HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/26/88 MINUTES RA162 Bakersfield, California, May 26, 1988 Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, at 11:30 a.m., May 26, 1988. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Watson. City Clerk Williams called the roll as follows: Present: Agency Members Kronenberg, Paynter, Rubin, Watson, Araujo (seated at 11:35) Killmer (seated at 11:45) Absent: Agency Member Dunn NEW BUSINESS Approval of Subordination Agreement No. RA88-8 with City Center Partners/ Mosesian Development Corporation for the City Center Commercial Office Project. (Agreement No. 1) Upon Agreement No. authorized to a motion by Agency Member Rubin, Subordination RA88-8 was approved and the Executive Director execute the Agreement. Approval of Subordination Agreement No. RA88-9 with City Center Partners/Mosesian Development Corporation for the City Center Commercial Office Project. (Agreement No. 2) Upon Agreement No. authorized to a Motion by Agency Member Araujo, Subordination RA88-9 was approved and the Executive Director execute the Agreement. Approval of Agreement No. RA88-10, Estoppel Certificate, Agreement, and Assignment with City Center Partners/Mosesian Development Corporation for the City Center Commercial Office project. Upon a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg, Agreement No. RA88-10 was approved and the Executive Director authorized to execute the Agreement subject to final approval as to form by Legal Counsel. Contract Change Order No. 1 - to Contract No. RA88-4 with Colombo Construction Co., Inc., Civic Auditorium Expansion and Remodel for changes in fire sprinkler piping and replacement of fire rated ceiling in main portico. Bakersfield, California, May 26, 1988 - Page 2 163 Ken Kalla, of Renfro Russell and Associates, reviewed the changes within the Contract Change Order with the Agency. Mr. Kalla stated that the total amount due as a result of these changes is $1,786.00. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Contract Change Order No. 1 - to Contract No. RA88-4 with Colombo Construction Co., Inc. was approved and the Executive Director authorized to execute the Agreement subject to review and approval of the Public Works Department. Ayes: Noes: Absent: Agency Members Araujo, Killmer, Kronenberg, Paynter, Rubin, Watson None Agency Member Dunn ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Agency, upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer the meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m. CHAIRPERSON of t~e Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield ATTEST: SECRETARY of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield bz