HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/03/95 MINUTES RABAKERSFIELD CENTRAL DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT AGENCY 105 MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 3, 1995 REGULAR MEETING - 4:00 P.M. - Council Chambers, city Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield 1. ROLL CAU_ ACTION TAKEN Present: Absent: Agency Members Prince, Cohrs, Gaskill (seated at 4:02), Araujo, Sceales, Miller Agency Member Einstein 2. PUBUC STATEMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR ae Voucher Nos. 24 through 32 inclusive, in the amount of $7,885.10 and Voucher Nos. 4819 and 5154 in the amount of $4,181.80. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 7, 1994. Motion by Araujo to adopt Items (a) (b) of the Consent Calendar. and APPROVED AB EINSTEIN R~O~TS Agency Members agreed to hear Report Items in the following order: c., b., a. Executive Director Oral Report No. 94-8 regarding Status on the Convention Cen- ter Hotel. Public Works Director provided a status report and announced the scheduled opening of the hotel will be in June 1995. A tour date for Agency Members will be scheduled. City of Bakersfield, January 3, 1995 - Page 2 4. R~O~ continued ACTION TAKEN Presentation by Mark Smith, Partner, ASU and Associates, regarding an Over- view of the Bakersfield Office Market. Economic Director Wager introduced Mark Smith who provided a slide presentation. Executive Director Oral Report No. 94-7 regarding Central Business District Zon- ing Advisory Committee project summary regarding downtown planning, zoning and development. Principal Planner Eggert provided a report and distributed a zoning map. Gaskill requested a synopsis be pro- vided to Agency Members toward the end of the process. 5. UNRNISHED BUSINESS 6. NEW BUSINESS Election of Central District Develop- ment Agency Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson for the Calendar Year 1995. Deputy city Attorney Scanlan announced that Agency meetings are now governed by Robert's Rules of Order. Motion by Araujo to appoint Albert Prince as Chairperson. APPROVED AB EINSTEIN Motion by Gaskill to appoint Yvonne Cohrs as Vice-Chairperson. APPROVED AB EINSTEIN Resolution permitting the Chairperson of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield to vote on Agency Matters. RES RA1-95 Motion by Cohrs to adopt Resolution. APPROVED AB EINSTEIN City of Bakersfield, January 3, 1995 - Page 3 6. N~ BUSINESS continued ACTION TAKEN Annual Report of Financial Transaction of the Central District Development Agency to the State Controller. Economic Development Director Wager provided background information. Motion bySceales to accept the Annual Report. APPROVED AB EINSTEIN Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield Callfornla, Component Unit Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1994. Economic Development Director Wager provided background information. cohrs requested a status report re- flecting mid-fiscal year accomplish- ments. Agency Members requested this item be placed on the February 13, 1995 Agenda including a complete copy of the fin- ancial report placed in the packets. AGENCY STATEMENTS Miller asked when the packet information is available to the general public. Econ- omic Development Director Wager responded. Prince thanked Agency Members for selecting him as Chairperson for 1995. Prince requested Agency Members who partici- pated in the Future Bakersfield Community Vision Conference on December 2, 1994 to provide information to Agency at the next Agency meeting. 193 City of Bakersfield, January 3, 1995 - Page 4 8 · CLO~ED SESSION ACTION TAK]~N ADJOURNM~NF Prince announced adjournment at 5:20 p.m. CHAIRPERSON of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California ATTEST: SECRETARY of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California JAN3.MIN 2/17/95 3: 29pm