HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/90 MINUTES RABakersfield, California, March 20, 1990 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, at 3:00 p.m., March 20, 1990. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Paynter. City Clerk Williams called the roll as follows: Present: Agency Members Paynter, Dunn, Rubin, Araujo Absent: Agency Members Kronenberg, Killmer, Watson PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. Charles Drew, representing the Downtown Business Association, 1401 19th Street, read the following letter: A number of items have come to the attention of the D.B.A. which concern the Agency, and we would like to formalize our request today for information on the following questions: Having noted substantial expenditures for asbestos removal in the Convention Center, we would suggest the Agency consider a report detailing the total additional costs associated with asbestos removal from the project site. The fact that asbestos was in the Civic Auditorium building was certainly known by the City, and there should at least be a sharing of the costs for removal as was previously discussed by this body. e Why are the current costs associated with the legal battle between the Agency and the Clarion Hotel developer not being shared with the City, inasmuch as the City was responsible for providing legal services to the Agency, and the inadequacy of the City's advice can certainly be argued as the basis for the ongoing and expensive legal action being engaged in today? We have also heard numerous questions regarding how, and when, the Agency's investment in the Convention Center will be repaid or will result in increased tax increment funding. Perhaps a special report to the community will help citizens understand this situation. We are also interested in knowing how the Agency is going to deal with the properties it owns which are currently on the list of unreinforced masonry buildings. Bakersfield, California, March 20, 1990 Page 2 e Regarding Agency property, we have noted that the City is using an Agency building for police training purposes without compensation to the Agency. The Agency is required to reimburse the City for use of the City's employees--shouldn't the City reimburse the Agency for use of its property? The D.B.A. will endeavor to share from time to time with you questions which are brought to us which can more appropriately be answered in the public forum of this Agency's meetings, inasmuch as many members of the public cannot leave their businesses to attend these meetings. Thank you for your consideration of these questions, and we look forward to sharing the answers with the public in the near future. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: Approval of Warrant Nos. 0234 to 0249, inclusive, in the amount of $234,555.31 . b. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 5, 1990, for approval. c. Proposal to Install Bollards (pole barricades) at City Center. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, Items a, b, and c of the Consent Calendar were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Paynter, Rubin None None Agency Members Killmer, Kronenberg, Watson REPORTS Agency Member Rubin read Design Review Committee Report No. 90-4 regarding Application by Milazzo and Associates for Modification to a Building Located at 1430 Truxtun Avenue as follows: On March 8, 1990, the Design Review Committee reviewed an application by Milazzo & Associates, Architects, to modify the exterior facade and revise the landscaping for the Bank of America Building located at 1430 Truxtun Avenue. 94 Bakersfield, California, March 20, 1990 Page 3 Specifically, the Committee reviewed a new primary tenant entrance on Truxtun Avenue and a new secondary tenant entrance in the east elevation. New marble veneer wings will be added to the existing cement plaster fascias; two on the Truxtun Avenue side and one on the east side. In addition, new marble tile pavers will be added in the sidewalk areas in front of the two new entryways. A raised chrome sign of 15" high letters spelling "Chain-Younger" will be placed above the Truxtun Avenue entrance on a polished marble fascia matching the existing fascia band. A logo sign will be installed on the existing concrete block east elevation. The east elevation fascia band must be treated to upgrade its appearance. The Committee withheld approval of the landscaping revisions. They will be finalized later in March for Agency action in early April. The Committee recommends that the Agency approve this application. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rubin, Design Review Committee Report No. 90-4 was accepted. Upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, the recommendations of Design Review Committee Report No. 90-4 were implemented. Agency Member Dunn read Development Committee Report No. 90-2 regarding Convention Center Improvement Project/Available Proceeds; Additional Appropriations to the CDDA Budget (FY 89-90) as follows: On Wednesday, March 14, 1990, the Development Committee reviewed a request by Mr. Charles Graviss to expend the balance of interest accumulated from the Certificates of Participation. (Approximately $70,000.) The Committee addressed the request from Mr. Graviss by separating it into two categories. The first category deals with a bid for interior signage that has been received in the amount of $22,900. The Committee felt that since this was a defined amount as opposed to an estimate, the CDDA could approve the bid subject to an appropriation from City Council. 95 Bakersfield, California, March 20, 1990 - Page 4 The second category relates to two additional items for which estimates have been provided. The first item is a request for a dance floor (42' x 56', cost estimate $26,500). This item is an important piece of equipment for a full service convention center and can be utilized for many different types of events. The second item relates to additional signage. The cost estimate for the balance of the necessary signage exceeds the actual available funds. The request submitted is to allow staff to expend the balance of funds remaining (approximately $20,600) after payment for the bid for signag~ ($22,900) and the estimate for the Parquet floor ($26,500). Therefore, the Development Committee would recommend the following type of action: (1) A motion to approve the current bid for signage subject to an appropriation from the City Council. (2) A motion to authorize the expenditure of the balance of Certificate of Participation Funds for a Parquet floor and signage subject to an appropriation from the City Council and CDDA approval of bids. Upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, Development Committee Report No. 90-2 was accepted. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, the recommendations of Development Committee Report No. 90-2 were implemented subject to City Council appropriation. Agency Member Dunn read Development Committee Report No. 90-3 regarding Additional Appropriation for Legal and Professional Services Relating to Downtown Convention Center as follows: On Wednesday, March 14, 1990, the Development Committee met to consider a request by staff for an additional appropriation of $165,000. As staff indicated, the reason for this additional appropriation is that due to accelerated expenditures for legal and professional services, relating to the Downtown Convention Center Hotel, a shortfall is estimated in this category prior to year's end. Staff has estimated that by June 30, 1990, a total of $365,000 will have been expended for both legal and professional services. The approved budget for FY 1989-90 allows for an expenditure of $200,000. Therefore, an additional appropriation of $165,000 is necessary. These funds are available in the Agency's Fund Balance. The Fund Balance are those funds available which were previously not budgeted. Bakersfield, California, March 20, 1990 - Page 5 The Committee recommends that a request for additional appropriations in the amount of $165,000 be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, Development Committee Report No. 90-3 was accepted. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, the recommendations of Development Committee Report No. 90-3 were implemented subject to City Council appropriation. ~NFINISHED BUSINESS Signage for the Interior of the Bakersfield Convention Center. This item was deferred from the meeting of March 5, 1990. City Clerk Carol Williams read a letter received from Agency Member Kronenberg as follows: I will not be able to attend the March 20 meeting of the Central District Development Agency. While I suspect that a quorum will not be a problem, I would like to exercise my vote by written proxy on Agenda Item 5(a)--the staff recommendation to accept the bid from Motivational Systems, Inc. Please cast my vote as "no" unless you refer the matter to the Design Review Committee for consideration of the signage program. I asked that this item be deferred until the Development Committee studied the appropriation of COP interest for this purpose, and until the DRC reviewed Renfro & Russell's actual signage program. As you are aware, the Development Committee has recommended expenditure of the funds. I have no problem with this. However, the DRC has not reviewed the bid specs. I am sending a copy of this letter to Carol williams, City Clerk, for inclusion in the record. A copy also will be sent to Jake Wager for his information. Chairperson Paynter stated the Agency would adhere to the By-Laws whereby an Agency member must be present to vote; however, Agency Member Kronenberg's letter was read into the record. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, the bid from Motivational Systems, Inc., was accepted and $22,900.00 from the CDDA Auditorium Improvement Project Fund balance was appropriated by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Paynter, Rubin None None Agency Members Killmer, Watson, Kronenberg Bakersfield, California, March 20, 1990 - Page 6 97 Change in date for joint City Council/Central District Development Agency Workshop that was approved at the March 7, 1990, Council Meeting. Upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, prior Council action changing the date of joint City Council/Central District Development Agency Workshop regarding the Downtown Convention Center Hotel to March 21, 1990, 5:15 p.m., at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, was approved. AGENCY STATM~ENTS Chairperson Paynter stated that he, Agency Member Araujo, staff and some of the members of the Historical Preservation Committee attended the West Hollywood Design Symposium on Urban Redevelopment and Urban Planning and thought it was very worthwhile. Agency Member Dunn stated she would like to bring the Agency up to date on the Unreinforced Masonry Committee. She stated there are two committees; the first committee is composed of members of the community, and she represents the Redevelopment Agency on the initial committee. They prepared a resolution for the unreinforced masonry buildings downtown at which time it went before the community and there were additional members from the community appointed to the Unreinforced Masonry Committee representing another spectrum. The next meeting is Wednesday, March 21, 1990, at 7:00 a.m., in the City Hall Annex basement and it is open to the public. There will be a discussion of the appeal process for those affected by the Committee's report. Additionally, in two weeks, there will be a discussion of standards to be adopted by the group to be presented to the City Council for their approval. She invited members of the community to attend and express their opinion to this Committee. Agency Member Rubin asked staff how they plan to answer the questions contained within Mr. Charles Drew's letter which was submitted. Chairperson Paynter stated he plans to refer the matter to staff. Chairperson Paynter stated that a recent article in the Bakersfield Californian implied that perhaps a new lower set of stress values or shear values was being presented to the Committee. Agency Member Dunn stated it has been presented, but is part of the standards discussion that will be held in two weeks. Brian Ward is the representative on the Committee for structural engineering data. He also addressed that issue and it will be part of the discussion. Agency Member Araujo referred to the letter from Mr. Drew and stated she wonders if these questions are not being answered because of the way business is conducted in committee. She suggested that from time to time a written or verbal report be provided on what is happening in order to clear the air and assure the public, the DBA and others who are interested in what has been done. 98 Bakersfield, California, March 20, 1990 - Page 7 Economic Development Director Jake Wager stated he would like to defer his response to Mr. Drew's letter until staff has had an opportunity to do some research and then perhaps he will also address Agency Member Araujo's concerns and give a written response for the Agency and any other members of the public to discuss. ADJOUR~ME~ There being no further business to come before the Agency, upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 P.cHAiRmp~~ Agency of the Clty/oCf Ba~elrsD~te~ct Development ATTEST: SECRETARY of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield kdsc