HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/15/88 MINUTES RABakersfield, California, August 15, 1988 Minutes bt the Regular Meeting of the Central District Development Agency o~ the City oX Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, at 3:00 p.m., August 15, 1988. Dunn. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairperson City Clerk Williams called the roll as tollows: Present: Agency Members Paynter, Rubln, Araujo, Dunn, Kronenberg, Absent: Agency Members Watson, Klllmer MINUTES Agency Member Araujo stated her request tora report by stat~ on the Facade Improvement Program made during the August l, 1988, meeting was omitted £rom the minutes. Upon a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg, Minutes o£ the Regular Meeting o£ August l, 19~8, were approved with an amendment upon verification o£ the tape. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Cathy Butler spoke regarding the Facade Improvement Program, see Agency Statements on Page 2. BILLS AND CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Warrant Nos. 001 to 019 inclusive, in the amount of $363,184,39 were approved sub- ~ect to staf~ withholding rive percent retention ~rom the payment to Webcor Builders, if the check has not been issued, by the roi- lowing vote: Ayes: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Kronenberg, Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Agency Members Killmer, Watson Paynter, Rubin REPORTS Agency Member Paynter, Chairperson o~ the Design Review Committee, read Report No. 88-44 regarding an applicatlon by Truxtun Tower Associates to install a 10' antenna with screening and cover on the roo~ o~ the Bank o~ America Building as ~ollows: On August 4, 1988, the Design Review Committee convened ~or the purpose o~ revIewing the application by Truxtun Tower Associates to install a 10' antenna w~th screening and cover on the roo~ of the Bank of America Building. The Committee recommends approval bt the application as presented on the drawings submitted on July 7, 1988. It is recommended that the Central D~Strlct Development Agency accept this report. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Design Review CommIttee Report No. 88-44 was accepted and recommendations were implemented. Bakersfield, California, August 15, 1988 - Page 2 189 Agency Member Paynter, Chairperson of the Design Review Committee, read Report No. 88-45 regarding an application by Banducci Enterprises ~or exterior refinish and color approval tor a buildang located at 1830 Truxtun Avenue as tollows: On August 4, 1988, the Design Review Committee reviewed the application by Banducca Enterprises for exteraor refinish and color approval for thear bualding located at 1830 Truxtun Avenue. Specifically, the proposal which was approved by the Committee is to install a new textured tanash (Dryvat) over t~e ex~stlng wooden siding on the building. The color approval was a "Navajo White". The Committee recommends that the Central Dastr~ct Development Agency accept thls report. Upon a motaon by Agency Member Paynter, Design Revaew Committee Report No. 8~-45 was accepted and recommendataons were implemented. NEW BUSINESS Adoption of Resolution No. RA?-88 or the Central Dastr~ct Development Agency of the Caty of Bakersfield fixing the dates o~ meetings of the Central District Development Agency during the months o~ September, 1988, through February, 1989. Upon a motaon by Agency Member Kronenberg, Resolutaon No. RA7-88 of the Central Dastrlct Development Agency was adopted by the tollowang vote: Ayes: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Kronenberg, Noes: None Abstaan: None Absent: Agency Members Kallmer, Watson Paynter, Ruban Approval ot Contract No. RA88-16 w~th APC Contractors for Civic Auditorium Asbestos Abatement - New VIP Area/Old TicKet Ottice. Upon'a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg, base and alternate bid an the amount ot $45,341 was awarded to APC Contractors, Incorporated, all other bids rejected, and t~e Executive Darector authorized to execute the contract. AGENCY STATEMENTS Cathy Butler, Downtown Business Assocaatlon, stated that in£ormataon has been mailed to members in Downtown regarding the Facade Improvement Program. She stated that she has received several calls ~rom interested businesses and would like to know what tunds are available. The Downtown Business Assocaataon wall work closely with the Economac Development start. 190 Bakersfield, California, August 15, 1988 - Page 3 Agency Member Araujo requested a report from start stat- ing what funds were budgeted for the Facade Improvement Program. Upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, the Facade Improvement Program was referred to the Design Review Committee for review, and staff was directed to place this issue on the next Agency agenda. Acting Assistant City Manager Needham stated that an update on the Facade Improvement Program would be placed on the Progress Report. Agency Member Kronenberg asked sta£f every slx months stating what tunds are still Facade Improvement Program. to provide a report available in the City Manager Hawley informed the Agency that the City Council would be holding a Workshop regarding Property Maintenance on Wednesday, August 17, 1988, and invited the Agency to attend. The Agency reviewed and discussed the proposed Property Maintenance Ordinance. Agency Member Kronenberg asked sta££ to clarity the "25 percent ot the replacement cost of a building" under the Property Maintenance Ordinance. Agency Member Araujo asked stall to research other cit- ies to see how they deal with vacant lots in Downtown. Agency Member Rubln asked why gra£tltl had been excluded trom the Property Maintenance Ordinance. City Manager Hawley suggested it the Agency attends the City Council Workshop to make reterence to Grattltl. ADJOURNMENT Agency, There being no turther business to come be£ore the Vice-Chairperson Dunn adjourned the meeting at 4:12 p.m. VICE-CHAIRPERSON o~ the Central District Development Agency ot the City ot Bakerstleld ATTEST: SECRETARY ot the Central District Development Agency of the City ot BakersLleld bz