HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/30/86 MINUTES RAMINUTES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING JULY 30, 1986 The regular Redevelopment Agency meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. The Secretary called the roll as follows: Agency Members Present: Childs, Christensen, Dickerson, Moore, Smith, Salvaggio Agency Member Absent: Ratty MINUTES Agency Member Moore made a motion 1986 meeting be approved as presented. unanimous vote. that the minutes of the July 2, This motion was approved by a COMMENT REGARDING JOINT PUBLIC HEARING Deputy Executive Director Strenn explained that the Public Hearing scheduled was cancelled because the 33433 Report, analysis of the cost of the City Center Project and the Disposition Development Agreement was not on file in the City Clerk's Office. CORRESPONDENCE Acting Chairman Childs read a letter received from Mr. Robert N. Eddy, dated July 21, 1986, addressed to the Redevelopment Agency regarding adequate parking space in the downtown be provided in the area of the Haberfelde Building. Economic Development Director Kennon was directed to report to the Agency in two weeks regarding this letter. NEW BUSINESS 1. Amendment to Renfro, Russell & Associates Contract for Design Services for Convention Center Hotel Project Agency Member Moore made a motion to approve amendment to original contract between Renfro Russell & Associates and the Redevelopment Agency to expand design services for the Civic Auditorium. This motion was approved by a unanimous vote. 2. Proposed Statements Identifying Existing Programs and Obligations Agency Member Salvaggio made a motion to authorize submission of proposed statements to City Council and the State Housing and Community Development Department, set a public hearing to adopt pro- posed statements and publish a notice of the hearing once a week for two successive weeks prior to the hearing. This motion was approved by a unanimous vote. %3. Contract to Conduct Property and Boundary survey for the Civic Auditorium, which lies adjacent to the Bakersfield Convention Center Hotel Project. Agency Member Smith made a motion to approve entering into a contractural services agreement with Dennis W. Dewalt, Inc. This motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Smith, Salvaggio, Moore, Dickerson, Christensen, Childs. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Ratty REPORTS 1. Status Report on 19th Street Specific Plan Economic Development Director gave a brief report on the activity on the Specific Plan for the 19th Street corridor. CONSENT CALENDAR Agency Member Moore made a motion to approve Claim Vouchers %001 through %004 and %296 through %310 totaling $817,813.56 and Design Review Board recommendations of items 2 through 9 on the Agenda. This motion was approved by a unanimous vote. ACTION OF AGENCY Acting Chairman Childs made a motion that an ad hoc committee be formed with Agency Member Christensen as Chairman and Agency Members Salvaggio and Moore as committee members to decide on a procedure to follow dealing with items that are brought before the Agency in an untimely manner. This motion was approved unanimously. -2- ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Agency, Agency Member Dickerson made a motion to adjourn the Redevelopment Agency meeting at 6:45 p.m. Acting Chairman James H. Childs 5:RAMIN730.1 -3-