HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/91 MINUTES RABakersfield, California, June 3, 1991 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Central District Development Agency of the city of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 3:00 p.m., June 3, 1991. In the absence of the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, the meeting was called to order by Agency Member Paynter. City Clerk Williams called the roll as follows: Present: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Gaskill, Paynter Absent: Agency Members Rubin, Ruddell, Sceales CONSENT The following item was listed on the Consent Calendar: ae Approval of Voucher Nos. 302 to 312, inclusive, and City Voucher No. 9862, the amount of $28,000.00. in Upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, Item a of the Consent Calendar was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Gaskill, Paynter None None Agency Members Rubin, Ruddell, Sceales REPORTS Agency Member Dunn, Chairperson of the Design Review Committee, read Report No. 91-9 regarding proposed City of Bakersfield parking lot located at the northwest corner of 18th and "K" Streets, as follows: The Design Review Committee on May 30, 1991, reviewed the proposed construction of a parking lot to be located at the northwest corner of 18th and "K" Streets. The project is initiated and funded by the city of Bakersfield. As presented to the Committee, the 23-space surface lot included one handicapped space. Traffic will access the lot from 18th Street. The proposed trees on 18th Street and "K" Street will be consistent with the proposed Master Street Tree Plan. A concrete curbing strip will be installed between the sidewalk and the parking lot to separate automobiles and pedestrians. In addition, the Committee recommends that the wall on the west side of the lot be treated in a manner to be more visually appealing. The Committee recommends that the Agency accept this report and approve the proposed construction and design of the 18th and "K" Streets Parking Lot as submitted. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, Design Review Committee Report No. 91-9 was accepted. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, the recommendations of Design Review Committee Report No. implemented. 91-9 were 192 Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1991 - Page 2 Agency Member Dunn, Chairperson of the Design Review Committee, read Report No. 91-10 regarding median modifications on Truxtun Avenue between "L" and "Q" Streets, as follows: The Design Review Committee on May 30, 1991, reviewed the proposed median modifications located on Truxtun Avenue between "L" Street and "Q" Street, since the redevelopment project area boundary encompasses the north half of Truxtun between "L" Street to "N", all between "N" and "P" Street, and the south half between "P" and "Q" Streets. The plan is proposed by the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department and is necessary to eliminate most of the conflicting traffic movements, reduce accidents, and assist the increasing traffic flow. The proposed tree planting plan proposes to install at least six new Cedar and Sequoia trees of a minimum height of twenty feet. Overall, the plan will address public safety concerns, improve traffic flow and enhance the overall streetscape. In summary, the proposed median modifications and landscape plan includes the following: Installation of a traffic signal system at "N" Street, including separate eastbound and westbound left turn phasing. This work will require the removal of three trees, and the replanting of a small Magnolia. Removal of existing vehicular crossings and replacing with a raised landscaped median at "M" Street. The new median would facilitate landscaping similar to the existing median with additions of two Sequoias and one Cedar. Three additional Cedar trees are proposed to be planted in the existing medians between "P" and "O" Streets. No parking restrictions are being proposed along this section of Truxtun Avenue. The Committee recommends that the Agency support and approve the median modifications on Truxtun Avenue between "L" and "Q" Streets, as described in the proposed negative declaration dated May 24, 1991. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, Design Review Committee Report No. 91-10 was accepted. At the request of Agency Member Paynter, Traffic Engineer Steve Walker outlined the proposed changes. city Manager Hawley advised, with respect to the height of the trees, the wording should be changed from "a minimum height of twenty feet" to "approximately twenty feet in height". Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1991 - Page 3 Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, the wording in the next to the last sentence in the first paragraph of Design Review Committee Report No. 91-10 was changed from "a minimum height of twenty feet" to "approximately twenty feet in height", and the recommendations of Design Review Committee Report No. 91-10 were implemented. Agency Member Araujo, Chairperson of the Housing, Relocation and Communications Committee, reading Report No. 1-91 regarding preparation and publishing of "The citizen's Guide to Redevelopment", as follows: On May 16, 1991, the Housing, Relocation and Communications Committee discussed the draft of the Citizen's Guide to Redevelopment. The brochure is designed in a question and answer format, and addresses frequently asked questions regarding redevelopment efforts. The Committee offers this brochure to the City to increase citizens' awareness of redevelopment and hopes that the information contained in the brochure will explain the planning, development, and rehabilitation of the project area to the citizens of Bakersfield. Therefore, this Committee recommends the acceptance and approval of this brochure and that the Agency publish this document and make it available for distribution. Upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, Housing, Relocation and Communications Committee Report No. 1-91 was accepted. Agency Member Paynter suggested that copies of the brochure be available in the Building Department. Agency Member Araujo suggested that Economic Development Director Wager present the brochure to the newspaper. Upon a motion by Agency Member Gaskill, the recommendations of Housing, Relocation and Communications Committee Report No. 1-91 were implemented. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status update on Exclusive Right to Negotiate &greement with Convention Center Hotel, Inc. (Hallmark Ventures) Economic Development Director Wager provided a status report and advised that the developer has been unable to obtain the necessary financing, although it is still interested in the project; therefore, the exclusive right to negotiate will expire at the conclusion of business hours today. He recommended that staff be given the opportunity to contact various people who have expressed interest in the project in order to assess that level of interest. City Manager Hawley stated he would recommend that this item be discussed at the next joint committee meeting between the Urban Development Committee of the Council and the Development Committee of the Agency. 194 Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1991 - Page 4 A~ENCY ST~TF~ENTS Agency Member Araujo advised she is pleased that the lSth and "K" Parking Lot is going to be worked on. She also advised she feels it has been an unsightly drawback to the whole area, and when it is completed, it will add much to the area. In response to Agency Member Gaskill's question regarding when will the Agency be hearing back about the budget, city Manager Hawley advised that this issue was referred to the Budget and Finance Committee of the Council, and the goal is to have it presented to the Council on June 19, 1991. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Agency, upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, the meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m. C 1 District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield ATTEST: SECRETARY of the-C~ntral District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield ndw