HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/03/89 MINUTES RABakersfield, California, April 3, 1989 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California, held at the Civic Auditorium, Venus Room, 1001 Truxtun Avenue, at 3:00 p.m., April 3, 1989. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dunn. City Clerk Williams called the roll as follows: Present: Agency Members Dunn, Killmer, Paynter, Rubin, Watson Absent: Agency Members Kronenberg, Araujo MINUTES Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Minutes Regular Meeting of March 20, 1989 were approved. of the BILLS AND CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Agency Member Rubin, Warrant Nos. 227 to 245 inclusive, in the amount of $10,361.64 were approved by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Agency Members Dunn, Killmer, Paynter, None None Agency Members Araujo, Kronenberg Rubin, Watson REPORTS Agency Member Watson, Chairperson of the Development Committee, read Report No. 89-1 regarding Community First Plaza as follows: On November 28, 1988, the Central District Development Agency approved an extension to an Exclusive Right to Negotiate with Gregory D. Bynum and Associates for the proposed Community First Plaza redevelopment project. Since that time, this committee has met regularly with staff and developer to monitor the progress of this project. To date, Mr. Bynum has complied with all requirements of our agreement and has kept all parties informed about the various aspects of this complex proposal. Unfortunately, since the time the Agency began negotiations with Mr. Bynum, several market forces beyond the control of either the Agency or the developer have worked against the project. The commercial office market in greater Bakers- field has become sluggish, creating a significant decrease in rental rates which, in turn, have impacted the basic economic requirements for such a project to succeed. This committee has received a written request from Mr. Bynum to extend the Exclusive Right to Negotiate to allow both he and the Agency additional time to find alternative means to make Community First Plaza a viable downtown Bakersfield, California, April 3, 1989 - Page 2 redevelopment effort. Committee members are confident the developer has made a good-faith effort to advance the project and believe the additional time requested will benefit both the Agency and Mr. Bynum. This Agency's goal is to achieve a major revitalization in our central city. At this time, the market forces present additional obstacles to this objective. The Development Committee, however, feels strongly that Mr. Bynum's project has the potential to ignite some additional development in the downtown core. Because of this belief, the Development Committee recommends the Agency grant Mr. Bynum's request for a 90-day extension to the Exclusive Right to Negotiate from its current expiration date of April 3, 1989. In regards to the deposit made after the initial approval of the Exclusive Right to Negotiate, out-of-pocket expenses by the Central District Development Agency have reduced the deposited amount from $25,000 to $9,276.50 as of March 24. It is the Committee's recommendation that the developer replenish the deposit up to a new total of $15,000; we would further recommend that staff would be required to periodically review the deposited amount; and that if, at any time the account falls below $5,000 the developer would again be required to add funds to return the deposit to $15,000. Upon a motion by Agency Member Watson, Committee Report No. 89-1 was accepted and the were implemented. Development recommendations Agency Member Rubin, Chairperson of the Housing, Relocation, and Communications Committee, read Report No. establishing committee goals and objectives as follows: 89-3 Committee members have reviewed the goals and objectives of the Relocation and Public Relations Committee which preceded this committee. To reflect the addition of housing responsibilities, these updated goals and objectives are being submitted to the Agency for approval. COMMITTEE GOALS The Housing, Relocation and Communications Committee shall be responsible for: *Supporting housing development consistent with the legislative requirements of elements within the Agency's jurisdiction; *Acting as a source of appeal in the relocation process; *Portraying positive redevelopment efforts to the media and the community-at-large. OBJECTIVES Housing Prepare a summary of available programs to be available to developers interested in building or renovating housing stock within the Agency's jurisdiction. Bakersfield, California, April 3, 1989 - Page 3 Work closely with staff to monitor City- assisted housing rehabilitation within the Agency's jurisdiction. Study and recommend changes to the housing element of the Redevelopment Element. Relocation Examine new legislation which may affect the Agency's existing relocation procedures, and recommend any changes to the Agency. 2. Monitor any relocation appeal filed with the Agency. Communications 1. Authorize written responses to each public statement or correspondence received by the Agency. Provide regular input into the "Blueprints" newsletter. 3. Review news releases to local media on items affecting Agency projects. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rubin, Housing, Relocation and Communications Committee Report No. 89-3 was accepted and the recommendations were implemented. Agency Member Paynter read Design Review Committee Report No. 89-8 regarding an application submitted by Truxtun Radiology Medical Group for replacement signage for a building located at 1817 Truxtun Avenue as follows: On March 23, 1989 the Design Review Committee reviewed an application by Truxtun Radiology Medical Group for replacement signage for a building located at 1817 Truxtun Avenue. Specifically, the Committee approved the replacement of an existing 3' x 8' plywood non- illuminated sign with a 3' x 5' illuminated wall sign constructed of metal and plastic materials. The color of the sign will be gray, magenta, and white. The Committee recommends that the Agency also approve this application as submitted. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Design Review Committee Report No. 89-8 was accepted and the recommendations were implemented. Agency Member Paynter read Design Review Committee Report No. 89-9 regarding an application submitted by Banducci Enterprises for signage at a building located at 1830 Truxtun Avenue as follows: The Design Review Committee, on March 23, 1989, reviewed the application by Banducci Enterprises for signage at a building located at 1830 Truxtun Avenue. 4 Bakersfield, California, April 3, 1989 - Page 4 Specifically, the Committee approved the application as submitted which will involve the installation of one single face 30 square foot (3' x 10') wall directory illuminated sign of 4' height. The sign is located on the south facing side (Truxtun Avenue) of the office building directly west of the main pedestrian entrance. The Committee also recommends the Agency approve this application. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Design Review Committee Report No. 89-9 was accepted and the recommendations were implemented. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Memorandum from City Attorney's Office regarding results of Brown Act Survey. Assistant City Attorney Daniel reviewed the survey and stated that the City Attorney's Office recommends that the Agency stay with the current format. Agency Member Paynter recommended that the Agency stay with the current policy. Chairperson Dunn stated the Agency has the flexibility of adding an item to the Agenda on the day of the meeting and everyone is in agreement to keep the Agenda format as it is. AGENCY STATEMENTS Agency Member Watson asked that the Attorney investigate the possibility of the Design Review Committee having authority to approve signs without bringing them back to the Agency. Chairperson Dunn requested that this item be placed on the next Agenda. Agency Member Killmer thanked Fire Chief Needham for working with the Agency during the past several months, and he congratulated Mr. Jake Wager on his promotion. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Agency, upon a motion by Chairperson Dunn, the meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m. CHAIRPERSON 6f the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield ATTEST: SECRETARY of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield bz