HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/28/82 MINUTES RA MINUTES Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Regular Meeting-September 28, 1982 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Lewis on Tuesday, September 28, 1982, at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The Secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank Lewis, Chairman MEMBERS ABSENT: John Mooneyham, Vice-Chairman Randall Richardson Rollie Moore Richard Bilas Gene Winer Judy Clausen STAFF PRESENT: MINUTES Philip Kelmar, Executive Director Richard Russell, Deputy Executive Director Richard Oberholzer, City Attorney W. D. Higginbotham, Jr., Treasurer David Kennon, Economic Development Coordinator Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 24, 1982, were approved as mailed. FINANCIAL Voucher Approval - On a motion by Mr. Bilas, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, vouchers 56 through 72 totaling $1,857.14 were approved for payment. SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. Jim Treanor was present and read a resolution from the Board of Directors of the Downtown Business Association stating that they have agreed to assume the responsibility for the balance of $40,000 owed to Sill Properties for the proposed parking lot at 18th and Eye Streets. Mr. Treanor also stated that at the Joint Meeting of the Council, Agency and GET Board on September 22, 1982, there were several comments and responses to questions made by Mr. Gross of the DBA. These comments represent Mr. Gross' opinion and do not represent a concensus of the full DBA membership regarding the DBA's position on the proposed terminal site and the proposed moving of the transfer point from Chester and 19th Street. He indicated that the DBA would like to move the trans- fer point away from the corner of 19th and Chester. He further stated that GET has not made any attempt to present the DBA with any options for the improvement of 19th and Chester. Mr. Bilas made a motion to accept the resolution for the DBA, assuming the responsibility of paying off the balance owed to Sill Properties for the proposed parking lot, as correspondence. Mr. Winer seconded the motion which was carried. AYES: Lewis, Mooneyham, NOES: None ABSENT: Clausen. Richardson, Moore, Bilas, Winer AGENCY MEMBER STATEMENTS Mr. Moore stated that the Development Committee members of the Agency have been studying the Barton-Aschman Associates al- ternative for a transit facility for the past two weeks and have unanimously agreed on one option. Mr. Moore made the following motion: "To adopt the Chester Avenue Mall concept for a four-block area from 17th to 21st Street with a transfer and service facility on the one-half block of 21st/22nd on Chester to Eye Streets, to provide transfer patrons shelter, security, restrooms and adequate waiting space." Mr. Moore stated that he talked with the people from Barton- Aschman Associates after the noon Development Committee meeting, and that their reaction was very positive. They felt that this was a very viable concept and alternative, and are looking for- ward to presenting that to UMTA (Urban Mass Transportation Ad- ministration). Mr. Moore further stated that he talked with Kern COG, and Mr. Gibb is very supportive of this action. He indicated that he has not yet talked with the DBA or with GET. This concept would be included as part of the plan in the final report. The study presented is a working paper and a first draft only, and the proposed concept will be an option in the final proposal. Mr. Richardson questioned whether the purpose of the motion is to have representation from the Redevelopment Agency at the Thursday UMTA meeting. Mr. Moore stated that he has been asked to attend the meeting with Mr. Gibb and the GET staff, as a representative of the Agency, if the Agency desires and adopts this motion as their recommended course of action for the downtown transit facility. Mr. Mooneyham stated that the Committee is looking for a position that would represent the Agency's objective of down- town improvement and, at the same time, solve some of the problems with the various options presented. This option appears as an alternative that was not discussed and should be. Mr. Bilas stated that before he could vote in favor of the option, he would have to have the assurance that at least two problems would be solved: 1) the policing and security of any outside mall; and 2) what the impact to traffic flow would be. Chairman Lewis stated his concern was with the accessibility of emergency vehicles on Chester Avenue. Mr. Kelmar stated that there should be an agreement in terms of maintenance and security between the City, GET and the down- town businessmen. He indicated that the Agency should support the pursuit of this concept at the UMTA meeting, and examine the op- tion in terms of the viability of the project. Mr. Bilas stated that when the consultant presented his report last Tuesday evening, this alternative was not considered, and now it is indicated that this would be the number one consider- ation. Mr. Bilas further said he didn't think that there was enough information to go on record as approving this body's agreement that this should be the option that the Agency ought to pursue with regard to the downtown mall. Mr. Jim Treanor stated that when this subject of parking started in June 1979, the minutes (DBA minutes) report that the Kern County Council of Governments made a request in a study for a downtown bus terminal and parking. Kern COG actually started this three years ago and it "died" in two years when a represent- ative of the DBA proposed to build a GET terminal on the corner of 19th and "K" Streets. Then the DBA submitted a letter to the City Council requesting them to direct GET to move their trans- fer point. Mr. Treanor stated that they specifically did not tell them where to move it, and since then GET has made no attempt to help the DBA to clean up the transfer point. Mr. Mooneyham stated that a possible alternative would be that the Agency request that our consultants and GET pursue this as an alternative at their meeting, address the concerns and questions of the Agency, and report back to the Agency with some answers. Mr. Moore withdrew his previous motion. Mr. Mooneyham made a motion to accept Mr. Moore's alterna- tive with a shelter at 21st and Chester Avenue as a third alter- native for study. The motion was seconded by Mr. Richardson and carried. AYES: Lewis, Mooneyham, NOES: None ABSENT: Clausen Richardson, Moore, Bilas, Winer REPORTS Mr. Mooneyham read a report from the Parking Committee re- garding the selection of consultants for the City in the design, development and financing of a parking structure in the redevelop- ment project area. Mr. Oberholzer commented that this project has not been ap- proved, and that these are consultants that will be hired to con- sider the feasibility of the project. Mr. Mooneyham made a motion ~ hire Conrad Associates for the design, planning and engineering of the project, the firm of Blythe, Eastman, Payne & Webber to be the financial consultants in the structuring and underwriting of the bond issue, and also the retention of Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth as bond counse- lors for the project. The motion was seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. AYES: Lewis, Mooneyham, Richardson, Moore, NOES: None ABSENT: Clausen Bilas, Winer .DEFERRED BUSINESS Mr. Kennon made a statement on behalf of !Dom Burch being selected to replace resigning Mr. Nelson on the Design Review Board. On a motion by Mr. Bilas, and a second by Mr. Richardson, Mr. Tom Burch was selected as the new member for the Design Review Board. NEW BUSINESS 1. Mr. Kennon stated that regarding the Calmark project staff is asking that there be participation on the part of the Agency and the developer to have an appraisal of the subject properties made to determine the values and give the developer the necessary information so that they can look at the financial feasibility of the project. Staff requested that the Agency allow them to enter the next phase of the project. Mr. Dick Foster, representing Calmark Development Corpora- tion, was present. He stated that Calmark specializes in build- ing senior citizen complexes. They proposed the closing of "R" Street and the creation of a two-block area of senior citizen buildings to be tied with Central Park. Calmark asks that this be included as part of the Redevelopment Project. Mr. Richardson questioned what the potential obligation was going to be for the Redevelopment Agency other than the maximum $500 for the appraisal fee. Mr. Kelmar stated that the Agency would have to get into an expansion of the redevelopment area boundaries in order to get that particular site included in the Redevelopment Project Area. It was staff's feeling that it would be better to spend a mini- mal amount of money now to determine the financial feasibility because the project will involve considerable legal fees and possibly involve an acquisition of property and associated re- location. Mr. Moore made a motion to equally share in the cost, pay up to $500 for the appraisal of the property, and allow staff to enter into the next phase of the project. The motion was seconded by Mr. Richardson and carried. AYES: Lewis, Mooneyham, Richardson, Moore, NOES: None ABSENT: Clausen Bilas, Winer 2. Mr. Lewis selected the following Redevelopment members to be the Chairman of their respective committees: Rollie Moore, Development Committee; Dr. Richard Bilas, Voucher Committee; John Mooneyham, Relocation Committee; Randall Richardson, Parking Plan Committee. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Redevelop- ment Agency, the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. ~. FRANK LE~IS, Chairman Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Roberta F. Gafford,{'F~ecretary Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency