HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/28/83 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting-December 28, 1983 The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Barton on Wednesday~ December 28, 1983, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The Secretary called the roll as follows: ~iEI]EERS P?.ESENT: James Barton James Childs Chris Christensen Rollie ]~oore Thomas Payne Art Rockoff MEMBERS ABSENT: Donald Ratty Upon a motion by Agency Member Rockoff, the Redevelopment Agency meetin% was recessed until 5:40 p.m. in order that the City Council could commence their Special Meeting. Chairman Barton reconvened the meeting of the Agency at 5:40 p.m. CORRESPONDENCE Communication received from Mr. Gordon Gill, Millard Archuleta, Eddy, Paynter Associates, regarding the modification of Resolution No. RA16-83 inc-easing the maximum amount of bond sale from $10 million to $17.5 million to allow the construction of parking facilities for the proposed Truxtun Galleria in one phase. Mr. Gordon Gill was present and stated that because of the pending legislation after the first of the year, the bond counsel recommended that the developer amend Agency resolution No. RA16-83 and include the entire amount of funding that will be necessary for the bond issuance plus monies needed by the Agency for acquisition. He stated thah Congressman Thomas indicated that the more action that can be taken with regard to the issuance of industrial development bonds recruited for the first of the year is importanh because there may be something in the new legislation that would grant bond issues under the old rules and regulations which would assist the develo~oer in lhe sale of the bonds after the first of the year. Agency I~ember Payne questioned if the $17.5 million would be used for parking for phase II. ~ir. Gill explained 'that the money would cover the entire cost for 'the parking facilities and the ag~ount the City would need for acquisition of the property. Agency Member Payne asked if a provision could be added that provides that the funds are to be used for the parking facilities. ~4r. Gill stated that all they request is that the Agency change · the $10 raillJon to $17.5 million. City Attorney Oberholzer stated that language can be added to the resolution which would limit the use of the bonds to the parking facilJ, ty without validating the requirements of the bond counsel. The original document (RA16-83) was for construction of parking facilities and the related facilities. He indicated the followin9 type of wording could be added "$17.5 million to be used for the acquisition of land and construction of a parking structure together with landscaping, utilities, and related and appurtenant structures~ facilities and equipment." Agency hember Payne indicated that this language is satisfactory. -1- Agency Member Childs questioned in Resolution RAJ 6-83 what was the proposed two-phase project. City Attorney Oberholzer indicated that the parking, which will be located on the corner of Truxtun and Chester, would serve the single tower, while the second tower would add to the parking structure. It would be a two-phase project to serve the second tower's additional parking. Mr. Gill indicated that if the project is built at one time, they will be selling the bond issue for $17.5 million and this would be an appropriate resolution. If it is built in two phases, only the bonds will be sold that would be necessary to complete the first phase. Upon a motion by Agency Member Childs, the correspondence from Mr. Gordon Gill regarding the modification of Resolution No. RA16-83, was received and filed. AGENCY STATE~2ENTS Chairman Barton stated that staff has indicated a scope of five operations and made two recommendations in the structuring of committees for the Redevelopment Agency. Agency 14ember Childs stated that the word "acquisition" be inserted with relocation in the alternatives established in the memorandum. should Agency Member Payne stated that with two committees, the Agency members will be knowledgeable on more issues, in which the Agency members concurred. Agency kember Payne made a motion to accept Alternative 2 of the staff recommendation (A: Planning, Development and Project Review; and B: Acquisition and Relocation, Personnel and Operations) as the two committees for the Agency. Agency member Childs called for hhe question. Agency ~[ember Christensen questioned the difference between Alternative One and Two. City Attorney Oberholzer stated that it was intended to provide two alternatives giving the responsibility to three committees or ~2wo committees. The motion made by Agency ~iember Childs was carried. AYES: Barton, Childs, Moore, Payne, Rockoff NOES: Christensen ABSTAINS: None ABSENT: Ratty to call for the question The motion made by Agency ]Hember Payne to accept Alternative Two of the staff recommendation establishing ~wo committees of the Agency, (A) Planning, Developmen~ and Project Review; and (B) Acqui- sition and Relocation, Personnel and Operations, was carried. Agency Member Payne made a motion that Agency Members Rockoff, Moore and Barton serve on the Planning, Development and Project Review committee and Agency Member Childs, Payne and Christensen serve on the Acquisition and Relocation, Personnel and Operations committee. The motion was carried. CONSENT CALENDAR (a) Approval of Vouchers ~o. 152 through 193 totaling $557,212.2!5. Agency ~iemi0er Rockoff made a motion to approve item (a) of the Consent Calendar which was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Christensen, [4oore, ?ayne, Rockoff, Bar~on, Childs ~OES: None ABSENT: Ratty -2- NEW BUSINEo~ (a) Resolution No. RA17-83 of the Redevelopment Agency amending Resolution RA16-83 authorizing the entering into of financing leases or agreements for the purpose of financing construction of parking structure to be constructed and developed by Moreland Corporation. Agency Member Payne made a motion to adopt Resolution RA17-83 amending Resolution RA16-83 and authorizing the entering into of financing leases or agreements for the purpose of financing con- struction of parking structure to be constructed and developed by Moreland Corporation, and to incorporate additional language as stated previously. The motion was carried by the following roll call vohe: AYES: Christensen, Childs, Moore, Rockoff, Barton, Payne NOES: None ABSLNT: Ratty AD JOURN~IENT There being no further business to come before the Redevelopment Agency, Agency ~.~ember Christensen made a motion to adjourr~ the meeting ah 6:15 p.m. ~A~ ES J. ~TON, Chai::raan B~ake~_~sf~eld Redevel~pment Agency ecreta~y Bake s~ld Redev~L6pment Agency -3-