HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/16/90 MINUTES RA113 Bakersfield, California, July 16, 1990 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, at 3:00 p.m., July 16, 1990. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Paynter. Deputy City Clerk Welty called the roll as follows: Present: Absent: Agency Members Paynter, Watson, Ruddell (seated at 3:07), Dunn, Araujo, Rubin Agency Member Sceales CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: Approval of Warrant Nos. 0358 to 0374, inclusive, in the amount of $1,982.58. be Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 18, 1990, and the Special Meeting of June 21, 1990, for approval. Ce Design Review Application No. 90-5 submitted by Charles M. Wilson for Ail American Carpet to install signage and landscaping improvements. Design Review Application No. 90-6 submitted by Porter-Robertson Engineering & Surveying to install a wall sign approximately 3' 6" long x 18" high (5.5 square feet). The sign will be sandblasted redwood. Design Review Application No. 90-7 submitted by Milazzo and Associates for signage at the building located at 1430 Truxtun Avenue. Upon cr dr and e of following roll a motion by Agency Member Rubin, Items a, the Consent Calendar were adopted by the call vote: Ayes: Agency Members Araujo, Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Ruddell, Sceales Dunn, Paynter, Rubin, Watson REPORTS Agency Member Araujo, Chairperson of the Housing, Relocation and Communications Committee, read Report No. 90-1 regarding Re-establishing of Committee Goals, Objectives, Structure, and Meeting Time, as follows: Committee members met for the purpose of re-establishing well-defined policies and procedures for Committee operations. These are revisions to Report 87-1, September 22, 1987. The Committee recommends approval of the following: 114 Bakersfield, California, July 16, 1990 - Page 2 Committee Goal The Housing, Relocation and Communications Committee shall be responsible for: The positive portrayal of all redevelopment efforts as sanctioned by the CDDA; A referral source for citizen comment and input; The stimulation of pro-active development news in all media; Positive public impact in regard to the City's redevelopment efforts; Provide legal research and education in conjunction with City staff, to accurately assist housing and relocation efforts; Provide coordination of governmental facilities consolidation. Meetings The Committee shall meet monthly, the first Thursday following a Central District Development Agency meeting each month. At each meeting, the agenda shall consist of: * Agency referrals on agenda items * Responses to all public inquiries Pro-active media planning (see objectives) * Member interaction reports. Structure While all CDDA members will continually act as a resource and contact point for the citizens of Bakersfield, the Housing, Relocation and Communications Committee shall have primary responsibility for pro-active public contact. In conjunction with City staff, the Committee shall regularly address the following: Statements to public and press regarding redevelopment efforts; o initial interaction with (special) interested groups on topics pertaining to the Committee; and 3. all formal contacts received by the general public i.e., letters to the Agency. 115 Bakersfield, California, July 16, 1990 - Page 3 Objectives While public responsiveness has, shall, and will continue to be the goal of all City officials, the Committee will also actively seek to reach out into the community. To this effect, the following objectives are set: News releases as necessary shall be released to local media on agenda items. Attendance by at least one Committee member at DBA meetings and all others associated with redevelopment. Development of a "media information kit" with history, profiles, strategic long range plan and redevelopment efforts. Regular input into City Council newsletter and "Blueprints". Assist and participate in bookings on TV and radio talk shows as appropriate. Development of a long-term communications effort aimed at a "positive downtown" and "things are happenings" angle (Look at us now, be a part of downtown). Direct media follow-up on inappropriate or misleading stories. Written response to all public inquiries and/or letters to Agency. This Committee submits this report approval and implementation of its recommendations. for Upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, Housing, Relocation and Communications Committee Report No. 90-1 was accepted. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, the recommen- dations of Housing, Relocation and Communications Committee Report No. 90-1 were implemented. 116 Bakersfield, California, July 16, 1990 - Page 4 NEW BUSINESS This is the time set for public hearing before the Central District Development Agency for the purpose of receiving oral and/or written comments concerning the proposed purchase of that property at 1400 18th Street, Bakersfield, and the proposed sale of that property at the southwest corner of 17th and "G" Streets, Bakersfield. This hearing has been duly advertised as required by law. Deputy Executive Director Jake Wager stated the transaction involves the exchange of two parcels of property and explained the purpose, process and performance require- ments of the exchange. He made a brief statement regarding the three documents to be entered into between the Agency, the City of Bakersfield and Banducci-Walker Enterprises, and recommended that the hearing be opened and continued to August 6, 1990, due to the fact that the documents are not yet in final form. Chairperson Paynter declared the hearing open for public participation. Mr. John Banducci of Banducci-Walker Enterprises stated that the final document from his company is antici- pated in the very near future, and he feels that the transac- tion will be good for the downtown area. Upon a motion by Agency Member Watson, this hearing was continued to the Agency meeting of August 6, 1990. Status on Tegeler Hotel Project Deputy Executive Director Wager reported on the status of the Tegeler Hotel Project, as follows: At the last Agency meeting, CDDA Member Araujo raised a question as to the status of the Tegeler Hotel and our progress on that project. The staff did give a briefing to that committee on July 6, 1990, and unfortunately I wasn't able to attend but I do understand that the committee supports the proposal as was outlined to them, and they're going to continue to look into it and keep us honest and keep us moving on this project. The developer, Daniels C. Logue, is planning on purchasing the existing Tegeler Hotel and is proposing to fully rehabilitate the building. The developer is proposing that the primary financing for the project be a loan from the State Department of Housing and Community (HCD) under their Housing and Rehabilitation Program - Rental. There is also the likelihood that there will be community development block grant funds which the City does use for housing purposes. They will be utilized on this project as well as tax increment funds. Once again, in terms of tax increment funds, our philosophy and approach has been that we will only commit those funds to the project which the project itself will generate. Bakersfield, California, July 16, 1990 - Page 5 The following rehabilitation work is to be undertaken, as we understand it now: structural reinforcement to comply with earthquake codes. This is one of the buildings on the unreinforced masonry list. I think this is further proof that the City is interested in assisting property owners who have buildings that do have an economic life in restoring them, bringing them back to economic life and making them a useful component of our downtown. In addition, they'll be constructing or providing new heating, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing systems, insulation and roofing; - a new elevator, fire protection and security systems; new bathrooms, kitchenettes, flooring, doors, windows, hardware, and finishes; and - interior and exterior painting and finishes. The rehabilitated hotel, and it will not be a hotel but it still is a hotel as it stands now, consists of 42 studio apartments, two one bedroom apartments, a television and day room, and 1500 square feet of commercial retail space on the ground floor. All apartments, which are to be fully furnished, are to be rent restricted and will primarily serve low income senior citizens. Presently, costs for the proposed project cannot be accurately estimated from currently available information. As the project moves forward, additional detailed information will be submitted to the Agency for their review, and certainly approval of any agreements would come to you as well. Communication with County of Kern concerning the City Center Building Project. Executive Director Dale Hawley stated his concern that leasing or acquisition of the City Center Building by the County could have a detrimental fiscal impact on the Agency and its budget. He suggested that the Agency request reimbursement of $1.248 Million, which is the cost of the land acquisition and relocation, in case the property is sold to a public agency. After further discussion, it was agreed that Executive Director Hawley will reply to the County with the suggestion that should the Agency consider the sale, the Agency must receive a minimum reimbursement of its o~iginal land acquisition and relocation costs. Bakersfield, California, July 16, 1990 Page 6 AGENCY STATEMENTS In response to a request at the last meeting by Agency Members Araujo and Rubin, Executive Director Hawley stated that the City Council approved the hiring of a search firm regarding the recruitment for the City Attorney. He explained that representatives of the search firm will be interviewing the Councilmembers, himself and possibly Chairperson Paynter. In response to Chairperson Paynter's request, Deputy Executive Director Wager advised that the Requests for Proposal regarding the Convention Center Hotel are going out to nine parties, instead of the original eleven parties; and it was felt that at least six strong proposals will come back from that group of nine. Agency Member Araujo spoke regarding earthquake preparedness and read the following statement into the record: After overcoming immediate life-saving concerns following a major earthquake, communities must face and struggle with the reality of crucial economic and land use issues during the recovery period. Find out NOW what those issues are and try to evaluate how the community would react to these types of challenges. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Agency Member was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. //~ CHAIRPERSON of ~r~ie Central District ArJency of tho C(ty of Bakersfield Rubin, the meeting Development ATTEST: SECRETARY of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield ndw