HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/90 MINUTES RABakersfield, California, January 2, 1990 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, at 3:00 p.m., January 2, 1990. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dunn. City Clerk Williams called the roll as follows: Present: Absent: Agency Members Dunn, Kronenberg, Watson Agency Members Killmer, Araujo Paynter, Rubin, PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. Charles Drew, President of the Downtown Business Association, 1918 19th Street, issued a formal invitation to Central District Development Agency Members to attend the Downtown Business Association meeting on January 3, 1990, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., regarding the City Ordinance pertaining to unreinforced masonry buildings. Assistant City Attorney Alan Daniel reminded the Agency of the Brown Act rules and stated that if the Agency Members attend the above-mentioned Downtown Business Association meeting, if there is a majority, the Agency Members cannot meet among themselves to make decisions at the meeting. All discussions would have to be curtailed to the next Central District Development Agency meeting. City Manager Dale Hawley stated that the Council has ~appointed a Citizens' Committee which has identified 178 buildings that the Committee felt were unreinforced concrete buildings, and notices have been sent to the property owners of the 178 buildings that there will be a public'hearing on January 10, 1990, before the City Council. He also stated that the Building Director and some of his staff will be at the Downtown Business Association meeting on January 3, 1990. Mr. Mel Rubin asked that members of Business Association and the Central District Agency staff give consideration to the following: the Downtown Development What might be the average cost per square foot to bring the 178 buildings up to the State code? 2. What is the current vacancy factor among those buildings? What will be the cost factor among some of the owners; would it be cheaper for them to demolish their buildings? If so, what might be the reduction in taxes to the City and to the CDDA? What is the potential loss of revenue to the CDDA as a result of this Ordinance? Chairperson Dunn responded to Mr. Mel Rubin's questions by stating that those questions would be discussed at the City Council meeting on January 10, 1990. Bakersfield, California, January 2, 1990 - Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: Se Approval of Warrant Nos. 0161 to 0188, inclusive, in the amount of $222,850.81. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 4, 1989, for approval. Ce Design Review Committee Application No. 89-9 submitted by Humphrey Signs to install "Clearance" signs and "Exit" signs for the City Center Parking Garage located at 18th and "K" Streets. Councilmember Kronenberg noted for the record that regarding Item c of the Consent Calendar, the recommendation by the Design Review Committee has to do with moving some signs on the City Center Parking Garage that are currently flush with the sidewalk to the interior of the garage. Approval of that action is predicated upon the compliance of the owner with State handicap height requirements for signs, and that issue is being addressed and brought to the attention of the City staff and the team that constructed the garage and will probably be addressed as they go on. Currently there is an 8'2" height requirement. It is a very low ceiling garage with an exposed sprinkler system that may have to be retro-fitted to a different height. The Consent Calendar approval is to move the signs to the interior for design consideration. In doing that, if it becomes necessary to redesign the signs to fit the height requirement, those signs should come before the Design Review Committee again. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Items a, b and c of the Consent Calendar were approved by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Agency Members Dunn, Watson None None Agency Members Araujo, Kronenberg, Killmer Paynter, Rubin, NEW BUSINESS Election of Central District Development Agency Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for Calendar Year 1990. Upon a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg, Agency Member Paynter was elected to the position of Chairperson of the Central District Development Agency for the Calendar Year 1990 by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Agency Members Dunn, Watson None None Agency Members Araujo, Kronenberg, Killmer Paynter, Rubin, 74 Bakersfield, California, January 2, 1990 - Page 3 Agency Member Paynter thanked former Chairperson Dunn for a good solid year in chairing the Agency. Upon a motion by Agency Member Watson, Agency Member Kronenberg was elected to the position of Vice-Chairperson of the Central District Development Agency for the Calendar Year 1990 by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Agency Members Dunn, Kronenberg, Watson None None Agency Members Araujo, Killmer Paynter, Rubin, AGENCY STATEMENTS Chairperson Paynter stated there have been many problems in 1989 but that he feels the Agency is a more seasoned group of commissioners and is better staffed. He stated he is looking forward to the year 1990 as a year where things can happen. Chairperson Paynter announced the appointments to the Committees for the year 1990 as follows: Committee of Housing, Relocation and Communications: Chairperson Member Member Agency Member Araujo Agency Member Killmer Agency Member Rubin Design Review Committee: Chairperson Member Member Agency Member Kronenberg Agency Member Rubin Agency Member Paynter Development Committee: Chairperson Member Member Agency Member Watson Agency Member Dunn Agency Member Paynter ?$ Bakersfield, California, January 2, 1990 - Page 4 ADJOURNMENT Agency, was There being no further business to come before the upon a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg, the meeting adjourned to Closed Session at/~20 p.m. CHAIRPERSON of th~ Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield ATTEST: SECRETARY of the .Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield kdsc