HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/90 MINUTES RA109 Bakersfield, California, June 21, 1990 Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, at 3:00 p.m., June 21, 1990. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Paynter. Deputy City Clerk Welty called the roll as follows: Present: Agency Members Paynter, Ruddell, Dunn, Araujo, Rubin Absent: Agency Members Watson, Sceales CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: Approval of Warrant Nos. 0346 to 0357, inclusive, in the amount of $18,126.43. Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 8, 1990, for approval. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rubin, Items a and b of the Consent Calendar were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Paynter, None None Sceales, Watson Rubin, Ruddell REPORTS Deputy Executive Director Jake Wager read Report No. 90-5 from the Development Committee regarding Amended Legal Services Agreement between the Central District Development Agency and Kane, Ballmer and Berkman, effective July 1, 1990, as follows: On Wednesday, June 6, 1990, the Development Committee reviewed the correspondence from Kane, Ballmer and Berkman regarding the professional services agreement. Although concerned with the cost associated with legal services, the Development Committee feels that this firm has provided reliable and timely services. The Committee therefore recommends approving the new rate structure as proposed by Kane, Ballmer and Berkman. Upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, Development Committee Report No. 90-5 was accepted. Approval of Agreement No. 90-3, Amended Legal Services Agreement between the Central District Development Agency and Kane, Ballmer and Berkman, effective July 1, 1990. Agency Member Rubin stated he would like to explore, at some point, with staff and/or some outside legal services the possibility of some type of a joint powers agreement concerning legal services with other agencies throughout the state who might want to enter into such an agreement with the Agency. 110 Bakersfield, California, June 21, 1990 Page 2 At the request of Chairperson Paynter, Deputy Executive Director Wager will contact Bill Carlson, Executive Director of the California Redevelopment Agency and discuss the possibility of a joint powers agreement. Agency Member Araujo suggested that, with the leav- ing of the City Attorney, it is a good time to consider the possibility of entering into a joint powers agreement. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rubin, Agreement No. 90-3 with Kane, Ballmer and Berkman was approved and the Executive Director authorized to execute the Agreement. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Report No. 90-7 from the Design Review Committee regarding Application by the Moreland Corporation for final landscaping plan for Williamsburg Square Project at Truxtun Avenue and Eye Street. This Report was deferred from the meeting of May 21, 1990. Comittee Report No. 90-7 from the Design Review Committee regarding Application by the Moreland Corporation for final landscaping plan for Williamsburg Square Project at Truxtun Avenue and Eye Street reads as follows: On May 10, 1990, the Design Review Committee reviewed the application for final landscaping plans for the Williamsburg Square Office. The proposed landscaping plan was approved. Specifically, 15 street trees will be planted on Truxtun Avenue, Eye Street, a portion of 17th Street and a portion of "H" Street. These trees will be 36" box size and include Liquid Amber and Aristocrat Pear. On-site trees will include Crape Myrtle and Eucalyptus. A low hedge (2' to 3' in height) Boxwood will be planted along the perimeter of the parking lot on "H" Street and Truxtun Avenue. The Committee recommends that the Agency also approve this landscaping plan. regarding No. 5047, follows: Deputy Executive Director Wager read a Memorandum the Board of Zoning Adjustment Modification Moreland Corporation/Williamsburg Square, as At the meeting of May 21st, the CDDA was informed by staff that the Board of Zoning Adjustment was going to consider a number of zoning modifications to the Williamsburg Square project. At that time it was decided to defer action on Committee Report No. 90-7 (Final Landscape Plan) until the BZA had completed its review of the required modifications. On June 12, 1990, the BZA did conduct a public hearing on the matter. They unanimously approved Zoning Modification No. 5047. The following information represents the action taken: 111 Bakersfield, California, June 21, 1990 - Page 3 Redesign the exhaust system to use only the easterly exhaust vent. The design shall attenuate sound and disperse exhaust. Extend the exhaust shaft five feet above the concrete deck. Enclose the exhaust shaft with a decorative facade as approved by the Central District Development Agency to match the theme of the building. The enclosure should be approximately 5' X 5' X 5'. NOTE: Subsequent to the BZA meeting, the Developer has redesigned and relocated this system and it now does not intrude into the setback area. Landscaped areas between the sidewalk and the 42" masonry and wrought iron fence atop the parking structure shall be bermed from the sidewalk to the top of the parking structure at a slope not exceeding 4:1. The exterior of the stairway enclosure at the corner of Eye Street and the alley shall match the design of the exhaust shaft at the corner of Truxtun Avenue and Eye Street. The design shall also be approved by the Central District Development Agency. Install a rolling gate, as approved by the City Sanitation Superintendent, across the trash enclosure area. Said gate shall provide visual screening of the trash. The enclosure on the north and east side of the bicycle rack shall not exceed 30" in height. Provide a landscape screen along "H" Street adjacent to the generator enclosure. Minimum height of the landscaping shall be the height of the generator enclosure or the height of the generator, whichever is greater. Landscaping shall be approved by the Central District Development Agency. If property owners on the north side of the alley can substantiate damage to their parking lot as a result of construction activities on site, the applicant shall repair the southerly 20 feet of the parking area north of the alley. Deputy Executive Director Wager concluded the staff report with the recommendation that the Agency incorporate the approval by the BZA as part of Design Review Committee Report No. 90-7. i12 Bakersfield, California, June 21, 1990 - Page 4 Upon a motion by Agency Member Rubin, Design Review Committee Report No. 90-7 was accepted. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, the recommen- dations of Design Review Committee Report No. 90-7 were implemented. NEW BUSINESS Election of Vice-Chairperson for the Central District Development Agency. Chairperson Paynter opened nominations for the position of Vice-Chairperson. Agency Member Dunn nominated Agency Member Rubin for the position of Vice-Chairperson. Upon a motion by Agency Member Ruddell, nominations were closed and Agency Member Rubin was elected to the posi- tion of Vice-Chairperson to the Central District Development Agency. Portable Dance Floor for Convention Center. Upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, the low bid from Sico Incorporated in the amount of $18,114.58 was accepted and all other bids rejected. AGENCY STATEMENTS Executive Director Dale Hawley stated that he will be meeting with the Council Legislative and Litigation Committee on June 22, 1990, regarding the City Attorney recruitment, and will forward the comments made by Agency Member Araujo to the Committee. Deputy Executive Director Wager stated that, due to the new Agency Members, a group portrait needs to be taken, and he will arrange to have a photographer available at the next Agency meeting. Agency Member Araujo requested a public report be presented on the agenda for the next Agency meeting regarding the status of the Tegeler Hotel. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Agency of the City of Bakersfield ATTEST: ~ SECRETARY of' the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield ndw