HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 141-96 RESOLUTION NO. I 4 1 - 9 6 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1996-2015 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3513 implemented a Transportation Impact Fee program for new development in order for new development to bear a proportionate share of the cost of the new or expanded transportation facilities requires by such development; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3513 requires that the City Council annually adopt a proposed capital improvement plan for road construction funded by the impact fee program; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council was advertised and held November 6, 1996. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that the plan set forth as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved and adopted. .......... 000 .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on D£C 0 4 19e~, by the following vote: AYES: CO!.~ILMEMBER DeMOND, CAR ,.~N. ,)SMITH~,McDERMOTT, ROW1.ES, SULLIVAN, SALVAG~iiO NOES: COUNCILMEMBER P-J( ~ ~' /~SENT: COUNCILMEMBER /x~l LYe. ~- . . Acting CITY CLERK and Ex Officio 121erk of the of the City of Bakersfield Council APPROVED DEC 0 4 1996 RANDY ROWLES VICE-MAYOR of the city of Bakersfield Approved as to form: CITY ATTORNEY of the C~y of Bakersfield mps TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE SCHEDULE i TYPE EXIETING i NO. FEE ................ ~.A.~..q.~.~.~'~ ......I .......' ..~!. RESIDENTIAL PER LIVING UNIT -§IN~LE'FAMILY,'DET',~'~[=~--'I ...... '~ '" $~'~1'79 MULti-lAZILY ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 $828 HEAVY/SERVICE INDUSTRIAL 3 $87 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4 $38 OFFICE COMMERCIAL Under 1 (30,000 sq. ft. 5 $33 100,000-199,999 sq. ft. 6 $39 200,000 sq. if. & over 7 $41 RETAIL COMMERCIAL Under 10,000 sq. if. 8 $39 10,000-49,999 sq. if. 9 $25 50,000-99,999 sq. ft. 10 $28 100,000-199,999 sq. ft. 11 $31 200,000-299,999 sq. if. 12 $35 300,000-399,999 sq. if. 13 $44 400,000-499,999 sq. if. 14 $53 500,000-999,999 sq. if. 15 $64 1,000,000 sq. if. & over 16 $71 p:\tifiphase2\fullfee.wb2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1996- 2015 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan $4,908,0(X) ....... $4,908 $169,653,000 * $169,653 $196~000,000 $1,285 ! $60 $40 $40 $120 $149,535 $45,000 $108~796~000 $250 $250 $40 $108,256 $1,913,000 $18 $40 $158 $1,855 $13,2301000 $2,812 $10,41e :Alle~Rbed ~ Kern Rive~' .... . .. :. ! i $3,000,000 $3,000 C~ J.t,~my Dr~ve~ Kern Rivet w/:Roadwa~betwee~ dikes $6,626,000 $4 $3 $305 $1,058 $3,164 $0 $2,091 : !! Mohav~ Street:~.Ke~m River::. ....... :: :...:;:::; .: .:. $3,500,000 $3,500 $0 Che~te~:Avenue ~ Kern River (widen).~.CitylCounty · $1,920,000 $1,920 : :Mano~*:stree¢ ~ Kern River (widen) ~ City/County $1~610~000 $1t610 ~i Morrang D~ ~Kem :R~ :: !: :: i~::: :i.: .: County $13 ::: : '::::::' ::::' '~ ::'::'$.hte~,l;KefllRiverBt~ges $16~656.000 $8~621 .:.i~ANJe~:BRiDGE~-:.:::::::::~:.ili:::i..:::-..~.:: .::.:. :: :: :. ::.::::::: ' :: [ :: . i · i.' : Panama Lane ~ A~Viri EdisOn west (widen) , $360.000 $360 $13 : $,:H..58~:F~iantKem(widen),.,. :. i.: :i:... :: $4O0.000 $40 $396 i ::iS:iH;~,f~ Callowa~ (v.~en)~- i . : ::: County $0 8:: H~58 ~ .Calbway ~ast (v, iden): . :.. County $0 i .~Re~ ~:Cro-- ValtW . :: SSeO,ooo ~ C~_l,.,j.v~._YDrh(e~ C~*Valley' ~. $1.000.000 $1 $0 $46 $160 $478 $316 .;. Ake~iRoed ~ Arvin EdlaOn : . .. $205,000 $205 $o ~ M0t~twk:~reel {~: C4'oss Valley : .: : $500,000 $500 SC) , .:.;M~Stteet ~.Caltoway: :: :: :;;; .. County $0 : :~ $tine Road ~ Arv'm._~da~n [widen) :; : : $320~000 $320 $0 : Man~, Street ~:Car~ie~' ' ' . . : $270,000 $55 $13 $215 · ~uth HSha~.AnanEdlS°n(wlde.);... :..: · $320,000 $320 $0 · : NOrth Cllestet Av~m~e ~' Bea{dsley ~wider~} County $0 .. Oswep. Stmel: {~ Arvin Edi~nr~ :. ; :: : Count)' $0 :.: Wible:Road.~;Eai~'~ (widen)::. ;': :: ::. ::: ' $320~000 $320 $0 ,. :Olive Ddve ~ Calloway ...... :.: :.,:, $500,000 $500 OIh/e [:)rive ~J Fhar&Kem ~ ; : · $500.000 $500 :, :: :: :: '- $ubto~al;CanalB~ges $5~195~000 $1,780 $215 97tifcip.wk1 *Funds to be made available for protection of rights of way, as needed, for each freeway alignment. /.Total Costs for prOjects have been adjusted to reflect more accurate cost estimates. As projects are completed, they will be removed from the list. Other funding is shown only for those budgeted projects where an aitemate funding source has been identified. 23-Oct-96 Page 1 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1996- 2015 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan 301 2001-2015, Funding $0 ~17 $0 ,$83 $0 $180 $0 $35 $8O $20 $0 $60 $90 $0 $20 $0 $20 $0 $180 $80 $0 $180 $0 $0 $0 $80 $8O $180 $12 $0 $28 $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $0 $1~475 $191 ~31 $0 $0 $2,300 $0 $2,300 $0 · : Taft Highway ~$,~,.119){~ Farrn~$ (widen) :: Panama Lane ~ Buene Vista (wide) : "Panama Lane {~ Fa/me~e (widen): " . · panama Lane ~ Ke~n Island (central branch) . Panama Lane {~ A;vin Ed~o~ . : ,P,, ,aci'~coR°edGBuena,VIsta~wlden) i. :,,.,, ,,; .,. : .: Pacheco ROad ~ Farmers [wtdetl) i.. · ~Pache¢o Road {~ Kern leland (wide~) : : : White Lane ~ Kern leland (widen) : Mul~erRoad{~.Ea~'..i.... . . ::. :.. :.: Ming Avenue {~ Rive~ Canal !Ming Avenue ~ Jame~ Case Loma Drive {~ Kern Island · Stockdale Highway {~ River Canal .: :Olive D~ve{~ Beardeley Ret~fro Road ~ James · :i: Renfro Road {~ Riv,ar Canel : Allei",RoadQ BL~na VINe Allen Road ~ Jame~ ~ Aller~Road ~ River Canal Nler~Rned {~ C.-.x~e Lake Slough(widen) :Buene Vista Road ~ Buena Vista (wide~) Buena Vlata Road {~ River Cla'lal [widen) · ~ '~wala Avenue ~ Bea~dstey (widen) New Stine Road ~ Stine (widen) Haley Stmel {~ Eastside (widen) Faldax Road {~ Eastaide(widen) S; H. 184 ~ Ea~slde (widen). Subl~al · Canel Culve~ · CANAI..REIJ~ED PROJECTS Panama Lane {~ Farmers ;i i Panema Lane ~ A~in Edieon -road reellgnmenl : South H $tre~'~ {~ Kern leland (S.R.:119 to White) - road r $. H. 184 (~ East~e Subto,st - Canel Related ProJecta County $100,000 $16O,000 $100 $200,00O $20O $35,000 $8O,00O $80,000 S100,000 S10 $40,000 County S16O.000 County : . $180,6O0 County County County $80,000 $80,000 $180,000 $40,000 $100,000 $100,000 County $100,000 $100,000 County County $2,135,000 $48,000 $17 $46O.OO0 $46O $2.300,000 County $2,808,000 :L~3-Oct-96 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1996 - 2015 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan PROJECTS DRAINAGE CULVERTS, BRIDGE .S...A...N. D DITCHES Eaxt Panama Read ~ Callante Creek ByPee~ Shalane Avwnue Box Culverts {10 Ioc, abon~) Shalane Avenue Bridg~ (3. _~:.c _-.=-=- ¥~) College A,~u',ue Box Culv~t~ (Vei~..~..Dr. to Kern Cat~ Palarline D~ive Bax Culverts (Faidax to Aft Hartell) Alfred Harml Hwy Box Cul~ms (Fairfax to S R. 178) Morning Dnve Box Culve~ (1 laca~ - S.R.178 to Aft.Hart MorntnCl Dnve Bridge [1 large & 1 small) Edlaea Read Box Culverts (4 Iocatkms. S R.58 to AIf. Hatr __E..dl~s~l__R_ _oa_d..~n~:~es {2 I=ca~=ne - S.R 58 to All. Harrell},; STATE ~ BRIDGES/INTERCHANGES Taft Hrghway Panama Lane Olive Drive 7th S~ndmd Road ~ S. H. gG (wMen) Fairfax Road T~_T. AL .c...o.:~.L ...92-m counl¥ County County $520,000 $325,000 $56O,0OO $580,000 $320,000 $1,000,000 $3,385,000 YEAR ($1,000's ofTDF Fuad~) ' 93-94 94-g5 95-96 96-97 97-98 Fairfax Road {~ _A[f_.t...ec~..H.~.n~__H.~y (widen) : : Morning Drive Q Nfred Harml Hwy (interchange) : :~: Morning Drive Q S.H 178 0nterc~ange) - City/State Hosting Or,crowing ~ S. H. gg (w4en) :::~: McKee Overcrossing ~ S. H. 99 ::: RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATIONS S. H. 58 ~ A. T. & S. F. R. R (~den) Olive D~ve ~ S. P. R R. 7th Standam Road {~ S P R R Caliowa~ Driv~ ~ A. T. & S. F. R R. $3,250,000 $1,475,000 County County County $6,000,000 County County $1 $1,400,000 $19,625,5O0 !:: County !: County i:i:: County :: County Ce~fee Road ~ A. T. & S. F. R R -..C~t¥1.Stale/Ra~'~;I:: $9,125,000 Mohawk Streel ~ A. T. & S F. R. R - C~ty/County [i $7,500,000 O~ Sireel {tJ A. T. & S F./S P. R R ; County Morning Drive ~ A. T. & S. FJS. P. R.R.' County MI Vernon Avenue {l~ A T &S.F/S.P.R.R(w~den}:: County Subtotal- Redrued Grade Sepamtiot~ $16,625,5O0 S13 $250 S2,800 $354 $35O $90 $250 Sl,600 Sl,000 $0 $0 $0 $52O · .s3~ $560 $80 $580 $320 $1~000 $3.385 S0 $0 S200 125 $0 $0 $0 $5r646 $0 $0 $1,500 $1~400 $19~425 $200 $0 $0 $0 300 $0 $2~172 $7,500 $0 $0 $0 $7r5o0 $2,172 23-Oct-96 Page 3 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1996 - 2015 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan County $0 $100,000 $100 $100,000 $100 Mulle~R~ ~ ~ B~:~ T:. ~[$i F: Ri R~) County $0 Count~ Count), $0 County $0 County $0 County $0 County $0 i .N~R~$iF',~R~R:Branch , ,,,,~ ,, ,i:,, County $0 ~Ytsta Road ~ Si P~ Ri R~ Branch $100~000 $100 Old R~ ~ $. ~; R Ri ~ $100,000 $100 $100,000 $100 N~A~uo {~ Si F'; R~ Ri Spu~ ; County $0 U~io~ AVenUe {~ Si Pi R~ R:. B~ : ; County $0 $soo,ooo $5oo ; N~ :l~lat~ (66 ~ions);;:;;:; ;;;:: $7r807~000 $34 $65 $603 $7~105 i $1~080~000 $60 $1~020 ~ $85125 S~ H; 119 ~ StJne R~ to~h H Sheet ;; ; ;;;; $5,093,524 $5,O94 $3,757,429 $100 $3,657 St0~dal~ ~ ~ ~ Roa~ t~ oa~ ~ $1,165,400 $200 $6 $80 $885 . SiH~58~E~l~Roadi,i , i ; ; $11,700,000 $11~700 $18,997,500 $18,998 ~ H~ ~84 ~ M~ Drive to Ed~ Road, : $2,573~900 $2~574 i ~24~St~e~!m~ i: :: i :.i $4,500,000 $4,5oo $1.500,000 $376 $1,124 $0 ~y ~ B~h~l E~ to R~ Hi~Y $3,050,000 $50 $2,000 $1,000 $0 County C~,"~.~ ,,;~ Avenue ~ Wide~ Oak Sti to ~A~, SL : $350,000 $150 $72 $128 : Hosking Read ~ Wibleto ~tine : : $430,000 $430 $0 ,. T~nAv~nue,~.Wide~ ~Oal(Sti, i. ~ i, i ,,~.~ $400,000 $200 $104 $96 $968~000 $968 I ~SY~Ue~2010~: ::.i!:.! i I S7,688,000 I ~0 I $77 I $77 I $77! $77 I J $231 / $71491 | 23-Oct -96 Page 4 EXHIBIT "A~