HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/06/88 MINUTES RABakersfield, California, September 6, 1988 Minutes o~ the Regular Meeting o~ the Central District Development Agency ot the City o~ Bakersfield, Calitornia, held in the Council Chambers o~ City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, at 3:00 p.m., September 6, 1988. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Watson. City Clerk Williams called the roll as ~ollows: Present: Absent: Agency Members Rubin, Watson, Dunn, Klllmer, Araujo (seated at 3:10 p.m.), (seated at 3:12 p.m.) None Kronenberg, Paynter MINUTES Upon a motion by Agency Member Klllmer, Minutes ot the Regular Meeting ot August 15, 1988, were approved. BILLS AND CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Agency Member K~llmer, Warrant Nos. 020 to 039 inclusive, in the amount o~ $443,729.13, with the addition ota voucher tor Mosesian Development Corporation in the amount ot $251,798 tor Job #213 City Center Project, were approved by the tollow~ng vote: Ayes: Agency Members Dunn, K~llmer, Kronenberg, Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Agency Members Araujo, Paynter Rubln, Watson Upon a motion by Agency Member Ruben, communication trom Daphne Washington, Chiet Special Programs, Environmental Health Division, Kern County Health Department, 2700 "M" Street, dated August 2, 1988, regarding the Tegeler Hotel rat intestatlon was received and placed on tile. REPORTS Agency Member Dunn read Design Review Committee Report No. 88-46 regarding an applicatIon by the Downtown Business Association ~or modification o~ their existing Encroachment Permit regarding tlower barrel planters throughout the downtown area as tollows: On August 18, 1988, the Design Review Committee convened tor the purpose ot reviewing the appl~- cat~on by the Downtown Business Association tor a modltication ot their ex~st~ng Encroachment Permit regardIng tlower barrel planters through- out the Downtown area. Bakersfield, California, September 6, 1988 - Page 2 The Committee recommends approval of the appli- cation with the following conditions: The flower barrels should not be closer than two feet to the vertical face of the curb to not hinder the opening ot vehicle doors, and they should be grouped at either the front or back of the adjacent parking space (these are marked by a "tee" on the street paving) to further reduce the obstruction to car doors. This approval is for daytime use only. The Committee recommends that the Agency approve the application. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, Design Review Committee Report No. 88-46 was accepted and the recommendations implemented. Agency Member Dunn read Design Review Committee Report No. 88-47 regarding an application by Banducc~ Enterprises to change the facade of an ex~st~ng bu~ld~ng at 1655 "G" Street as follows: On August 18, 1988, the Design Review Committee reviewed the application by Banducc~ Enterprises to change the £acade o£ an existing building at 1655 "G" Street. The Committee approved the application based on the drawings submitted on August 18, 1988. The Committee recommends that the Agency also approve the application. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, Design Review Committee Report No. 88-47 was accepted and the recommendations ~mplemented. Agency Member No. 88-48 regarding an s~gnage approval ~or a as follows: Dunn read Design Review Committee Report application by Cottage Antiques for structure located at 1020 Truxtun Avenue On August 18, 1988, the Design Review Committee reviewed an application by Cottage Antiques for s~gn approval for a structure located at 1020 Truxtun Avenue. The Committee approved the application whlc~ · ncludes two s~gns 3' x 4' to be painted green and white per the application submitted on August 11, 1988. One sign is to be placed on the chimney taclng Truxtun Avenue and the other s~gn is to be placed on the east wall. The Committee recommends that the Agency approve the application. Bakersfield, California, September 6, 1988 Page 3 193 Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, Design Review Committee Report No. 88-48 was accepted and the recommendations implemented. Agency Member Dunn read Design Review Committee Report No. 88-49 regarding an application by Michael DalKe on behalf o~ the Ying On Association for structural changes, landscaping, and exterior color change to property located at 2112 "L" Street as follows: On August 18, 1988, the Design Review Committee convened ~or the purpose o~ reviewing the revised application by Michael Dalke on behal~ o~ the Ylng On Association ~or structural changes, land- scaping, and exterior color change to property located at 2112 "L" Street. The Committee recommends approval o~ this appli- cation in accordance with the drawing submitted August 18, 1988. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, Design Review Committee Report No. 88-49 was accepted and the recommendations implemented. NEW BUSINESS Upon a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg, a presenta- tion by Gregory Bynum was considered as an Item that arose a~ter the agenda was prepared and the necessity to take action at this meeting was approved by the tollowlng vote: Ayes: Agency Member Araujo, Dunn, Killmer, Paynter, Rubln, Watson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None Kronenberg, Mr. Gregory Bynum stated that they did not have a pre- sentatlon. They are asking the Agency to receive a report sub- mitred on September 2, which outlines and details their approach to the acquisition o£ the properties within the redevelopment site. He would like the report re~erred to committee to begin negotiations tor the dratt development agreement. Upon a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg, the report submitted by Gregory Bynum outlining the acquisition o~ proper- ties within the redevelopment site was received and re~erred to the Development Committee tot review, to report back to the Agency at the September 19th meeting with a recommendation ~or action. 194 Bakersfield, California, September 6, 1988 - Page 4 Bakersfield Intermodal Transit Facility Plan, Final Report - Presentation by Ron Brummet, Kern COG. Mr. Ron Brummet stated that the City and Kern COG staff have been working on the Bakersfield Intermodal Transit Facility Plan Project for two and one-half years. He stated that Amtrak ridershlp has increased approximately 14 percent within the last year. The Amtrak terminal has been replaced to try to handle the increase. Senate Bill 971 was passed last year, taking effect July 1, which creates a h~gh speed rail task force. He will be serving on that task force over the next 18 months. Renderings were d~splayed showing the types of facilities that can be constructed. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rubin, the Bakersfield Intermodal Transit Facility Plan, Final Report, was accepted and referred to the Development Committee for review. Acting Assistant City Manager Needham stated that Kern COG would be conducting the Public Informational Workshop. Resolution of the Central District Development Agency of the City o~ Bakersfield approving and authorizing the execution of the amended First Implementation Agreement to the DIsposition and Development Agreement between the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield and Bakersfield Convention Center Hotel Associates, Ltd. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, Resolution of the Central D~strlct Development Agency of the City of Bakers£1eld approving and authorizing the execution of the Amended First Implementation Agreement to the Disposition and Development Agreement between the Central District Development Agency of the C~ty ot Bakersfield and Bakers£~eld Convention Center Hotel Associates, Ltd., was referred to the Development Committee for further study. Drainage Acceptance Agreement No. RA88-17 between the City ot Bakersfield and the Central District Development Agency. Upon a motion by Agency Member Klllmer, Agreement No. RA88-17 was approved and the Executive Director authorized to execute the agreement. Developing Criteria for Appraisers Used in Relocation Activities. Upon a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg, developing criteria for appraisers used in relocation activities was referred to the Relocation and Public Relations Committee. BakersLield, California, September 6, 1988 - Page 5 195 Establishment o2 an Appeals Board to be used in Relocation Activities. Upon a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg, establishment o~ an appeals board to be used in relocation activities was reLerred to the Relocation and Public Relations Committee. AGENCY STATEMENTS Agency Member Kronenberg asked sta£t to place Proposition 87 on the Agenda at a tuture meeting so the Agency can adopt a position o2 support. Agency Member Kronenberg asked stat~ to place the Property Maintenance Ordinance on the next Agenda so the Agency can take a position on this ~ssue and communicate the Agency's position to the City Council. Agency Member Kronenberg asked sta~ Lor an update on the state ot the City's ~lre prevention. Fire Marshal Kollenborn provided an overview oL ~lre prevention in the C~ty o£ BaKers£ield. Acting Economic Development Director ShlllcocK stated that the Property Maintenance Ordinance was scheduled tor Public Hearing on September 14, 1988, and recommended to any members ot the Agency to use that opportunity and attend the Councl± meeting. Chairperson Watson directed start to place a Workshop on the Agenda tot the purpose oL an update o~ the Redevelopment Element o~ the Metropolitan Area General Plan ot the City o2 BaKersfield tor the meeting o£ September 19, 1988. ADJOURNMENT There being no turther business to come be~ore the Agency, upon a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg the meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. ~ CHAIRPERSON~'Ox~--the Central District Development Agency o£ the City o2 BaKersLleld ATTEST: ~ .. SECRETARY ot the Central Dlstr~ct Development Agency oL the City o£ BaKersfield bz