HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/26/82 MINUTES RAMINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting-October 26, 1982 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Lewis on Tuesday, October 26, 1982 at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The Secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank Lewis, Chairman John Hooneyham Judy Clausen 2ollie Moore MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Bilas Randall Richardson STAFF Philip Kelmar, Executive Director Richard Russell, Deputy Executive Director Richard Oberholzer, Clty Attorney W. D. Higginbotham, Jr., Treasurer David Kennon, Economic Development Coordinator Cal Bidwell, Building Director MINUTXS Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 28, 1982 were approved as mailed. FINANCIAL Voucher Approval - On a motion by Mr. Mooneyham, seconded by Mr. Moore, vouchers 73 through 90 totaling $8,514.56 were approved for payment. CORRESPONDENCE Upon request of Chairman Lewis, the Secretary read a letter from John Diatte of Kress Building Associates regarding the utility service to the Kress Building. Mr. Mooneyham made a motion to refer the correspondence to staff for study and to return to the Agency with recommendations if necessary. Mr. Moore seconded the motion which was carried. AYES: Lewis, Mooneyham, Clausen, NOES: None ABSENT: Bilas, Richardson Moore NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution to purchase "Sill" Property. Mr. Oberholzer stated that within the resolution is a threat of condemnation. He stated that it is the request of the Sill Property owner that the acquisition of the property by the Redevelopment Agency be done under the threat of condemnation, and that certain tax advantages would be available to the sellers under those circumstances. Hr. Oberholzer further explained that the resolution provides that the Agency is directing City staff to acquire the property, and in the event that it is not possible to acquire the property by way of negotiations, then staff is in- structed to initiate eminent domain proceedings. Ms. Clausen made a motion to approve the resolution directing City Attorney to negotiate for acquisition of property or institute proceedings in eminent domain for properties owned by the Sill family at 18th Street between "H" and Eye Streets. Mr. Mooneyham seconded the motion which was followed by a roll call vote. AYES: Lewis, Mooneyham, Clausen, NOES: None ABSENT: Bilas, Richardson Moore 2. Agreement for the purchase of Sill Parking Lot. This agreement is for the negotiated purchase of the Sill Property on 18th Street between "H" and Eye Streets wherein the Agency will pay $370,000 and the Downtown Business Association will contribute an additional $40,000 in the form of $20,000 cash and a note for the balance. Mr. Oberholzer stated that agreement with Sill Properties, escrow by November 30. if the Agency approves the Inc., it is expected to go into Mr. Moore made a motion to approve the Agreement with Sill Properties, Inc. for the purchase of the Sill Property located on 18th Street between "H" and Eye Streets. Ms. Clausen seconded the motion which was carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Lewis, Mooneyham, Clausen, NOES: None ABSENT: Bilas, Richardson Moore Status Report on Hotel Project Dave Kennon gave an oral report on status of the agreement and design of the hotel. Mr. Kennon stated that all parties re- sponsible for reviewing the hotel agreement have reviewed and indicated their approval of the agreement. He stated that the Agency's special counsel is generating the final documents and will transmit those to the developer :for his signature. He further stated that staff is anticipating a public hearing on November 16 that will be a joint public hearing, in which the Implementation Agreement and other documentation will be con- sidered by the Agency and Council. Ms. Clausen made a motion to have staff schedule a joint public hearing for November 16, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. to review the Implementation Agreement and other documentation concerning the proposed Convention Center Hotel. Mr. Mooneyham seconded the motion which was carried. AYES: Lewis, Mooneyham, Clausen, NOES: None ABSENT: Bilas, Richardson Moore 4. Leasing agent for American National Bank property. Two recognized commercial/industrial leasing agents were contacted and proposals solicited. A completed proposal was received from Charles Tingey Associates. Mr. Kelmar stated that in terms of trying to lease out that property, the City didn't feel it had the capabilities for market- ing property of that size and, as a result, staff requested proposals from two of the largest firms in the community that do the requested services. He further stated that the firm of Charles Tingey Associates responded, and the other firm did not. Staff has reviewed the proposal and finds it to be satisfactory. Upon a motion by Mr. Moore, seconded by Ms. Clausen, the Agency selected Char]es Tingey Associates as leasing agents for properties owned by the Agency which the Agency wishes to lease. AYES: Lewis, Mooneyham, Clausen, NOES: None ABSENT: Bilas, Richardson Moore 5. Design Review Board Mr. Bidwell was present and stated that recommendations have been made from the Design Review Board regarding the projects iisted below. a) Shoe Center, 2101 Chester Avenue Approve signage. b) The Beef & Beanery Restaurant, 1919 "K" Street Approve signage and exterior renovation. c) Titan Arcade, 1819 Chester Avenue - Approve signage. d) Kern Deli, 1817 Chester Avenue - Approve signage. e) Ted's Plaza, 1530 19th Street - Approve signage. f) Old Church Plaza Parking, 17th and "M" Streets- Approve signage. g) Instant Printing, 21st and Eye Streets - Deny do to excessive size. h) Towne Photo Supply, Inc., 1609 19th Street - Deny do to excessive size. i) Darlene's New and Used Clothes, 1617 19th Street - Deny do to excessive size. j) Bank of America, 1440 Truxtun Avenue - Approve signage. k) Awnings for Office Building, northeast corner of 17th and "K" Streets - Approve signage. 1) Roger E. Sandoval, D.D.S., 1905 17th Street - Approve signage. m) Kandarian Electronics, 1930 "L" Street - Approve signage. Mr. Mooneyham made a motion to made by the Design Review Board for Moore seconded the motion which was approve the recommendations the above projects. Mr. carried. AYES: Lewis, Mooneyham, Moore, NOES: None ABSENT: Bilas, Richardson C~ausen ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Redevelop- ment Agency, the meeting was adjourned at 4:16 p.m. Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Roberta F. Gafford~,~Secretary Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency