HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/24/81 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting - March 24, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper Tuesday, March 24~ 1981 at 4 p,m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Jeanne Foth, Vice Chairman Dr. Richard B~las John S. Mooneyham Gene Wirier ABSENT: Frank S. Lewis Dr. Glenn D. Puder STAFF PRESENT: Philip Kelmar, Executive Director Richard Russell, Deputy Executive Director W. D. Higginbotham, Treasurer Richard Oberholzer, City Attorney Dennis Needham, Director of Fire & Development Services Calvin Bidwell, Building Director Jim GilchrJst and Dave Kennon, Community Development & Housing OTHERS PRESENT: John Means, Councilman, Ward 5 MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 24, 1981 were approved as mailed. FINANCE a) Voucher Approval - Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, Vouchers Nos. 113 through t25, totaling $5,849.60 (See Voucher Register dated March 24, 1981), were approved for payment. PROJECTS a) Shopping Center: 1) Letter from L, F. Rothschild~ Unterberg, Towbin - Chairman Casper noted this correspondence ~ated March Il, 1981, advised that L. F. Rothschild, Unt~?ber~ Tow~in w~Id~ based on the public financing plan as set forth in Katz, Hollis, Coren & AssociatesI letter of February 12, 1981, be interested in submitting a flrm proposal for the bonds for this project within the limits permitted by law; and if accepted as the low bidder, would purchase such legally issued bonds. Mr. Mooneyham moved, seconded by Mr. Winer, and carried, that this correspondence be received and placed on file, Urban Development Action Grant - Mr, Oberholzer stated he had called the HUD office in Washington and spoke with Mary Allman, staff member, who stated that all presentations had been made to the Acting Assistant Secretary of HUD, and that the UDAG staff did not recommend the applica- tion be further processed because they felt it was not complete with respect to the standards they had developed. Mr. Oberholzer noted this decision on the granting, or not granting, of the application was not final, but that it was staff's (HUD) recommenda- tion to the Acting Assistant Secretary. Mr. Oberholzer said Mrs. Allman told him the applicatlon was closer to completion than in previous submittals, and that it was not unusual for a developer to have to go through a number of applications before all requirements are met, She stated her experience had been that large shopping centers, such as proposed for Bakersfield, never have been approved the first time around. She also stated that based on informa- tion now supplied, the project should be in suitable condition within the next two months so that if the City so desired, they could proceed on the application in the next quarter. Following discussion, Ms, Foth moved that the Agency adopt the fol- lowing motion: "The Agency is totally committed to a downtown shopping mall and desires that May Company, Penney's and Gottschalk's locate in the shopping mall; and toward that end, we request that staff evaluate all possible alternatives, including further pursuit of funding through UDAG, so that May Company, Penney~s and Gottschalk's can soon locate in a downtown Bakersfield shopping mall," The motion was seconded by Mr. Winer, and carried, b) Hotel--Review and Approval of RFP - Mr. Russell noted that at the Agency meeting February 24, 19~1, staff was directed to refer this document to the Agency's Development Committee following review by the City Manager and City Attorney. This Committee, with Councilman Christensen, met and reviewed the RFP. Mr. Kennon summarized the document, stating that there were three basic parts to it--introductory items describing the project as it is envisioned; feasibility study; and selection process for obtaining a developer. Mr. Kennon suggested, if the Agency approves the RFP, that since it is a policy document, it be forwarded for the City Council's approval. If the Council approves, Mr. Kennon said then the RFP could be issued. Mr. Russell noted that this was a "draft" document, and if Agency members desired to make comments or changes, they should feel free to do so. stated he felt the staff had done a very good job. He FollQwing discussion, Mr. Mooneyham moved, seconded by Ms. Foth, and carried, that the Request for Proposal for a Convention Center Hotel be accepted as presented, and submitted for Council approval prior to issuance. c) Specific Plan for Central Business District - Mr. Russell stated that staff had, for some time, been working on this Plan, but had come to a point where additional funding is needed to proceed. He said he is somewhat concerned with the fact that directions for proceeding with this Plan were given by an Agency committee. He requested directions to proceed with the Plan, and an allowance for additional staff time of about 400 hourstotaling $8,000. Mr. Kennon reviewed the objectives of the Plan, stating that the basic issue is coordination; and that the Plan would be a document which would serve as a tool to implement the various ideas that might come forth. Basically, he said, staff would gather input as to direction, needs, identification of the community needs as perceived by the community and interpreting them into various initial goals and objectives. Hr. Kennon said the final activity would result in analysis of the impact of the various activities. Mr. Kennon used a study area map during his discussion, and stated a questionnaire had been sent to specific businesses within the area. He stated data are being summarized and will be brought before the Board at the next meeting. He said cost of the study would be only about 30% of what it would if a consultant were hired; and that City staff would be building in-house capabilities. Following discussion, Mr. Winer moved, seconded by Mr, Mooneyham, and carried, to approve the request for additional staff time in the amount of $8,000 to proceed with the Specific Plan for the Central Business District. d) Special Legal Counsel - Chairman Casper noted this item was added at the request of Mr, Oberholzer, and stated it concerned the Agency's request (January 27, 1981 meeting) that Mr. Oberholzer seek a new redevelopment attorney for future Agency projects in view of the change in status of Mr. Jacobs' services. Mr. Oberholzer presented a copy of a letter and a proposed agreement from Mr. Joseph E. Coomes, Jr. of the firm McDonough, Holland & Allen of Sacramento (with offices in Newport Beach) dated March 18, 1981 to Agency members for their perusal. He noted he wished to take more time to review the agreement thoroughly to make certain it is acceptable before he makes a recommendation; however, of those he has considered, this firm seems to have the most extensive credentials, and he thinks he will be recommending this firm be retained as Special Counsel by the Agency. GENERAL a) Letter from Yinger, Blanton & Sullivan - Mr. Bidwell reported this letter dated February 24, 1981 and signed by Mr. Philip C. Blanton requested the Agency condemn the property located at 1603 "F" Street (NW Corner), demolish the existing structures, and sell the property to him. Mr. Blanton noted in his letter that the property was in a dilapidated condition. He stated he would develop the property to its highest and best use, and would be willing to lease a portion of the property to the City for public parking, if the City so desired. Mr. Bidwell advised the Agency that standard City abatement procedures, i.e., notification to owner, allowance of a specific time to demollsh or bring up to code; then if no compllance from owner the City would demolish and place a lien against the property in the amount of the cost of the City's services. Following discussion, Ms. Foth moved that staff notify the property owner by letter that this matter will be handled by due process, and to so advise Mr. Blanton of the Agency's action. The motJon was seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting at 4:40 p.m. V IJ~I~T* CASPER, C'~;~rl-rm, B~-~i>,ersfield Rec[c~elop~ /gency- Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency