to consider and approve the subject of this Resolution. 2. The Council finds and determines that this project will have no significant adverse impacts within the jurisdiction of this Council. 3. The project herein is approved by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield. .......... O00 .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on fIP..T 2 3 1~J6 , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBI[R Be~IOND, CARSON, S~11TH,~/~:I~RMOTT, ROWLES, SU[UVAN, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNC!~T~Ef, tBER ABSTAIfi: COIJN,.,ILMEt,~E::R ABSENT: COUNCILMEME~ER Acting CITY CLERK and EX~)FFICIO of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: OCT 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM JUDY K. SKOUSEN CITYATTORNEY By: As~i;tant (~{ty Atio~'n~,/ City of Bakersfield S:\WPDATA~KemCo J~3R 8cptember 20, ]~ Merebegs of the City Counvil distribution list) File: 20812 RE: APPROVAL OF SITE IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF KERN VALLEY RECYCLING/TRANSFER STATION O~ar Mcmbc~ of the City Council: The Kern County Waste M~nagoment Departmea~! (KCWMD) intends to construer/red operate e new waste management facility in the Kern River Valley area in accordance with the Kern County Solid Waste Infra.,m'uoture Plan. The new waste management favility will b~ known as tbe "Kern Valley Rggyvling/Transf~:r Station" (KVRTS). The rccyclin//tra~fer station site is on I0 acres west of and next to the Ka'n Valley Sanitary Landfill. The transfer/recycling station will replace the sanitary landfill by providing for the solid wasle handling needs of the K, crn River Valley oommunity and surformding region. The facility will havc e maximum sustainable throughout calanCity of 150 tons per day. It will have the capacity to handle unusual peak luacL~ of up to 300 tons/day, immediately foBowing special events. Examples of these ~vents ar~ the Onyx flood of 1984, the Bodlish fire of 1987, and WhislgT Flats Days (a one weekend/year annual event). Nonrecyclablc waste will lag transferred from Ibe KVRTS to an altemute Kem County sanitary landfill. The Ridgecrest Sanitary Landfill (RSLF) is presently the vloacst g~m County sanitary landfill to Kern Valley (57.6 miles east). Th~ Solid Waat~ Infia~tructare Plan identifies th~ RSLF initially as the most likely ~eiving facility for Kern Valley waste. 11owever, in vase of an emergency, or as the RSLF reaches capacity, rig KCWMD will integrate Kern valley waste into one of Kern Couuty's regional disposal facilities. The tra~sfcr/vccycling slation will be a staging area to Iransfer Class Ill municipal waste to I~e sanitary landfill. The tomsf~r station will bc open the same hours as the landfill Project design c~nsists of en encloacd bu/Iding to hou:~ the waste procm~ing/di~x~l operations, and seven to ten bins for recyclin~ on a paved improved area. Some rec~lablc materials are alumtnnrn CallS, paper, glass, plastic and uscd motor oil. Oreen waste and white goods will also be recycled. The KCWMD has designed the facility to accommodate long term cxpuasion. P~4~ 2 ~ptember 20. Kzrn County will lease the site through a right-of-way ~n~'nt with the Bur~u o£ Land Management (BLM). The County h~s applied Io purchesc both pmpe~es, The site is on an undgveloped portion of BLM land next to the I~lfiil. Without this facilRy, residents, busine.,~s, and refuse haulers would travel to efther ~ Olmnville Transfer Slation or the Ridgecrest Sanitary Landfill. An inetcase ia Ulegal dumping could result. Public Resources Code (PRC) Seeflora 500000~Xl) ~ld ~2) ~ ~ ~ ~cy pro~sing ~ ~ ob~ ~ ~v& of~ ~ ~ of S~ ~d ~ ~ ci~ ~thin the Comfy. ~e B~d of S~i~ appmv~ the I~on of~is ~f~/~yc~ ~Ui~ ~ M~h 26, 1~. ~ I~ns ~e site id~fifi~fion ~ deepflea to ~ a~oved by your City Co.oil. ~C ~fi~ 5000~)(2) ~ a ~ ofa~val or ~ppmv~ ~ ~h ei~ wi~in ~ ~ys of gee/pt of ~c sire ~cd~on. 'l~e C~for~a 1~ Waste ~gem~t ~es ~at a ciW ~ ~ di~w ~ sig ~fifi~on ~d ~on "u~s # dete~lne$, b~ed ~n xubxtantl~ e~iden~e In th~ ~rd t~t t~r~ will ~ one or more xign]ft~ a~r~e ~m~ts within its ~dari~'~m the pressed proJect. " The KCWMD is including a dra~ gsolution for your u~ that contains the appropriate findings for approval. Plc~ase contact Susan Reid ofou~ deparlmgnt at (805) $62~894g il'you have any questions about this matter, or il'you wish to have our Staffpgsout at your meeting. Thank you very much for your assistance, Sincerely, gLR:am Daphne H. washington Dir~clor