HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/27/82 MINUTES RAMINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Special Meeting-December 27,1982 The Special Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Lewis on Monday, December 27, 1982 at 4:05 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The Secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank Lewis, Chairman MEMBERS ABSENT: John Mooneyham, Vice-Chairman Randall Richardson Richard Bilas Rollie Moore Judy Clausen STAFF PRESENT: Phi] Kelmar, Executive Director Richard Oberholzer, City Attorney W. D. Migginbotham, Jr., Treasurer J. David Kennon, Economic Development Coordinator MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 23, 1982 were approved as mailed. FINANCIAL Voucher Approval On a motion by Mr. Richardson, second by Mr. Bilas, vouchers 111 through 134 totaling $412,602.33 were approved for payment. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of 18th and Eye Street Parking Structure as a Redevelopment project. a) Upon request of Chairman Lewis, the Secretary read a memorandum from the Special Committee regarding plans and specifications for the proposed parking structure at 18th and Eye Streets. Mr. Kelmar stated that the report from Katz, Hollis, Coren & Associates was incorrect. The consultants reviewed various alternative sizes for the garage, and prepared three scenarios, one for a structure of 276 parking spaces, another being 359 spaces, and a third of 510 parking spaces. He stated that the deficit that would be incurred by the 510 space structure is way beyond what the City considers reasonable at this time. The economics of the 276 and 359 parking space alternatives are within reason, based upon the report that was prepared by QUAD Consul- tants, as far as the benefits that would result from the additional parking. Mr. Kelmar suggested that the Agency approve the recommendations, and go out to bid for the 510 space structure as well as the other alternatives, and when bids are received then a determination can be made as to the size structure that should be built. Mr. Lewis questioned whether the 510 is a good projection of future needs. Mr. Kelmar stated that the City doesn't have a public parking structure to provide experience for this project. Mr. Kelmar suggested that the Agency go ahead with the action, with a determination not to be made at this point as the size of the garage until the actual bids come in. to Mr. Moore made a motion that the Agency amend the memorandum received from the Special Committee of the Agency regarding, The approval of the 18th and Eye Street Parking Structure as a Redevelopment Project, with the recommendations of the Executive Director Incorporated, that we will go on bid on the three scenarios 276, 359 and 510 parking space structure and then make a decision at a later time as to which one would economically benefit the City. Mr. Lewis questioned the change in the cost factor. Mr. Kelmar stated that the projections include a ten-year projection assuming 8 percent inflation increase in both revenue and cost. Mr. Bilas seconded the motion. AYES: Lewis, Moore, NOES: None ABSENT: Clausen Bilas, Richardson, Mooneyham b) Mr. Alex Magana from Conrad Associates was present and gave a report regarding the parking structure design and manage- ment. He also stated thaf after making the preliminary studies as to the cost of the construction, it was determined that the structure over the adjoining property would be inappropriate because of cost. Mr. Richardson questioned the height in comparison to the other buildings. Mr. Magana stated that the 510 space building is six stories, and each story is ten feet in height. The building to the east is three stories and the building to the west is three stories higher than the proposed parking structure. Each level will hold approximately 78 cars. Mr. Mooneyham made a motion to adopt Resolution No. RA10-82 making certain findings in relation to the construction of a public parking facility in the downtown Redevelopment project, and adopt the negative declaration finding that no significant environmental impact would occur as a result of this project. AYES: Lewis, Moore, Bilas, Richardson, NOES: None ABSENT: Judy Clausen Mooneyham c) Mr. Bilas made a motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the 18th and Eye Street parking structure as a Redevelopment project. Motion was seconded by Mr. Moore and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Lewis, Moore, Bilas, NOES: None ABSENT: Judy Clausen Richardson, Mooneyham 2. Approval of Sill Properties, Inc. as operators of the parking lot. Mr. Kelmar indicated that there have been discussions with the Sills, and that they have agreed to operate the parking lot until the parking structure was started. They are asking for approximately $250 a month which is about 10 percent of the revenues of the present lot. Public Works Department has evaluated as to what it would cost to take over the building function and hand out cards and have indicated a cost savings by allowing the Sills to operate the parking lot. Mr. Lewis questioned how many parking spaces are available. Mr. Kelmar stated eighty-five spaces are now available. Mr. Richardson made a motion to allow Sill Properties, Inc. to function as managers of the existing parking lot at 18th and Eye Streets. Mr. Mooneyham seconded the motion and carried. AYES: Lewis, Moore, Bilas, NOES: None ABSENT: Judy Clausen Richardson, Mooneyham 3a. American National Bank building purchase. This note provides for the payment of $700,000 with interest due only during this five-year period. in five years Mr. Oberholzer stated that this property is presently in escrow and will close on December 30, 1982. This is part of the land banking purchase by the Redevelopment Agency. The City will be paying $275,000 and execute a five-year note for $700,000. Interest only payments will be made for five years, with no prepayment penalty. Mr. Richardson made a motion to approve the Installment Note for the purchase of the American National Bank property. The motion was seconded by Mr. l~ooneyham and carried. AYES: Lewis, Moore, Bilas, NOES: None ABSENT: Judy Clausen Richardson, Mooneyham b) Approve Acceptance of Deed. Mr. Mooneyham made a motion to authorize the Chairman to accept the Deed for the American National Bank property. The motion was 8econded by Mr. Moore and carried. AYES: Lewis, Moore, Bilas, NOES: None ABSENT: Judy Clausen Richardson, Mooneyham 4. Annual Report to City Council. Mr. Richardson made a motion to approve the Annual Report and transmit it to the City Council for their approval. The motion was seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. AYES: Lewis, Moore, Bilas, NOES: None ABSENT: Judy Clausen Richardson, Mooneyham 5. Design Review Board. The following projects and recommendations were made by the Design Review Board relative to projects in the Redevelopment Project Area. a San Joaquin Bank, 1301 17th Street - Approve exterior renovation and signage b Payless Shoesource, 1517 19th Street - Approve signage c Law Office, 1111 Truxtun Avenue - Approve signage d Memory Lane Florist, 2026 Chester Avenue - Approve signage e Garcia's Floor Covering & Furniture, 19th and "N" Streets - Approve signage La Segunda Thrift Shop, 19th and "N" - Approve signage Extension of Exterior Renovation of building, 19th and "N" Streets - Approve building and signs h New office building and signs, NW corner of 16th and "F" Streets - Approve building and signs Mr. Bilas made a motion to approve the recommendations made by the Design Review Board for the above projects. Mr. Mooneyham seconded the motion which was carried. AYES: Lewis, Moore, Bilas, NOES: None ABSENT: Judy Clausen Richardson, Mooneyham ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Redevelopment Agency, the meeting was adjourned at 4:34 p.m. Z~hairman~ '~Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Roberta F. ~afford?L~ecretary Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency