HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/08/87 MINUTES RABakersfield, California, September 8, 1987 63 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California, held the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, at 3:05 p.m., September 8, 1987. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Watson. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Absent: Agency Members Dunn, Killmer, Rubin, Watson Agency Member Paynter Rice (seated at 3:05 p.m.), PUBLIC STATEMENTS Downtown Business Association President Fred McKenna, 1401 19th Street, stated that the 19th Street Specific Plan Steer- ing Committee is pleased with the proposed alternative financing plan as presented by the Central District Development Agency staff, with the exception of the stated annual contribution from the Agency of $75,000.00, which was thought to originally have been $99,000.00. He stated the Committee is ready to take the financing plan to the 19th Street property and business owners. HEARINGS This is the time set for a Public Hear- ing before the Central District Develop- ment Agency to determine whether the public interest and necessity require taking of property at 1300 17th Street (Assessor's Parcel No. 6-172-03). Economic Development Director Kennon gave a review of the background of the City Center Project. Chairman Watson opened the hearing for public participa- tion. Attorney Debra Vollmer, a tenant of the building at 1300 17th Street, requested that the needs of all the tenants in the building be given consideration. Mosesian Development Corporation representative Richard Monje spoke regarding the properties involved in the City Center Project, the cost of condemnation and the process of purchasing the property. Agency Member Rice made a motion to adopt a Resolution of Necessity to determine whether the public interest and neces- sity require taking of property at 1300 17th Street. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Agency Members: Dunn, None Agency Member Rubin Agency Member Paynter Killmer, Rice, Watson Assistant City Attorney Daniels explained that a two- thirds vote of the Agency is needed for condemnation procedures. Chairman Watson recessed the meeting at 3:20 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 3:30 p.m. Chairman Watson stated that the matter of the Hearing would be continued to a Special Meeting Monday, 14, 1987, at 4:00 p.m. Public September 64 Bakersfield, California, September 8, 1987 - Page 2 Upon a motion by Agency Member Rice, the motion to adopt a Resolution of Necessity to determine whether the public interest and necessity require taking of property at 1300 17th Street, and the vote taken on that motion, were withdrawn. BILLS AND CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer, Warrant Nos. 35 to 61 inclusive, in the amount of $43,544.85 were approved by the following vote: Ayes: Agency Members Dunn, Killmer, Noes: None Absent: Agency Member Paynter Rice, Rubin, Watson Upon a motion by Agency Member Rice, communication from First Presbyterian Church, 1705 17th Street, dated August 11, 1987, regarding their support of redevelopment in the downtown area was received and placed on file, and a policy of responding to all letters received and placed on file by the Agency was in- stituted. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rubin, communication from Donald G. Kendall, 200 South Montclair Street, Suite D, dated Aug- ust 26, 1987, regarding Assessor's Parcel Nos. 6-172-03 and 04 - City Center Project was received and placed on file. REPORTS Upon a motion by Agency Member Rice, Report No. 87-1 from the Design Review Committee regarding Guardian Savings, and Report No. 87-2 from the Design Review Committee regarding the City Center Project were tabled until the meeting of September 14, 1987. UNFINISHED BUSINESS City Manager Caravalho gave a brief update on the status of the vacant position on the Central District Development Agency. NEW BUSINESS Center Neon Company, Inc., 2200 Chester Avenue, Guardian Federal Savings signage. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rice, signage for Guard- ian Federal Savings was approved. Proposed Bergen & Guay Office Develop- ment Project located on the northwest corner of Eye Street and Truxtun Avenue. Economic Development Director Kennon commented on the background of the Bergen & Guay Project. Developer Lawrence Guay requested Right to Negotiate in order to put together and submit a proposal to staff. a 60-day Exclusive a new development plan City Manager Caravalho made a recommendation that the Central District Development Agency proceed with the 60-day Exclu- sive Right to Negotiate if the developer will pay a $25,000.00 de- posit to cover all outside consulting costs the Agency might incur during negotiations. Assistant City Attorney Daniels mic Development Director Kennon and staff Developers draft an agreement of and Guay $25,000.00 deposit. recommended that Econo- and the Bergen and Guay conditiop~ covering the Bergen Bakersfield, California, September 8, 1987 Page 3 Bergen option Agency Member Rice made a motion that staff work with and Guay Developers in working out the necessities of an agreement. Agency Member Killmer made a motion that staff meet with Bergen and Guay Developers and draft an agreement regarding the appropriation of the developer's $25,000.00 deposit and present it to the Agency at the meeting of September 21, 1987. Chairman Watson restated the motion that staff work out a written agreement with Bergen and Guay Developers for appropria- tion of the developer's $25,000.00 deposit for the purpose of the 60-day exclusive option. This motion was approved. Process for referring items to committee for consideration and recommendation. Upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer, a policy requir- ing a majority vote of the Central District Development Agency for referring items to committee was established. Status Report on Clarion Hotel Project. Economic Development Director Kennon gave an update on progress of the Hotel Project. Upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer, the Status Re- port on the Clarion Hotel Project was accepted. Status Report on 19th Street Specific Plan. Economic Development Director Kennon gave an update on progress of the 19th Street Plan. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rubin, the 19th Street Spe- cific Plan Status Report was referred to the Development Committee. Status Report on Community First Bank Project. Economic Development Director Kennon gave an update on the progress of the Community First Bank Project. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rice, Bank Project Status Report was referred to the tee. the Community First Development Commit- AGENCY STATEMENTS Issues and Objectives of Design Review Committee. Chairman Watson referred Issues and Objectives of the Design Review Committee to the meeting of September 21, 1987. Issues and Objectives of Development Committee. Agency Member Killmer gave an overview of his anticipa- tions for the Development Committee. Issues and Objectives of Relocation and Public Relations Committee. Agency Member Rice outlined the following areas discussed at a meeting of the Relocation and Public Relations Committee: me- dia relations policy; publicity received as a result of the 19th Street Specific Plan; strategic long-range planning; a campaign to promote downtown Bakersfield; and working relationship between staff and Agency. 66 Bakersfield, California, September 8, 1987 Page 4 Agency Member Rice requested that the Agency give the Relocation and Public Relations Committee time to work with City staff in formulating some specific plans to be brought to the Agency at a later meeting for adoption. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rubin, staff was request- ed to review overall objectives and goals of the Central District Development Agency regarding redevelopment of downtown Bakersfield and make any recommendations to the Agency. CLOSED SESSION Chairman Watson recessed the meeting to a Closed Session at 4:15 p.m. pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) regard- ing Pending Litigation between the City of Bakersfield and Rudnick Estate Trust. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Agency, upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer, the meeting was recessed at 4:59 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, September 14, 1987. ATTEST: CHAIRMAN of Development Bakersfield the Central District Agency of the City of SECRETARY of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield