HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/22/1994 MINUTES CCBAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES BUDGET HEARINGS OF JUNE 1994 JUNE22,1994- 5:15 P.M. - Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield 1. ROLL CALL ~CTION TAKEN Present: Absent: Mayor Price, C0uncilmembers McDermott, Edwards, DeMond, Smith (seated at 5:20), Brunni (seated at 5:18), Rowles, Salvaggio None Motion by McDermott to move City Manager Oral Report No. 8-94 forward on the Agenda. APPROVED AB SMITH BRUNNI 3. REPORTS City Manager Oral Report No. 8-94 regarding Fiscal Year 1994-95 Budget. (Opportunity for ~uestlons and answers) City Manager Tandy distributed written material and provided a status report and recommendation on several budget issues: Building Industry Association input on cost of fees and service charges and sanitation rates will be delayed until July 13th; Negotiations with Fire Units; PERS Rates; Sales Tax; State bills pending in Legislature appropriating City money to the County (i.e. vehicle license revenue, property tax administration charges); Police Department staffing; Health ben- efit consultant services; Joint Powers Agreement allocations; computerized ticketing capabilities at the Convention Center; employee cost-saving and revenue -producing program; Bakersfield Airport ground leases; employee shower facili- ties; ADA compliance allocation; Conven- tion Center parking; Park Maintenance District. Motion by DeMond to accept Oral Report. APPROVED Bakersfield, California, June 22, 1994 - Page 2 6~ 2. HEARINGS ACTION TAKE~ Hearing to consider changes and receive public comment to fees and service charges pursuant'to the Revenue/Cost Comparison S¥stemiunder Chapter 3.70 of the Bakersfield:Municipal Code. Hearing opened.~ Barbara Don Carlos, Building Industry Association, spoke. Public comment portion closed. McDermott requested. to be provided the percentage of cost recovery on the progrmm~ last year. McDermott requested Assistant Planning Director Gradyprovide answers to his development fee questions: 1) S-14 Zone Change review versus S-15 PUD/PCD Zone Change (S-14 fees raised, but not S-15, which is more costly) S-7 Comprehensive Sign Review (Why would the fee exactly'double?) 3) Where are the reductions in the fee schedule? 4) What changed this last year that development fees are going up so dramatically, yet the development budget was not increased much this year? Brunni requested Assistant Planning Director Grady provide additional cost information on S-28- Development Time Extension Review. Brunni requested Community Services Manager provide a comparison of city of Visalia Convention Center operation versus City of Bakersfield Convention Center, line item by line item. Brunni requested Sanitation Superin- tendent Sides provide her with the cost of Gate fees to Cit~businesses last year. Bakersfield, California, June 22, 1994 - Page 3 2. H~A~INGS continued ACTION TAKEN DeHond requested the issue of feline licensingbe reviewed this next year with recommendations back to Council. Hearing to consider a Resolution approving and adopting an adjusted fee for the development and improvement of parks within the City of Bakersfield. Hearing opened. Barbara Don Carlos, Building Industry Association, spoke in opposition. Hearing closed. McDermott requested Public Works Depart- ment provide an analysis of where the increase in fees is, coming from. McDermott requested information on when the parks that monies have been collected for will be constructed. (i.e. Tevis Ranch) Public hearing to consider a Resolution adopting the 1994-2013 Regional Trans- portation Capital Improvement Plan. No one spoke at hearing. Hearing closed. Mayor Price announced he and Assistant City Manager Waiters would be leaving the Chambers at 7:00 p.m. due to a League of California cities'Meeting tomorrow in Oakland. Operating and capital Improvements Program Budgets for: Hearing to receive public comment on proposed Fiscal Year 1994-95 city of Bakersfield Budget. Hearing to receive public comment on proposed Fiscal Year 1994-95 Central District Development Agency Budget. Bakersfield, California, June 22, 1994 - Page 4 2. HEARINGS continued ACTION TAKEN Hearing to receive public comment on proposed Fiscal Year 1994-95 community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Budget. No one spoke at hearing. Hearing closed. Edwards requested city Manager respond, prior to the adoption of the final bud- get, on the feasibility and cost of a Public Information Officer/Grants Writer. Brunni commented on the need to budget for a fire station on Buena Vista Road. Brunni requested information for the budget be placed in Council packets to allow sufficient time for reading the material. Vice-Mayor McDermott announced that a vote to adopt the Resolution on Hearing Item c. was not taken. Public hearing to consider a Resolution adopting the 1994-2013 Regional Trans- portation Capital Improvement Plan. Motion by Edwards to adopt Resolution. RES 90-94 APPROVED 4 o ADJOURNM~F Motion by DeMond at 7:00 p.m. APPROVED MAYOR %f the City of Bakersfield, ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, CA JUN22.M[N 7/ 7/94