HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/88 MINUTES RA216 Bakersfield, California, November 21, 1988 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, at 3:00 p.m., November 21, 1988. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Watson. City Clerk Williams called the roll as follows: Present: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Killmer, Kronenberg, Paynter, Rubin, Watson, Absent: None MINUTES Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, Minutes Regular Meeting of November 7, 1988 were approved. of the BILLS AND CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Agency Member Araujo, Warrant Nos. 098 to 106 inclusive, in the amount of $9,778.34 were approved by the following vote: Ayes: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Killmer, Kronenberg, Paynter, Rubin, Watson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None REPORTS Agency Member Killmer, Chairperson of the Development Committee, read Report No. 88-22 regarding the Master Tree Planting Plan, as follows: The Development Committee met on November 10, 1988 to consider formulation of a Master Tree Planting Plan as part of the discussion for improvements for the Redevelopment Project Area. The need for such a plan was determined by the Design Review Committee and referred to the Development Committee. After considerable discussion regarding the information to be included in a Master Tree Planting Plan, the Committee agrees with the need for such a plan. The Development Committee recommends that the Central District Development Agency request the Public Works Department of the City of Bakersfield prepare such a plan and that this plan be completed using a closely co- ordinated effort between the Development Committee and the Public Works Staff. Bakersfield, California, November 21, 1988 - Page 2 217 Upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer, Development Committee Report No. 88-22 was accepted and the recommendations implemented. Agency Member Paynter, Chairperson of the Design Review Committee, read Report No. 88-58 regarding an application by W.H. Williams for new awning and signage at 2025 Chester Avenue, as follows: On November 10, 1988 the Design Review Committee reviewed the application by Walt Williams for new awning and signs for a building located at 2025 Chester Avenue. The Committee approved the application as submitted which includes a new 205" x 91" sign on Chester Avenue (above the Cancer Society awning) and a second sign on the west rear face of the building adjacent to 21st Street. The size of this sign is 25' x 10' Both signs will be illuminated. An approval letter from the American Cancer Society was received and filed. The Committee recommends that the Agency approve this application. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Committee Report No. 88-58 was accepted and the implemented. Design Review recommendations Agency Member Paynter, Chairperson of the Design Review Committee, read Report No. 88-59 regarding an application by Premonition Hair Studio for sign approval and change of use at 1820 Eye Street, as follows: The Design Review Committee, on November 10, 1988 considered the application by Premonition Hair Studio for sign approval at a building located at 1820 Eye Street. The Committee approved the application which consists of "window-signage" with a stipu- lation that the lettering not exceed 12 inches in height. The change of use from commercial retail to commercial service was also approved. It is recommended by the Committee that the Agency also approve this application. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Committee Report No. 88-59 was approved and the implemented. Design Review recommendations Bakersfield, California, November 21, 1988 - Page 3 Agency Member Paynter, Chairperson of the Design Review Committee, read Report No. 88-60 regarding an application by Tips and Toes Nail Salon for change of use and approval of signage at 1517 21st Street, as follows: On November 10, 1988 the Design Review Committee reviewed the application by Tips and Toes Nail Salon for change for use and approval of signage at a building located at 1517 21st Street. The Committee approved the change of use from commercial retail to commercial service and also approved the window signage as submitted. It is recommended that the Agency also approve the application. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Design Review Committee Report No. 88-60 was accepted and the recommendations implemented. Agency Member Paynter, Chairperson of the Design Review Committee, read Report No. 88-61 regarding an application by Sun Valley Oil Company (Texaco Distributor for approval of signage at 1800 "H" Street, as follows: On November 10, 1988 the Design Review Committee reviewed the application by Sun Valley Oil Company (Texaco Dist- ributor) for approval of signage at a building located at 1800 "H" Street. The Committee approved the sign appli- cation as presented provided the existing billboard sign (non-conforming) be removed in accordance with the sign code require- ments. Approval of this application by the Agency is recommended by the Committee. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Committee Report No. 88-61 was accepted and the implemented. Design Review recommendations Agency Member Paynter, Chairperson of the Design Review Committee, read Report No. 88-62 regarding an application by Guarantee Shoe Center for new signage and other exterior improve- ments at 2101 Chester Avenue, as follows: On November 10, 1988 the Design Review Committee considered the application by Guarantee Shoe Center for new signage and other exterior improvements at 2101 Chester Avenue. Bakersfield, California, November 21, 1988 - Page 4 The Committee approved the application as presented which included three new signs, one at the corner and two painted signs on the upper walls, one on 21st Street, and the other on Chester Avenue. The new building color and trim was also approved. The existing roof sign is to be removed and the broken brick work repaired. The Committee recommends that the Agency also approve this application. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Design Review Committee Report No. 88-62 was accepted and the recommendations implemented. Staff Report on application for Federal Enterprise Zone Designation. Economic Development Director Wager informed the Agency that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has been authorized to designate up to 100 federal enterprise zones nationwide. HUD is seeking federal enterprise zones to assist in stimulating creation of new jobs, particularly for dis- advantaged workers and long term unemployed individuals. The primary goal is the revitalization of economically distressed areas by encouraging tax incentives at the state and local levels. The area proposed for federal designation includes the downtown redevelopment area. Federal designation would also assist in recruiting new businesses into the area should future incentives become available. Both City and County Staff have worked together to prepare that application and have collected all the necessary statistical data to support the request for designation. That application was submitted to the State for review on November 14, 1988. The state, in turn submitted the application to HUD on November 18, 1988. Both the City Council and the Kern County Board of Supervisors have authorized the sub- mittal of that application. Amendment to Agreement to Negotiate Exclusively with Gregory D. Bynum and Associates. Economic Development Director Wager stated that Staff has met with Mr. Bynum regarding the Community First Plaza Project. Due to some design changes and the need to alter some of the financial projections, they have encountered some delays which has necessitated the request for the extension of time. Mr. Wager stated that Staff feels that the timelines are reason- able. Staff and the Developer have made a commitment to each other to stay on top of this situtation until an excuted DDA is brought to the CDDA for approval, approximately in April, 1989. Bakersfield, California, November 21, 1988 - Page 5 Agency Member Killmer made a motion to consider the Amendment to Agreement (No. RA88-3) to Negotiate Exclusively with Gregory D. Bymum and Associates Inc., as an item that arose after the Agenda was prepared. The motion was approved by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Agency Members Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None Araujo, Dunn, Killmer, Paynter, Rubin, Watson Kronenberg, Agency Member Dunn stated this project has been delayed for quite a while, and this Agency has taken a lot of heat because some of the downtown people feel the Agency was not fair to another developer(s) in that the Agency was considering more than one project at a time. She stated that some developers wanted to make sure that their project got off the ground and got approval. She does not feel it is fair to the Agency that a developer take a project, insist on a priority preference, and then continue to delay the composition of that particular pro- ject. She feels if they are business people they better get on with the project, and if there are other developers that have projects that the Agency needs to be considering, they need to come forth and make their position known. Mr. Gregory Bynum stated that they have many concerns about the redevelopment of downtown Bakersfield, not the least of which is getting the right project done at the right time. He feels the time frame was set without enough knowledge that they did not give themselves adequate time. The Economic Development Department and the developer have not gone through one of these particular programs before to know exactly how long each one of those time periods should have been. He is, therefore, request- ing the extension of time. Approval of Agreement No. RA88-21, Amendment to Agreement to Negotiate Exclusively with Gregory D. Bynum and Associates, Inc. Upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer, Agreement No. RA88-21 was approved and the Executive Director authorized to execute the Agreement as stipulated in the document presented. NEW BUSINESS A Resolution of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield finding that in connection with the Downtown Redevelopment Project for Fiscal Year 1985-86, the community is contributing other local funds for low and moderate income housing. Agency Member Araujo stated that in the future she would like to be involved in the overall process for these types of programs. Bakersfield, California, November 21, 1988 Page 6 221 Agency Member Kronenberg requested Staff ask Katz Hollis, the Consultant that did the study and analysis of low income money that was expended through the block grant fund, to include what portion, if any, impacted the 74 block project area. Agency Member Dunn requested that a Workshop regarding Housing be scheduled. Adoption of Resolution No. RA8-88 of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield finding that in connection with the Downtown Redevelop- ment Project for Fiscal Year 1985-86, the community is contributing other local funds for low and moderate income housing. Upon RA8-88 of the the following a motion by Agency Member Killmer, Resolution No. Central District Development Agency was adopted by vote: Ayes: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Killmer, Kronenberg, Paynter, Rubin, Watson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None Adoption of Resolution No. RA9-88 of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield finding that in connection with the Downtown Redevelop- ment Project for Fiscal Year 1986-87, the community is contributing other local funds for low and moderate income housing. Upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer, Resolution No. RA9-88 of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Killmer, Paynter, Rubin, Watson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None Kronenberg, Adoption of Resolution No. RA10-88 of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield finding that in connection with the Downtown RedeveloP- ment Project for Fiscal Year 1987-88, the community is contributing other local funds for low and moderate income housing. 222 Bakersfield, California, November 21, 1988 Page 7 Upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer, Resolution No. RA10-88 of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Agency Members Araujo, Dunn, Killmer, Kronenberg, Paynter, Rubin, Watson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None AGENCY STATEMENTS Agency Member Kronenberg stated that perhaps the Agency can deal with the Housing Element of the Redevelopment Plan at the proposed Housing Workshop. Agency Member Kronenberg stated that now that the Property Maintenance Ordinance is in effect he encourges the Building Department to take a look at the project area to see the ordinance could be enforced and the look of downtown be improved. if Chairperson Watson directed Staff to schedule a workshop regarding the Housing Element and asked that developers, with experience in low-moderate income housing, speak at this workshop. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, the Central District Development Agency regular meeting scheduled for December 5, 1988, was cancelled. Economic Development Director Wager stated that Staff will be presenting a Redevelopment Workshop to the City Council on November 30, 1988. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Agency, upon a motion by Agency Member Rubin, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. ATTEST: CHAIRPERSON of ~ Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield SECRETARY of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield bz