HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/27/82 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting---April 27, 1982 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Mr. Mooneyham on Tuesday, April 27, 1982, at 4:10 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The Secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Bilas Judy Clausen Frank Lewis John Mooneyham Rollie Moore Gene ~Tiner STAFF PRESENT: Philip Kelmar, Executive Director Richard Russell, Deputy Executive Director W. D. Higginbotham, Jr., ~Weasurer Richard Oberholzer, City Attorney David Kennon, Economic Development Coordinator Cal Bi'well, Building Director MINUTES Minutes of the meeting on March 23, 1982, and minutes of the Special Meeting of April 16, 1982, were approved as mailed. AGENCY SELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN A motion was made by Mr. Winer nominating Mr, Lewis as Chairman of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency. The motion was seconded by Mr. Moore and carried by the following vote: AYES: Bilas, Moore, Mooneyham, Winer, Clausen, Lewis NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: A motion was made by Mr. Winer nominating Mr. Mooneyham as Vice-Chairman of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bilas and carried by the following vote: AYES: Bilas, Moore, Mooneyham, Winer, Clausen, Lewis NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO COMMITTEES Mr. Moore and Mr. Lewis were selected by the Agency to serve on the Development Committee with Mr. Winer. Ms. Clausen was selected to serve on the Relocation Committee with Mr. Winer and Mr. Mooneyham. Mr. Mooneyham was selected to serve on the Parking Committee. The issue of selecting a third member was tabled until the next meeting in which another agency member could be designated to this committee, after the selection of a seventh member. FINANCIAL A motion was made by Mr. Lewis to approve voucher numbers 189 through 219 totaling $30,046.67. Ms, Clausen seconded the motion which was ap- proved for payment. MR. LEWIS ASSUMED THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF THE AGENCY AT 4:20 CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from Mr. Thomas C. Fallgatter, representing Mosesian Development Company, was distributed tome Agency members. Mr. Fallgatter made a presentation regarding a proposed twelve-story office/condominium structure for the downtown Bakersfield, and presented a color rendering of the building. The proposed site is bounded by 17th and 18th Streets on the south and north, and "K" and "L" Streets on the west and east. He stated the estimated cost of the project, or its fair market value at the time of marketing, would be approximately $28,000,000. Mr. Fallgatter explained the project and stated that the building would cover 59% of the property, and landscape and parking would cover 41%. Mr. Fallgatter requested an exclusive right to negotiate, and along with this negotiation is willing to pay $3,000 a month to the City in good faith. Mr. Fallgatter further explained that they would request the Agency exercise its power of eminent domain to acquire the privately owned property, if the developers are not able to acquire it, and the Mosesian Development Company will pay the full cost of acquisition for the two privately owned parcels. Mr. Mooneyham asked for the status of the Bergen and Guay project, insofar as the project presented by Mr. Fallgatter includes properties under consideration by Mr. Larry Guay. Mr. Russell stated that staff will be meeting with the City's consultants to go over the figures that were submitted to the consultants on the proposal for the Guay project. Mr. Bilas asked whether ~r. Guay has an exclusive right to negotiate with the City. Mr. Russell stated that the ninety days had passed, however the Agency had instructed staff to continue to meet with consultants to go over the proposal that had been submitted by Mr. Guay. Mr. Oberholzer stated that the Agency referred the Guay project to the consultants. He recommended that the Agency wait before they enter into any other right to exclusively negotiate with other developers until a re- sponse is submitted from the consultants. He further stated staff's recommendation regarding the twelve story office/condominium project is that the Agency receive the correspondence and information and place it on file until such time as the response comes back from the consultants on the feasibility of the Bergen and Guay project. Mr. Winer made a motion to receive the correspondence and report and return it to staff to be placed on file, until a final determination is made on the Bergen-Guay project. Mr. Fallgatter asked if both projects could be evaluated together with the consultants next week. Mr. Oberholzer stated that this decision should be made by the Redevelop- ment Agency. He stated that projects are not determined solely on the basis of income, that there are a number of issues to be considered. The project must be financially feasible and have creditability. Mr. Mooneyham requested to hear the status of the project from the other developer. (Bergen & Guay) Mr. Larry Guay was present to give a report on the project. He stated that a formal proposal was made at the March 23, 1982, meeting in which preliminary drawings were submitted with a complete economic breakdown, engineered structure, and design. Mr. Guay stated that the drawings were engineered to provide the project with 300 parking spaces. He stated that if the consultants agree with the developers on the project, then the drawing up of a Development Agreement would commence. Mr. Bilas questioned whether the Guay project was over the ninety-day negotiating period, Mr. Guay stated that he came before the Agency on March 23, and the purpose was to request an extension of time. He further explained that there was some concern about the legal aspect of an exclusive right to nego- tiate and it was decided that the Agency would not extend the right to negotiate until such time as the legal matter had been resolved. Mr. Mooneyham seconded the motion made by Mr. Winer to receive the correspondence from Mr. Fallgatter regarding Mosesian Development Co. for the construction of a 12-story office/condominium project, and place it on file. MULTI-STORY OFFICE STRUCTURE Correspondence was received form Doug Anglen of Anglen & Moreland Development and distributed to the Agency members. Mr. Anglen was present to request an extension on their 90-day exclusive right to negotiate on the multi-story office building and parking structure located on the northwest corner of Eye Street and Truxtun Avenue. Mr. Ken Smith stated that his dental office building is located on this property and commented against the extension of the right to negotiate. Mr. Bilas requested an interpretation of "an exclusive right to negotiate." Mr. Oberholzer stated that an exclusive right to negotiate means that the Agency will not negotiate with other agencies for that said piece of property within whatever time period is approved. Staff's recommendation was to grant the 30-day extention to Anglen and Moreland Developers to prepare a cost analysis of the building and parking structure proposed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mooneyham and approved by the following vote: AYES: Moore, Mooneyham, Lewis NOES: Winer, Bilas ABSTAIN: Clausen INTER-CITY BUS TERMINAL Correspondence was received from Dick Foster, Karpe Real Estate, regarding the development of an inter-city bus terminal, parking structure, commercial and office space located on two blocks bounded by "H" Street, 23rd Street, Chester Avenue and 22nd Street. Mr. Foster was present to formally request an exclusive right to negotiate for 90 days. He stated that his firm is working with Cal Trans, Kern COG and GET to develop an inter-city terminal. Mr. Kelmar said that Mr. Foster made a proposal to the City Council at the last meeting asking for their approval in concept of the project, and stated that apparently before Cal Trans and some of the other entities will become involved, they want to know if there will be support from the Council. Council referred this particular matter to a committee in which a report will be submitted. Staff recommended that the Agency not give the right to negotiate until the Council committee has reviewed the proposal. Mr. Foster further added that he agrees with the recommendation of staff and request that the Agency consider his formal request of a right to negotiate before any other project until Council has reviewed the pro- posal. Mr. Bilas made a motion to consider the request submitted from Mr, Foster and anticipate a report from the Council commiteee. The motion was seconed by Ms. Clausen and carried by the following vote: AYES: Bilas, Clausen, Moore, Mooneyham, Lewis, Winer NOES: ABSTAIN: SENIOR CITIZEN PROJECT Correspondence was received and submitted to the Agency members from Calmark Development Corporation requesting a 90-day exclusive right to negotiate with the Agency regarding the construction of a senior citizen apartment project located on two blocks bounded by 21st and 19th Streets on the north and south and to the west and east by "Q" and "R" Streets. Staff's recommendation is that the Agency refer this project back to staff for continued study and if the project merits consideration then a recommendation will be submitted. Mr. Mooneyham made a motion to refer this proposed project to staff for further review. The motion was seconded by Mr. Moore and approved as follows: AYES: Bilas, Clausen, Moore, NOES: ABSTAIN: Lewis, Mooneyham, Winer MR. BILAS LEFT AT 5:12 P.M. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Mr. Bidwell presented three sign requests that were recommended for approval for Granger & Gianquinto, 1400 Truxtun, Great Western Savings, 1730 Chester Avenue, and the Encampment at 2008 Chester Avenue. Mr. Mooneyham made a motion to approve signage for 1400 Truxtun, 1730 and 1008 Chester Avenue. Mr. Moore seconded the motion which was approved by the following vote: AYES: Winer, Lewis, Clausen, Mooneyham, Moore NEOS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Bilas ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Bakersfield Redevelop- ment Agency, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. to reconvene at 7 p.m. for a joint public hearing with City Council. MR. I:I~ANF< LEWIS, Chairman Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Roberta Allison?~ecretary Bakersfield Red6velopment Agency