HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/81 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting - January 27, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper Tuesday, January 27, 1981, at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Jeanne Foth, Vice Chairman Frank S. Lewis John S. Mooneyham Dr. Glenn D. Puder Gene Winer ABSENT: Robert E. King STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Philip Kelmar, Executive Director Dennis Needham, Deputy Executive Director Calvin Bidwell, Building Director W. D. Higginbotham, Finance Operations Manager Tom Swallow, Assistant City Attorney Councilman Chris Christensen Mr. Roger Schlesinger, Brower Building Owner Mr. Dick Foster, Leasing Agent, Haberfelde Building Chairman as liaison to keep Council. Casper welcomed Councilman Chris Christensen who will function the Council apprised of Agency activities of interest to the MINUTES a) Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 25, 1980 were approved as mailed. The Regular Meeting scheduled for December 23, 1980 was cancelled due to the close proximity of the holidays, and the fact there was no necessity for action. FINANCE a) Voucher Approval - Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Ms. Foth, and carried, Vouchers Nos. 82 through 102, totaling $93,960.01 (see Voucher Register dated January 27, 1981), were approved for payment. PROJECTS a) regarding Downtown Parking: Chairman Casper reported two letters had been received the urgent need for additional parking downtown, as follows: 1) Letter from B.B. Limited (Brower Building) - Mr. Roger Schlesinger, owner of this building located at 19th and "Eye" Streets reiterated what his building manager (Mr. Melvin K. Khachiglan) had stated in his letter of January 1, 1981, i.e., that the parking situation downtown is critical, and he urged that something be done as soon as possible to alleviate the situation. Mr. Schlesinger stated that his firm is ready to stand behind the Agency financially and would agree to leasing parking spaces in a parking facility on 18th between "H" and "Eye" Streets, if built. 2) Letter from B. D. Benton (Haberfelde Building) - Mr. Dick Foster, Leasing Agent for Mr. Benton, owner of the Haberfelde Building at 17th and Chester, said he could add nothing to Mr. Benton's offer in his letter dated January 9, 1981 to lease parking spaces at the going rate if a structure is built at 18th and "K~ Streets. Following discussion, Ms. Foth moved the above correspondence be referred to the Agency's Parking Committee for study and recommendation. Mr. Lewis asked that the motion include that the study and recommendation be accelerated and brought back to the Agency at next month's meeting. Ms. Foth so moved. The amended motion was seconded by Dr. Puder, and carried. 3) D.B.A. Survey on Downtown Parking - Mr. Needham stated Mr. Tooker had attended a meeting of the Downtown Business Association at which a survey of businesses wlth~n the Downtown Improvement District was planned to determine how many businesses would lease parking spaces if a parking facility was provided. Mr. Tooker reported a form had been prepared and would go out soon. GENERAL a) Design Review Board Recommendations: Mr. Bidwell reviewed the following two items which the Design Review Board recommended be approved: 1) Security Pacific Bank, 2200 Chester Avenue - Signage already installed at this location was within Agency standards. 2) Forrest Dickey Jewelers, 1416 - 18th Street - Three existing signs were within Agency standards. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Mooneyham, seconded by Mr. Winer, and carried, the Agency approved both of the above items as recommended by the Design Review Board. b) Agency's Annual Report to the State - Mr. Needham explained the State's requirement for a report on Agency activities each year, and requested the Board's approval of the report. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Mr. Winer, and carried, the Agency approved the report for transmittal to the State. c) Legal Counsel for Redevelopment Projects - Mr. Kelmar stated that since Mr. Jacobs has taken up a new career, and is no longer associated with the Los Angeles firm the Agency has been doing business with, he recommended the Agency seek new legal counsel for new projects the Agency might become involved in. He stated Mr. Jacobs was willing to continue serving as legal counsel on the shopping center project. Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, the City Attorney was instructed to seek new legal counsel for the Agency for all future projects, and report his findings back to the Agency for their consideration. Also, Dr. Puder moved, seconded by Mr. Winer, and carried, that staff prepare a letter advising Mr. Jacobs of his continuing, but restricted, service to the Agency. d) NAHRO Governing Board Meeting - Mr. Needham reported this is a meeting February 7, 1981, in Santa Clara, of the Committee to which the Agency recently appointed Ms. Foth, and staff would like approval of expenditures for her atten- dance. Mr. Lewis so moved, seconded by Mr. Winer. The motion carried. Ms. Foth stated that proposed workshops for the NAHRO meeting in May would be discussed and planned at this Committee meeting, and she would be glad to receive any sugges- tions from Board members as to subjects they would like to have covered. e) Election of Agency Chairman and Vice Chairman - Chairman Casper stated this to be the time for election of a new Chairman and Vice Chairman for 1981, and asked for nominations for Chairman. Mr. Winer nominated Mr. Casper, and Mr. Lewis seconded the nomination. Ms. Foth moved the nominations be closed, and Mr. Winer seconded the motion. Mr. Casper was unanimously re-elected Chairman. Chairman Casper asked for nominations for Vice Chairman. Dr. Puder nominated Ms. Foth, and Mr. Mooneyham seconded the nomination. Mr. Lewis moved the nominations be closed, and Mr. Winer seconded the motion. Ms. Foth was unanimously re-elected Vice Chairman. f) Agency Committees - Chairman Casper reviewed the membership on the Agency committees, and asked if anyone wished to be rotated to another committee. He also stated that he would like to establish a Council Committee to attend City Council meetings and keep the Agency apprised of events related to Agency business. Mr. Lewis recommended leaving the appointment of members to the Chairman; and Dr. Puder recommended that all Agency members serve on the Council Committee, with the responsibility of seeing that at least one member attend each City Council meeting. It was the consensus of the Board that these recommendations be accepted. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m. Bakersfield RedeVelopment ~A~ency Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency