HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/06/92 MINUTES RABAKERSFIELD CENTRAL DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1992 REGULAR MEETING - 3:00 P.M. - Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield 1. ROLL CALL AGENCY ACTION Present: Absent: Agency Members Rubin, Ruddell, Dunn, Gaskill (seated at 3:08), Paynter Agency Members Araujo, Sceales 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR ae Approval of Voucher Nos. 57 to 69, inclusive, in the amount of $350,560.39. Motion by Ruddell to approve Item a., as amended. APPROVED AB ARAUJO GASKILL SCE$r.~.~ Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 2, 1991, for approval. Motion by Paynter to approve Item b. APPROVED AB ARAUJO SCEALR$ 4. HEARINGS Bakersfield, California, January 6, 1992 - Page 2 REPORTS AGENCY ACTION Report No. 92-1 from the Design Review Committee submitted by Art Adams Construction regarding proposed remodel/ addition of an office building, Truxtun Radiology, located at 1817 Truxtun Avenue. Paynter requested that the record reflect his absence from discussion and voting on this item. Motion byDunn to accept Report. APPROVED AB ARAUJO PAYNTER SCEALF.$ Motion byDunn to implement recommendations. APPROVED AB ARAUJO PAYNTER SCEAL~S Report No. 92-2 from the Design Review Committee, submitted by Bruce E. Keith, Architect, regarding construction of a parking lot to be located at 1622 19th Street. Motion by Dunn to accept Report. APPROVED AB ARAUJO SCEAL~.$ Motion byDunn to implement recommendations. APPROVED AB ARAUJO SCEDn~.$ 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Bakersfield, California, January 6, 1992 - Page 3 NEW BUSINESS A~ENCY ACTION Election of Central District Development Agency Chairperson and vice-Chairperson for Calendar Year 1992. Paynter nominated Ruddell for Chairperson. Rubin announced Ruddell has been nominated and elected Chairperson by acclamation, and the record should so reflect. Rubin handed over the gavel to Ruddell who chaired the rest of the meeting. Rubin nominated Gaskill for Vice- Chairperson. Ruddell announced Gaskill has been nominated and elected Vice-Chairperson. Motion by Dunn to approve appointment of Ruddell as Chairperson and Gaskill Vice-Chairperson. as APPROVED AB ARAUJO SCEAL~.S A~ENCY STATEMENTS Paynter requested that Development Associate Barnes provide, at a later date, a briefing regarding the new revisions to the Planning Code that might affect the Agency's actions in the Downtown area. CLOSED SESSION Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1) regarding potential litigation. Motion by Rubin to recess to City Manager's Conference Room for Closed Session at 3:20 p.m. APPROVED AB ARAUJO SCEALES Bakersfield, California, January 6, 1992 - Page 4 Ruddell reconvened the meeting at 4:20 p.m. 10. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Rubin at 4:22 p.m. AGENCY ACTION APPROVED AB ARAUJO SCE~nE$ C}{~IRPERSON of the Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield ATTEST: SECRETARY of the ~entral District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield ndw