HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 14-95RESO VT ON NO. 1 4 ' 9 5 A RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS AND ADOPTING POLICY FOR SIGNS LOCATED WITHIN THE KERN RIVER PARKWAY. WHEREAS, at several of its meetings, the Community Services Committee of the Council of the City of Bakersfield considered policy for signs proposed to be located within the Kern River Parkway; and WHEREAS, said Committee determined that it is in the best interest of the public's health, welfare and safety to adopt a sign policy regulating the type, material, design, size, quantity, location and purpose of signs proposed to be located within the Kern River Parkway; and WHEREAS, adoption and implementation of a policy for signs within the Kern River Parkway provides convenient method to regulate signs consistent with local ordinance and the Metropolitah Bakersfield 2010 General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Council may from time to time amend such policy, if necessary; and WHEREAS, a draft sign policy for the Kern River Parkway was distributed to the Kern River Parkway Foundation, a community interest group, and the Citizen's Parks and Recreation Committee for comment; and WHEREAS, comments received were duly considered and, if necessary, the draft sign policy was revised accordingly; and WHEREAS, the Kern River Parkway Foundation, and the Citizen's Parks and Recreation Committee recommend the sign policy attached herein as Exhibit "A" to be adopted by the Council; and WHEREAS, the sign policy is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, including the Kern River Plan Element and the Kern River Parkway Plan; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures have been duly followed by city staff and the Council; and WHEREAS, adoption and implementation of a sign policy for the Kern River Parkway is exempt from CEQA in accordance with Section 15305(3)(d), Class 5, of City Resolution No. 212-92; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered and hereby makes the following findings: 1. The Community Services Committee recommends adoption of the sign policy for the Kern River Parkway, as shown on attached Exhibit "A". 2. Adoption and implementation of said sign policy promotes the public's health, welfare and safety. 3. Adoption and implementation of said sign policy for the Kern River Parkway is exempt from CEQA in accordance with Section 15305(3)(d), Class 5, of City Resolution No. 212-92; 4. Said sign policy is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, including the Kern River Plan Element and the Kern River Parkway Plan, and local ordinance; 5. Said sign policy may be amended from time to time when the Council determines it necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY and found by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: I. The above recitals and findings, incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the sign policy for the Kern River Parkway as shown on attached Exhibit "A". ......... o0o ........ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and aaoptea oy me t..ouncu of tll~ ~.~lty of Dal~l~ti~:iu ~tt a ~u~a~ ~t~ L,,~,~L ,~,~ ~ dAN ~ 5 lq~R , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER DeMOND, CARSON, SMITH, McDERMOTT, ROWAES, CHOW, SAL¥&GGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBER .~ ~ ~ e ABSTAIN: COUNCILMENRwm N om~ ABSENT: COUNCILME)m~ k~n~-~ CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED dAN 2 5 1~5 / PATRICIA J. DeMOND Vice-Mayor APPROVED as to form: JUDY SKOUSEN CITY ATI'ORNEY LAURA C~_ MARINO AssistantCity Attorney Jl£:pjt January 11, 1995 rcs~rsigns. kr EXHIBIT "A" SIGN POLICY FOR THE KERN RIVER PLAN ELEMENT SECTION 1~ RECO~H~ENDED SIGN CRITERIA FOR SIC~NS WITHIN THE KF. RN RIYmA~ PARKWAY PURPOSE: The purpose of this sign criteria for the Kern River Parkway is 1) to promote signs in an orderly and attractive manner; 2) to provide standards to safeguard the public welfare, and; 3) ensure signs are consistent with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and policies of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, which includes the Kern River Parkway Plan. GENEP, AL REGULATIONS: All signs are required to: 1. Conform to the approved sign criteria, and be consistent with the Bakersfield Municipal Code Sign Ordinance and 2010 General Plan policies (Ordinance and Policy). a.) Signs shall be limited to those necessary for directions and premises identification. Sign size, design, color, texture, materials and location shall, to the greatest extent possible, be compatible with the open space. (Policy) Submit plans to the Building Dept. for review and obtain approval prior to issuance of a sign permit. Building Dept. shall consult with the Parks Division and Water Resources Dept. Obtain a sign permit prior to installation. (Ordinance) 4. Shall conform to City standards. (Ordinance) Signs shall 1. not be allowed (Ordinance and Policy): Within the street right-of-way or to interfere with the public safety. (ordinance and Policy) Within 90 feet of the primary floodway line. (Ordinance and Policy) me City Council approval shall be required: 1. If a sign is donated to the City. 2. If a proposal is to name an area as "D" below. indicated in To propose a name for an area of the Parkway after a person/group, place, historical event or other, applicant shall submit a letter of justification and plans for review by the City Council. Any proposed name shall have direct relationship to the Kern River Parkway, and this relationship shall be explained in the letter. 1. In accordance with General Plan policy, the preference is to use neutral (generic) names which are necessary for directions or premises identification, such as "Kern River Parkway, City of Bakersfield," and if applicable, activity unique to that location (i.e., picnic area, rest stop, parking). la. Upon valid petition to the City Council, a person or group may.request to identify or name an area of the Parkway subject to the following criteria. The petitioner(s) is responsible for demonstrating conformance with the criteria. (1) Requested name must show a clear and direct relationship to the Kern River Parkway. Requested name may be an individual, service organization or other humanitarian entity. An illustration showing a proposed sign in accordance with parkway policies may be submitted. (2) A valid petition shall, at a minimum, consist of the following: (a) Name, address and phone number of petition contact person. (b) The requested name and a statement demonstrating the requested name is directly related to the Kern River Parkway, consistent with these policies. (c) Signature, printed name, address, phone number and date signed of each person signing petition in support of the request. Kern River Parkway Signs 2 (d) A minimum of 200 signatures from persons residing in the Bakersfield area. (Upon receipt of a petition, a random check of signatures may be made to verify support of petition.) (e) Other information deemed necessary by the City Attorney. e Plans shall include a drawing to scale of the proposed sign showing text, design, dimensions, materials, colors, and proposed location. This Section does not apply to a sign which only indicates the location of an activity, such as "picnic area, bike path or directions." TYPE OF SIGN MONUMENT CRITERIA RECOmmENDED Monument signs only. Pylons and billboards are not allowed. [Ordinance and General Plan Policy) 'Dimensions: Maximum square footage = 24 square feet; Maximum height = 4 feet; Maximum base = 16 square feet or no more than 50% of sign area. NOTE: Materials: Sign ordinance allows maximum 32 square feet, and maximum 8 feet high. The 24 square feet is based on the Community Services Committee's approval of the Kern River Parkway Foundation's sign. The 4 foot height limit seems appropriate to maintain clear views. Durable natural materials or materials and colors designed to blend with surrounding vegetation or structures within the Parkway. (Policy) Location & Identify location of main Parkway features; Number allow as minimumnumber as possible. (ordinance & Policy) Text/Copy: Directly related to Parkway. (ordinance & Policy) Prominently displaying "Kern River Parkway." Also, include "City of Bakersfield," and if applicable, activity unique to Kern River Parkway Signs TYPE OF SI~N COMMEMORATIVE DIP. ECTIONAL OR INFORMATIONAL location (i.e., picnic area, rest stop, parking). Prefer neutral (generic) names. Proposals to name an area of the Parkway after a person, company, group or event must include a letter of justification. CRITERIA P. ECOM~5~DED Commemorative, memorial plaque, tablet or cornerstone are exempt from the Sign Ordinance; however, signs within the Parkway should have City Council approval. Dimensions: Maximum 9 square feet; Maximum height 6 feet. Material: Durable natural materials or materials and colors designed to blend with surrounding vegetation or structures within the Parkway. (Policy) Location & Identify location of main Parkway features; Number allow as minimumnumber as possible. (Ordinance & Policy) Text/Copy: Directly related to Parkway. (Ordinance & Policy) Proposals to commemorate, memorialize or name an area of the Parkway after a person, company, group or event must include a letter of justification. On-premises, incidental sign designed to guide or direct or provides pertinent information of location or uses. Dimensions: Maximum 6 square feet; Maximum height 6 feet. (ordinance) Materials: Durable natural materials or materials and colors designed to blend with surrounding vegetation or structures within the Parkway. (Policy) Location & Number: Incidental use. Kern River Parkway Signs 4 Text/Copy: Sign shall not contain advertising but may have maximum of 12% of the total sign. Cellular Phone Call Box: On premises sign designed to designate the location of cellular phone call boxes along the bike path. Dimensions: Maximum 3 square feet (2 feet height by 1.5 feet wide), and mounted per City Engineer standard. Materials: Durable materials per City Engineer standard Location & Number: As deemed needed by City Engineer. Text/Copy: "CALL BOX and number" per City Engineer stahdard. No advertisement but sponsoring professional name or logo may be allowed a maximum space on sign measuring 6.5 inches high by 1.5 inches wide per standard. SECTION 2: POLICIES AND ORDINANCES Kern River Plan Element of the General Plan: Policy 3.2.3 (9). Policy 3.2.3 (10). Policy 5.3 (B) (4). Signs shall be limited to those necessary for directions and premises identification. Sign size, design, color, texture, materials, and location shall, to the greatest extent possible, be compatible with the open space character of the area. Advertising signs and billboards shall not be allowed within the primary or secondary floodways of the Kern River. All structures, except wells, shall maintain a minimum setback of 90 feet from the primary floodway line. Kern River Parkway Plan: Chapter 12, Visual Quality Mitigation Measure: Design and site structures in rest, parking and recreation areas in accordance with the constraints of topography, riparian vegetation, and other natural features. Use of natural materials and colors that blend with the surrounding vegetation or structures within the parkway. Kern River Parkway Signs 5 Sign ordinance (BMC Ch. 17.60): Section 17.60.080 (N)(1). No pylon signs are allowed within the Kern River Parkway. The only signs allowed are monument signs and directional signs. Section 17.60.030 Definitions: "Directional" sign means on-premises sign, incidental sign designed to guide or direct pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Such signs shall not exceed 8 feet in height or 10 square feet in area. Sign shall not contain advertising but may have 4 square feet of professional name identification or logo. "Monument" sign means a freestanding identification sign which is appropriately landscaped. overall height shall not exceed 8 feet and Kern River Parkway Signs Page 6 of 6 a maximum of 32 square feet. The base or support system shall not'ekceed 50% of the sign area or 16 square feet. Sections 17.60.060 through 17.60.080: General and Specific Prohibitions and Restrictions. Memorial plaque, tablet or cornerstone are exempt; however, a maximum of 10 square feet seems an appropriate size for the Parkway. · Signs are not allowed within the street right-of-way or to interfere with the public safety. · Directional, warning or information sign authorized by federal, state or municipal authority may be exempt. (Examples of these signs include green or blue directional signs for the Social Security office, or food and lodging signs on freeways.) · All signs require a Sign Permit issued by the Building Dept. Kern River Parkway Signs