HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/20/87 MINUTES RABakersfield, California, July 20, 1987 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 3:00 p.m., July 20, 1987. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Watson. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Agency Members Dunn (seated at 3:03 p.m.), Killmer, Patrick, Paynter, Rubin, Watson Absent: Agency Member Rice MINUTES Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 6, 1987, were approved. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mary Helen Barro, Vice President and General Manager of KAFY Radio, 1527 19th Street, spoke of the importance of 19th Street to the downtown merchant, requesting the Agency to act now to save the 19th Street Development Plan. Chairman Watson stated the Agency is without funds at this time to proceed with the 19th Street Project. BILLS Upon a motion Dy Agency Member Paynter, Warrant Nos. 353 to 371 inclusive, in the amount of $332,895.70 were approved as corrected by the following vote: Ayes: Agency Members Patrick, Killmer Noes: None Absent: Agency Member Rice Paynter, Rubin, Watson, Dunn, NEW BUSINESS Resolution No. RA8-87 of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield fixing the dates of meet- ings of the Central District Development Agency during the months of September, 1987, through February, 1988. Upon a motion by Agency Member Patrick, Resolution No. RA8-87 of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Agency Members Patrick, Killmer Noes: None Absent: Agency Member Rice Paynter, Rubin, Watson, Dunn, Projected Cash Flow for the Central Dis- trict Development Agency. Assistant City Manager Pulskamp gave a presentation of the projected expenditures of the Central District Development Agency from 1987-88 through 1996-97. Agency Member Rubin requested a report from staff by the August 3, 1987, or the August 17, 1987, meeting on their negotia- tions with the Downtown Business Association regarding the 19th Street Specific Plan. 054 Bakersfield, California, July 20, 1987 - Page 2 Agency Member Dunn stated that she is personally extre- mely interested in seeing something tangible done soon in regard to development of the downtown district. Chairman Watson requested staff provide the Agency with a monthly update on the 19th Street Specific Plan. Agency Member Rubin inquired about ways of comparing the percentage of Administrative costs relative to income for the Cen- tral District Development Agency to other agencies in the State of California. Chairman Watson suggested a review of other redevelop- ment agencies as to their methods of increasing revenues. Agency Member Rubin inquired of staff about the possi- bility of initiating some type of an incentive program to motivate staff to more resourceful and imaginative ways of creating revenue for development programs. Bamboo Chopsticks - 1203 18th Street Exterior Addition and Remodel of Build- ing. Increase Area of Parking Lot Modification of Signage. Assistant Building Director Dennis Fidler gave an over- view of the Bamboo Chopsticks project. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, the Bamboo Chop- sticks project at 1203 18th Street was approved subject to appro- val by the Historic Preservation Commission by the following vote: Ayes: Agency Members Patrick, Killmer Noes: None Absent: Agency Member Rice Paynter, Rubin, Watson, Dunn, AGENCY STATEMENTS Agency Member Paynter expressed his desire to further the 19th Street Specific Plan and determine if can proceed with some positive action at this time. discuss the Agency Agency Member Dunn stated she is interested in determin- ing some difinitlve direction on the 19th Street Specific Plan and inquired as to the Downtown Business Association's stance on this project. provided Downtown Downtown Business Association President Fred McKenna the Agency with an update of discussions between the Business Association and the City of Bakersfield. Agency Member Rubin inquired of the City Attorney as to the legalIty of forming a plan whereby downtown merchants might participate in some type of a cash flow above a certain increment level. City Attorney Oberholzer indicated he will possibility of the Agency using any of the Assessment acts for the 19th Street project. check on the District Bakersfield, California, July 20, 1987 - Page 3 cy, ADJOURNMENT There being no further business Chairman Watson adjourned the meeting to come at 4:08 before the Agen- p.m. ATTEST: CHAIRMAN of the ~entral District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield SECRETARY of the Central District Development Agency oI the City of Bakersfield df