HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/08/87 MINUTES RABakersfield, California, April 8, 1987 23 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 5:00 p.m., April 8, 1987. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Childs, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Agency Member Dickerson. Deputy City Clerk Gafford called the roll as follows: Present: Agency Members Childs, Christensen, Dickerson, Salvaggio, Smith Absent: Agency Members Moore, Ratty Acting Chairman Childs announced that Agency Member Moore is representing the City of Bakersfield at a State Confer- ence for the Council of Governments. Agency Member Dickerson made a motion to select an Acting Chairman for this meeting who would serve until another Acting Chairman or a permanent Chairman is elected, and nominated Agency Member Childs. This motion was defeated by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstaining: Absent: Agency Members Childs, Smith Agency Members Christensen, Salvaggio Agency Member Dickerson Agency Member Moore, Ratty Agency Member Christensen nominated Agency Member Sal- vaggio as Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency. City Attorney Oberholzer recommended, in order to con- form to the Brown Act, that any action on the Chairmanship of the Redevelopment Agency be deferred to the next Agency meeting since it was not on the agenda. Acting Chairman Childs ruled that since the election of a Redevelopment Agency Chairman was not an ag ~e~da item, there would be no further discussion. He stated thai. if the Agency wants to deal with the matter, it should either be deferred to the next Agency meeting or be placed on the agenda by vote. Agency Member Smith suggested the issue of electing a Redevelopment Agency Chairman be deferred until the next Redevelop- ment Agency meeting due to the absence of Agency Member Moore. Agency Member Christensen: It's interesting how you brought this up. On the original vote, you were nominated and you voted for yourself. I wonder how suddenly this became so ineli- gible. Would you explain that please? Agency Member Christensen: Why didn't you bring it up at first, before you voted the first time on the issue, that this is not an issue on the agenda, therefore we cannot participate in this? You waited until you were nominated and you voted for your- self, and then as soon as Mr. Salvaggio was nominated, you imme- diately declared that it was a non-agenda item. That's a little difficult to understand. You're notorious for interpreting things the way you like them. Agency Member Christensen: I should like to point out, if you're that big a genius, you shouldn't be on earth. You should be in heaven. Agency Member Dickerson made a motion to overrule the Chair and deal with the Chairmanship of the Redevelopment Agency. 24 Bakersfield, California, April 8, 1987 - Page 2 City Attorney Oberholzer recommended Redevelopment Agency Chairman be placed on the Redevelopment Agency meeting. that election of a agenda for the next Agency Member Christensen: Attorney, how come this advice wasn't tion of Mr. Childs was made and the there such a delayed reflex? I would like to ask our forthcoming when the nomina- vote was taken. Why was Attorney Oberholzer: Mr. Chairman Childs and Mr. Christensen. I think probably my reflexes were slow this evening. Number one, I was paging through the material quickly to see if I could find anything there, because I didn't recall having seen anything on the agenda, but I didn't want to jump in, but we did have our light on there for a little bit before we were recognized. Slow reflexes, looking through the area to see if there was something on here caused that. Frankly, it's a matter, it's basically outside the control of this body. It's been set by the State, in controlling local Council meetings and legislative meetings. holzer's order. Acting Chairman Childs ruled, upon City attorney Ober- opinion, that Agency Member Dickerson's motion was out of Acting Chairman Childs recessed the meeting at 5:22 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 5:32 p.m. Agency Member Salvaggio declined the nomination to be Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency and nominated Agency Member Dickerson to be the temporary Chairman of the Agency. Acting Chairman Childs stated for the record that he did not assume any role on the Redevelopment Agency, but the Agency elected him as Acting Chairman. As far as he can recall, at no time in the history of the Agency, even when it was a pri- vate Agency, has there been as much progress as has been seen since he became the Acting Chairman, due in part to the coopera- tion of every member of the Agency. He wanted no one to be under the illusion that he, as the Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency, had anything to do with the dialogue or discussion taking place. and deal approved Agency Member Dickerson's motion to overrule the Chair with the Chairmanship of the Redevelopment Agency was by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Agency Members Christensen, Dickerson, Agency Members Childs, Smith Agency Member Moore, Ratty Salvaggio Agency Member Dickerson stated for the record that he has been very supportive of Acting Chairman Chi]ds and feels he has done a fine job as Agency Member and appreciates him whole- heartedly. He came to the meeting prepared to support Agency Member Salvaggio for the Chairmanship but can appreciate his gentlemanly focus in withdrawing his name from nomination. He is convinced that a temporary Chairmanship position needs to be approved by the Agency and requested that in the interim a writ- ten opinion by the City Attorney's office be given to the Agency regarding action taken by the Agency at this meeting. He feels it is important that this be viewed simply as a temporary measure. In the Attorney's written opinion he would like clarification of action taken by the Agency to seat Agency Member Childs as Acting Chairman and whether his signature for the Agency is bonafide, and if not, whether past Agency actions should again be endorsed. Agency Member Dickerson asked that his request for a written determination be a part of the record of the Redevelopment Agency meeting. Bakersfield, California, April 8, 1987 Page 3 25 Acting Chairman Childs stated he would not participate in any action that could constitute something illegal being pro- moted by this Agency, so would not be participating in Agency Member Salvaggio's motion to nominate Agency Member Dickerson as temporary Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency, nor would he par- ticipate in the remainder of the meeting. Agency Member Childs left the meeting at 5:42 p.m. Agency Member Smith stated she would not participate in the remainder of the meeting. Agency Member Smith left the meeting at 5:43 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Due to lack of a quorum, the meeting adjourned at 5:43 ATTEST: James H. Childs, Acting Chairman Bakersl'ield Redevelopment Agency