HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/27/83 MINUTES RA~[ I '£~ U T E S BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Special Meeting .... June 27, 1983 The Special Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Barton on Monday, June 27, 1983, a~ 12:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The Secretary called the roll as follows: PRESENT: James J. Barton Chris CP~ristensen John Means Thomas Payne Art Rockoff MEb.~BERS ABSENT: Donald Ratty I~INUT~S I. inutes of the %egular Meeting of June 8 and June 22, 1983 we're approved as oresented. REPORTS 1~ Mr. Rockoff read_Report No~ 3-83 from the Development and Relocation Committee ,_ecommendi~g the consulting firm of 2nwicom Corporation be retained to prepare the Environmental Impact Report for the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. ~":'. Rockoff made a motion to receive Report No. 3-83 of the Development and Relocation Committee and implement the recommenda- tions. The motion was carried by the following vote: ~,.~ ~ ~..S:~'v~ Christensen~ l,~eans, Payne~ Rockoff, Barton ,-~ ~ ~ · ~]OES: None i~'-'~ ABSTA!SN: [lone ABSENT: Ratty ~,~_. Christensen questioned the location of the Envicom Corpora- ~ion. ~ir. Kennon stated that their main office also stated that Envicom will establish a .ownto%~m ~=~e~sf..~,~la for this project. is located in Pasadena. Ee~,~ora~y office ~'~ Mr. Barton indicated that the office will be open for a mini~aun of three days a week, and. it will be staffed by principals and associates of the firm who will be working on the Environment~l !m~act Eeport. 2) ~[r. Xelmar gave a report regarding the Trnx~un Galleria project proposed for the downtown. He stated that in March the Redevelopment ~gency entered into an exclusive right eo negotiate for the project, and that the period of negotiation provided for an initial 90 days to develop a basic concept, scope and schedule of development~ and if that scope and schedule of development zs completed within 90 days, then the exclusive right to negotiate can be extended for ~n additional 90-day period in order to develop the Disposition and Development Agreement. He indicated that the attorneys are preparing a DBA that will hopefully be available to the Agency and Council by the middle of Augusn. Mr. ~el~ar stated that the 90-day e=~clusive rzght previously given to the developer had a provision to add anonher 90 days if the developer started :he DBA. 14r. Rockoff made a motion to give the developer an additional 90-day extension for the Truxtun Galleria project. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Christensen~ ['~eans, Payne~ Rockoff, Barton ~OES: None A~STAINS: None ABSENT: Ratty 3~ Mr. Kennon gave an oral report regarding the costs of the recommended changes to the parking structure at 18th and Eye Streets. He stated that when the conceptual drawings were pre- sented to the Agency there were several recommendations made by the Design Review Board. These recommendations involved additional texture to the building and some additional treatment to the %8th an~ Eye Street elevations. He indicated that the costs to the Agency for these additions would be $1~,691.00. However, even with these increased costs, nhe per/unit costs of this structure still remain well below the costs of the nearest competitor. >ir. Rockoff questioned how the amount was arrived at. I~r. Kennon stated that the overall cost will be $21,000 in w~.zch ~.ne contractor has agreed to pay a quarter of those costs. Pir. Rockoff made a motion to approve the changes recommended that are indicated in the report at the cost of $15,691.00. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: I~eans, Payne, Rockoff, Barton,Christensen NOES: None ABSTAINS: None ABSENT: Ratty CALENDAR (a) Approval of Vouchers No. 306 through 323 totaling $?0~972.70. b~r. Means ~ade a motion to approve item (a) of the Consent Calendar,'which was carried bY the following roll call vote: AYES: Rockoff,~ar~on, TM ~ Ch~ris!tensen, Means, Payne ABSTAinS: ~one AESE~T: Ratty .,.~e~.e peking no further business to come before the Redevelop- ~enc Age~cy~ i~ir. Rayne motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:11 ~?. m. J man. B~ersfield Re~evelopi~aent Agency