HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/87 MINUTES RABakersfield, California, November 16, 1987 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, at 3:00 p.m., November 16, 1987. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Watson. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Agency Members Dunn, Killmer, Paynter, Rubin, Watson Absent: Agency Member Araujo MINUTES Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 2, 1987, were approved. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Wayne Keller, Business Manager of IBEW Local 428, spoke as a representative of present and former employees of Premier Electric, requesting that final payment be withheld on the Civic Auditorium Storage Addition Contract No. RA7-87 until Premier Electric complies with California Public Works Laws contained in Labor Code Section 1771. Lawrence Guay, 1675 Chester Avenue, spoke regarding the proposed Bergen and Guay Office Project at the northwest corner of Truxtun and Eye Street, stating that due to lack of interest by the City, they are now beginning a new project at a different downtown location, although they still retain an interest in the present site. He suggested that a termination date be placed on the City Center Project and that other developers be so informed. Agency Member Rubin stated for the record that in re- sponse to Mr. Guay's inference that the C.D.D.A. has been politi- cized by two City Councilmembers, he would like it known that he has not been contacted by anyone, and doubts any other Agency Members have either, and he views that type of activity as highly improper. BILLS AND CORRESPONDENCE Agency Member Rubin made a motion to approve Warrant No. 138 and Nos. 140 to 147 inclusive, excluding Warrant No. 139 to Colombo Construction pending deliberation by the Agency on Notice of Completion for Contract No. RA7-87. Agency Member Dunn requested for review by the Agency a list of training seminars for staff during the 1987-88 fiscal year budget. Wayne Keller, Business Manager of IBEW Local 428, was recognized to speak regarding the issue of withholding payment on Contract No. RA7-87. Agency Member Rubin's motion to approve Warrant No. 138 and Nos. 140 to 147 inclusive, excluding Warrant No. 139 to Colombo Construction pending deliberation by the Agency on Notice of Com- pletion for Contract No. RA7-87 was approved by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Agency Members Dunn, Rubin, Watson Agency Members Killmer, Paynter Agency Member Araujo 84 Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1987 - Page 2 Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, communication from Downtown Business Association President Fred McKenna, 1401 19th Street, No. 101, dated October 16, 1987, regarding establishment of a mini-mart with an off-sale alcoholic beverage license on Chester Avenue, was received and referred to staff. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, communication from Gary Fields, Labor Research Group, Inc., 8400 Enterprise Way, Oak- land, dated November 6, 1987, regarding complaint against Premier Electric for failure to pay prevailing wages to its employees, was received and referred to staff. REPORTS Agency Member Paynter, Chairman of the Design Review Committee, read Design Review Committee Report No. 87-8 regarding new Gottschalks signage on existing Brock's Department Store at Chester Avenue and 20th Street as follows: On November 5, 1987, the Design Review Committee convened for the purpose of reviewing the applica- tion by Stanford Signs on behalf of Gottschalks for new signage on the existing downtown Brocks store at Chester Avenue and 20th Street. Specifically, the proposal is to place new Gott- schalks signs on the east, north and west facing sides of the building. All three signs are pro- posed to 5' x 53' in size. These signs are to be removed and placed on the new East Hills Mall Store. The Committee recommends approval of this applica- tion dated October 30, 1987, for a period of one year or to November 5, 1988, at which time these three (3) signs will be removed and placed on the new East Hills Mall Store. Additional new signs for the downtown store will be reviewed at that time for approval. Also, the Gottschalks sign on 20th Street will be allowed to exceed the thirty- five (35) foot height in order to be placed above the top row of windows. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, the recommenda- tions in Design Review Committee Report No. 87-8 were approved. Agency Member Paynter, Chairman of the Design Review Committee, read Design Review Committee Report No. 87-9 regarding application by Patricia A. Merritt for signage for clothing store at 1511 19th Street as follows: On November 5, 1987, the Design Review Committee convened for the purpose of reviewing the applica- tion by Patricia A. Merritt for signage for a clothing store at 1511 19th Street. The proposal is to place a 3'x7' sign saying, "P F Clothes" directly over the front door of the store. The Committee recommends approval of this applica- tion (as presented) dated October 20, 1987. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, the recommenda- tions in Design Review Committee Report No. 87-9 were approved. Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1987 Page 3 Upon a request by City Clerk Williams, Chairman Watson recessed the meeting for five minutes. The meeting was recon- vened. Agency Member Wayne Killmer, Chairman of the Development Committee, read Development Committee Report No. 87-1 regarding a request by Crosspoint Communications to purchase Agency-owned pro- perty as follows: On October 19, 1987, the Development Committee met to discuss the request by Crosspoint Communications to purchase Agency-owned property. The referenced property is behind the Kilburn Center located at 2022 "L" Street (see attachments 1 and 2). This property was part of the acquisition by the Agency of the former Easlings Paint facility and was completed as part of the City's "land banking" effort. Since its purchase, the building was re- furbished and is leased to the Kern County Mental Health Association. Crosspoint Communications is requesting the pur- chase of the vacant parcel to facilitate through traffic from 21st Street to the alley between 20th and 21st Streets. This committee instructed staff to have Crosspoint Communications complete an appraisal (at their ex- pense) by a qualified, independent, MAI appraiser and to submit that appraisal to the Agency. Cross- point was further informed that the Agency will review that value and if determined adequate, will approve the sale. Upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer, the recommenda- tions in Development Committee Report No. 87-1 were approved. Agency Member Wayne Killmer, Chairman of the Development Committee, read Development Committee Report No. 87-2 regarding Proposed Bergen/Guay Office Tower as follows: The Development Committee met on October 26, 1987, to review and discuss the proposed Bergen/Guay Office Tower proposal. The discussion was related to the information sub- mitted by the developer, Bergen/Guay. It was determined that the cost of the project to the Agency is greater than is justifiable and that the financing arrangement has a disproportionately high requirement for Agency funds. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Develop- ment Committee that the proposal, as submitted to the CDDA, be rejected. Upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer, the recommenda- tions in Development Committee Report No. 87-2 were approved. Agency Member Wayne Killmer, Chairman of the Development Committee, read Development Committee Report No. 87-3 regarding Water Element in the 19th Street Specific Plan as follows: The Development Committee met on Monday, 26, 1987, to discuss the inclusion of a element" in the 19th Street Plan. October "water Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1987 - Page 4 Research has been completed by staff regarding ini- tial cost, maintenance problems, etc. This infor- mation was provided to members of the Committee for review prior to the meeting. After discussion of the beneficial and detrimental aspects of such as undertaking, it was the determi- nation of the committee that: (1) The initial cost and the maintenance and up- keep expenses were excessive; (2) The available funds could be better utilized for aspects of the plan that would not entail similar maintenance costs and problems; and (3) It would not be a prudent investment of public funds, however, if substantial property-owner participation was forthcoming, a re-evaluation of the proposal would be completed. Based on the current level of property owner par- ticipation and other pressing needs which exist in the downtown, it is the recommendation of this com- mittee that the proposed water element not be in- cluded in the initial development phase of the 19th Street Plan. Upon a motion by Agency Member Killmer, the recommenda- tions of Development Committee Report No. 87-3 were approved. NEW BUSINESS Notice of Completion, Storage Addition to the Bakersfield Civic Auditorium - Contract No. RA7-87. Assistant City Manager Pulskamp stated that in response to the complaint by Research Consultant Gary Fields against Pre- mier Electric on Contract No. RA7-87, staff has received a letter from the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement requesting the City to send them $16,401.96 in leiu of paying the contractor. The problem of wages is then between the contractor and the State. Agency Member Rubin made a motion that the $16,401.96 requested by the Division of Labor Standards be withdrawn from the Colombo Warrant No. 139 and sent to the State of California Divi- sion of Labor Standards Enforcement with the remainder of Warrant No. 139, $18,896.03, remitted to Colombo Construction. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, Notice of Com- pletion Cor the storage addition to the Civic Auditorium, Contract No. RA7-87, was approved. Agency Member Rubin's motion to have the $16,401.96 re- quested by the Division of Labor Standards withdrawn from the Colombo Warrant No. 139 and sent to the State of California Divi- sion of Labor Standards Enforcement with the remainder of Warrant No. 139, $18,896.03, remitted to Colombo Construction, was approv- ed by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Agency Members Dunn, None Agency Member Araujo Killmer, Paynter, Rubin, Watson Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1987 - Page 5 Lender Consent Agreement for "K" Street Garage. Curtis Darling, co-owner of the "K" Street Garage pro- perty, was allowed to speak regarding the Agreement. Upon a motion by Agency Member Paynter, the Lender Con- sent Agreement for the "K" Street Garage was approved and the Executive Director authorized to execute the Agreement. Maintenance of Vacant and Abandoned Buildings. Agency Member Dunn stated for the record that the reason she has a personal interest in maintenance of vacant and abandoned buildings is because the Agency's goals for downtown require on- going, active ordinance enforcement and new ordinances are needed to force the non-existance of unsightly property in downtown, in- cluding buildings with out-of-state, out-of-city landowners. Upon a motion by Agency Member Dunn, staff was directed to draft appropriate ordinances and design review guidelines to insure adequate maintenance of unoccupied buildings. Discussion regarding Appointment of Chair- person for Relocation and Public Relations Committee. Upon Chairman Watson's request, discussion regarding Appointment of Chairperson for Relocation and Public Relations Committee was deferred to the meeting of December 7, 1987. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Agency, Chairman Watson adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m. ATTEST: ~ Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield SECRETARY of the Central District Development Agency of the City of Bakersfield df