HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/88 MINUTES RA196 Bakers~zeld, California, September 19, 1988 Minutes ot the Regular Meeting o~ the Central District Development Agency o£ the C~ty o£ BaKerst[eld, California, held in the Council Chambers ot City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, at 3.00 p.m., September 19, 1988. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Watson. City Clerk Williams called the roll as tollows: Present; Agency Members Rub[n, Watson, Araujo, Dunn, Kronenberg, Paynter Absent. None Klllmer, MINUTES Upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, Minutes Regulau Meeting o£ September 6, 1988, were approved. ot t~e PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. Monte LuKoo's statement was de~erred until later the Agenda. on BILLS AND CORRESPONDENCE 040 to by t~e Upon a motzon by Agency Member KronenOerg, Warrant Nos. 046 lnc±uslve, in the amount o~ $13,941.24, were approved £oiloNlng voEe~ Ayes. Noes. Abstain; ADsent~ Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Klllmer, Paynter, Kronenberg, Rubln, Watson None None None PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. MonEe Lu~oo, Second Vzce Pres[dent o~ the Caizto£nla Do~nto.~n Assoclatzon, 555 S. Palm Canyon Dr~ve, Palm Sprlngs, CA, lnvzte~ the CDDA to attend the Calz~orn~a Downtown Associations Conference on April 5-9, 1988, in Palm Sprzngs. He requested than a presentation by a member o~ the Agency on redevelopment projects be made at this con£erence. Upon a mot[on by Agency Member Paynter, communication £rom John R. Sm[th, Kern County Sher~t£, thanking the Central D~st£[ct Development Agency tot their letter o£ appreciation regarding the Calz£orn[a Poi[ce Olympics was received and placed on ~lle. Upon a motion by Agency Member Klllmer, communication [rom Mr. and Mrs. V~rg~l Jameson, 2615 Dra~e Street, dated Augus~ 28, 1988, requesting their name be put on the mailing list [or the ~e~ newsletter was received and placed on tile. Bakersfield, California, September 19, 1988 - Page 2 197 REPORTS Agency Member Kronenberg, Chairperson ot the Relocation and Public Relations Committee read Report No. 88-9 regarding the establishment ot policies tot property acquisition as tollows: As a direct result ot this committee's review ot relocation rules and regulations, it was discovered that the Central District Development Agency bas no established pollcv governing the acqu[slt[on ot properties. In the past, the Agency ~as directed start to negotiate the best agreement possible with no set guidelines. This lack ot policy can result in lost time tot both the Agency and sta£t in negotiations where t~e seller fetuses to bargain in good talth, holds out tor an unrealistic purchase price, or expends the Agency's time in a truitless ettort to come to a settlement. To s~mpliry this process and provide start with clear direction, the Relocation and Public Relations Committee recommends that a policy be adopted that provides guidelines £or land acquisition. Suc~] guidelines s~ould tacilltate acquisition in a timely manner with t~me specltlc deadlines £or o£ter$ to purchase, responses to such otters, and institution o~ legal action to obtain necessary property. The Committee turtber recommends this issue be re£erred back to this Committee to£ turther study. Upon a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg, Relocation and Public Relations Committee Report No. 88-9 was accepted and recommendations Implemented. Agency Member Kzlimer, Chairperson ot the Development Committee, read Report No. ~-19 regarOIng the amended First Implementation Agreement to the D~spos~tion and Development Agreement between the Central District Development Agency and BaKersfield Convent[on Center Hotel Associates, Ltd., as tollows: On September 13, 1988, the Development Committee met and discussed the Amended First Implementation Agreement to the Dzsposzt~on and Development Agreement between t~e Central Distr~ct Development Agency and BaKerstleld Convention Center Hotel Associates, Ltd. ThIs matter had been re[erred to the Committee at the Central D~stulc~ Development Agency meeting o£ September 6, 198~. 198 Bakersfield, California, September 19, 1988 - Page 3 A~ter careful review o~ the agreement approved by the Agency in January and a comparison with that executed by the developer, it was determined that the intent and result ot the two versions o~ the agreements were the same. Theretore, it is the recommendation or this committee that the Agreement be executed as presented. Agreement No. RA88-18, Amended First Implementation Agreement to Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement. Upon a motion by Agency Member Kzllmer, Development Committee Report No. 88-19 was accepted, recommendations imple- mented and Agreemenu No. RA88-18 was approved. Agency Member Kzilmer, Chairperson ot the Development Committee, read Report No. 88 2~ regarding the plan submitted by Gregory Bynum and Associates tor the participation ot any present owners or tenanns on the site or the Community First Plaza Project as ~ollow~: On September 6, 1988, the Cent£al District Development Agency received a written plan from Gregory D. Bynum and Associates which ~et forth the participation o~ any present o~ne~s or tenants o~ the s~te proposed tor the Commun~ny First Plaza project. The Agency re[erred the plan to this committee wlt~ a directive to complete a review and report t~]e £1ndzngs to the Agency. The Development Committee met on September 13, reviewed Mr. Bynum's plan thoroughly, and £ound in to De in compliance with the terms o£ the Agreement to Negotiate Exclusively. Based upon the Development Committee's £1ndlngs, it 15 our recommendation t~at the Agency extend the Negotiation period £or an addlclonal ninety (90) days to allow Mr. Bynum and the Agency to negotiate a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA). T~zs DbA will be submitted to the Agency within this ninety (90) day period. Upon a motion by Agency Member Klllmer, Development Committee Report NO. 88-20 was accepted, the recommendations implemented, and the 90-day extension to negotiate was approved. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter Design Review Committee Report No. 88 50 regarding an application by Holiday House tor slgnage at building located at 1416 17th Street was referred back to committee until the additional requested lntor- marion ~s reviewed. 199 BaKersfield, California, September 19, 1988 - Page 4 Agency Member Paynter, Chairperson ot the Design Review Committee, read Report No. 88-51 regarding an application by Banduccl Enterprises tot development ota parking lot including landscaping at the corner ot Truxtun and "G" Street as ~ollows: On September 8, 1988, the Design Review Committee reviewed the application by Banducc1 Enterprises tot development ot a parking lot including the landscaping plan at the corner ot Truxtun Avenue and "G" Street. The Committee approved the application as presenued per the plans dated September 2, 1988, and t~e conditions outlined in t~e Site Plan Revle,~ #1243 dated August 29, 1988. The Committee recommends that the Agency also approve the application. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Design Review Committee Report No. 88-31 was accepted and recommendations implemented. Agency Member Paynter, Chairperson ot t~e Design Review Commltaee, read Report No. 88-52 regarding 19th and Chester Improvement Plan as £ollows: On September 8, i988, after extensive dlSCUSBlon, the Design Review Committee completed its review of the proposed 19th and Chester Improvement Plan. Specifically, the plan consists ota landscaping and irrigation system, decorative sidewalk and brick surtace improvements and new concrete surfaces on the street intersection and the cocner sidewalk areas. The landscaping will involve palm trees Eot vertical accent on Chester Avenue and evergreen and deciduous trees along 19tn Street. Other landscaping plant material will include iow growing flowers, shrubs, and ground cover intermixed with perennials and annuals. The project ~s estimated to cost $ZUU,000 and is budgeted in the fiscal year 1988 - 1989 budget. The Committee recommends to the Agency that the preliminary plan be accepted and that the required Public Hearing be conducted on October l/, 1988. gO0 Bakersfield, California, September 19, 1988 - Page 5 Agency Member Paynter recognized Mr. Bruce Kelth, Second Vice President, Chairman, 19th & Chester Design Review Commzttee to speak before the Agency. Mr. Bruce Kelth submitted the following letter on behalt or the Downtown Business Association znd~cating their support tot the 19th and Chester Improvement Plan. He read the letter into the record as follows: Dear Chairman Watson~ At 1ts regularly scheduled meetzng or September 15, 1988, the Board o£ Directors or the Downtown Business assoclatzon were brzeted by myselt regarding the design ot 19th and Chester and the proposed develop- ment schedule. The purpose of th~s letter is to voice our support or what has been developed by the City Publlc WorKs Department to date with the tollow~ng suggestions: The use ot palm trees as a design element should be l~mzted. In the opinion ot several members, the palm tree is too symbolic ota hot-arid environment. The choice o£ a single specls ot shade tree would be pre- retted. o As proposed in the plans, cross%~alKs appear to be very wide. He would request they be narrowed a l~ttle. Aspects ot the plan that we especzally l~Ke are as tollows~ The design's open-ended nature which will permzt the orderly expansion or streetscaplng as money and clrcumstances permit. The bollards at the corner will provide an element ot protection tor pedestrians and vehicles to the intersection. They also provide clear definition between pedestrian and vehicular spaces. 3. The tocus th~s redevelopment will bring to the ~ntersectlon which ~s the hub ot downuown. In closzng, we would like to make several points. Bakerstleld, Call~ornla, September 19, 1988 - Page 6 201 We would like to see 19th and Chester as the central element bt an overall street- scaplng plan tot the RedeveLopment Area so that as redevelopment Occurs, deClslOnS have already been made regarding street- scaplng designs. Continuity bt streetscaplng is Important because it is the common element that connects together the dissimilar individual developments as they occur. With an overall plan and design standards, do~nuown BaKersfield can develop into a retail/restaurant/entertainment center oulrable to support the protesslonal ot~lces that are located in downtown Ba~erstleld. Sincerely, Bruce E. Kelth Second Vice President Chairman, 19th & Chester Design Review Committee Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Plan was accepted and start directed to conduct llc hearing on Octobe£ 1/, 1988, at 5:3U p.m. the Preliminary the required pub- Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, stat£ was dlrecued to change the time or t~e regular meeting o£ October 1988, trom 3:00 p.m. to 4~0 p.m. 17, NEW BUSINESS Public Parking in Downtown. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rubln, public parking in do~naown was referred to the Development Committee. Status Report on Property Maintenance Ordinance. Acting Economic Development Director Shlllcoc~ briefed the Agency on the property maintenance ordinance. ~e stated that the ordinance is scheduled tot adoption at the Council meeting bt Oc:oDer 12, 1988. The Agency expressed t~elr support tot the adoption bt the proposed Property Maintenance Ordinance. Upon a motion Dy Agency Member Paynter, the Agency recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed Property Maintenance Ordinance. Approval bt Plans and Speclt~catlons tor Asbestos Abatement at the Civic Auditorium (Lobby and Portico Ceilings). 202 Bakerstleld, Calltornla, September 19, 1988 - Page 7 Upon a motion by Agency Member Kronenberg, the plans and specltlcatlons for asbestos abatement at the Civic Auditorium (Lobby and Port~co Ceilings) were approved. AGENCY STATEMENTS Agency Member Kronenberg asked Acting Assistant City Manager Needham to provide a br~et background on Mr. Wager, the new Economic Development Director at the next meetzng. Chairperson Watson recessed the meeting at 3:43 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 3~52 p.m. WORKSHOP Workshop £or the purpose bt an update o£ the Redevelopment Element bt the Metropolitan Area General Plan bt the C~ty bt Bakersfield. Ac~ng Assistant City Manager Need~am apologized because the orzglnal speaKec was not able to attend the meeting. Acting Economzc Development D~rector Sh~llcock br~etly updated the Agency on the Redevelopment Element bt the Me5ropol~tan Area General Plan o~ the C~ty o£ Bakerstzeld and answered questions. Planning Director Hardlsty also answered queotlons. ADJOURNMENT There being no turther business to come betore the Agency, upon a mouton by Agency Member Kronenherg, the meetzng .~a~ adjourned at 4:16 p.m. Development Agency Bakerstleld Central Dlstr~ct o~ the C~ty bt ATTEST: SECRETARY o£ the Central District Development Agency bt the C~ty bt Ba~erst~eld bz