HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/14/83 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Neetlng--~eptember 14 1983 The Regular Neeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Barton on Wednesday, September ]4, 1983 at 5:05 p.m. The Secretary called the roll as follows: MEMEL%S PRESENT: Thomas Payne Art Rockoff :Zhris Christensen James Barton John Means MEMBERS ABSENT: Donald Ratty L, ip,~te~ of the Joint P~.blic Hearing of August 17, 1983 and the 7, eg~la~_- ~leeting, of August 24, 1583 were approved as presented. REPORTS (a) O~cal Report by Executive Director Because of the complexities of the Disposition and Develop- ment Ag~'ee~ent on the Truxtun Galle~ia Project, Executive Direc- tor Kelt,~a.' ~ec~:~ested that ti'~e Public Hearing scheduled for Sep- tember 27, 19[~3 be cancelled and a Special Joint Informational ~eeting of the Redevelopment Agency and City Council be held on Septembe7 27, ] 983 wit]'~ a Public Hearing being held within ai-i- prox~?~ately tv~o weeks of the Special Meeting. iotSon on this <ssue was delayed until New Business. (:~) A~p;~oval of Redevelo0ment Agency Budget for fiscal yea,- ! ?[].3-~',4. i,r'. F~yne ~aac'e a motion to approve the Budget as presented. T'c~e ~.~olz:!on was carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: ~ arton, G!~ristensen, !~OES: lone ABSEi~T: ! .eans, Rai~ Payne, Rockoff (k,) Lease Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and ~[~lto~ 5!'o~'n~e~ and Curtis Darling for the lease of certain real orope~isy con~aining a parking structure, which includes two ]i.~7tdre:~ fifi~y-six ?ork~ng spaces located at "Ku and 17th Streets. ~-. lock, off m~ '.e s motion to approve the sublease. The ~uotio~ cad"tied by ~}ie following roll call vote: :;ii;: Payne, iVockoff, Christensen, ~(; ;S: i~or~e A~STAIi:: 1.eans ALSEi~T: %arty Barton i,r. Rockoff made a motion that on September 27, 1983 a Joint fleeting of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency will be conducted for the purpose of an informational discussion of the Developraent Agreement for the Truxtun Galleria Project with staff and consultants. At thal time a date will be set for a Public Hearing of the Development Agreement of the Truxtun Galleria Project, with the date of the Public Hearing to be within approxi- mately two weeks subject .:o pro')er publ':c notice being given. The motion carried. AYES: Means, Cbristensen, NOES: None ABSENT: Ratty Barto~ Payne, Rockoef ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Redevelop- ment Agency, Mr. Means made a motion ~o adjourn the meeting st 5:15 p.m. ~v~'iES ,, . i't/AZTON ~ ~hairman Bakersfield Redevelopment Agencs; ~retary Bakers~l-~ld Redev~nt Agency