HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/26/81 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING May 26, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper Tuesday, May 26, 1981 at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Jeanne Foth, Vice Chairman Dr. Richard Bilas Frank Lewis John Mooneyham Dr. Glenn Puder ABSENT: Gene Winer STAFF PRESENT: Richard Russell, Deputy Executive Director W. D. Higginbotham, Treasurer Richard Oberholzer, City Attorney Calvin Bidwell, Building D~rector David Kennon, Economic Development Coordinator MINUTES FINANCIAL Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 28, 1981 were approved as mailed. a) Voucher Approval - Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Lewis, and carried, Vouchers Nos. 147 through 168, totaling $163,297.40 (see Voucher Register dated May 26, 1981), were approved for payment. Also, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Lewis, and carried, Voucher No. 126, payable to Alliance Appraisal Company for the amount of $1,503.90, and which was withheld from payment at last month's meeting, staff was instructed to disallow payment from Agency funds. PROJECTS a) Shopping Center - Chairman Casper instructed the secretary to read the City Manager's recommendation to the City Council (excerpt from May 6, 1981 City Council Minutes) that the Council "...act not to file for UDAG funding for this project in the future." Mr. Kelmar's reasons were given as the past three rejec- tions for funds, the removal of the City from the eligible list, and the Agency's financial consultant's recent financial analysis which indicated an increase in the estimated project costs of $1.1 million if the City were to begin property acquisition in October 1981. b) Hotel - Mr. Russell noted the deadline for submission of proposals by developers for this project is Friday, May 30th, and suggested a meeting of the Development Committee be held Monday, June 1st at 3 p.m. in the Manager's Conference Room, to review the proposals received. Agency members concurred, and the secretary was instructed to notify Mr. Winer, a member of the Committee who was absent; and also to notify Councilman Chrlstensen, liaison between the Council and the Agency, who might wish to attend. Mr. Kennon reviewed the project flow chart for the hotel outlining the sequence of events for this project. c) (This item deleted from Agenda.) d) Specific Plan - Both Mr. Russell and Mr. Kennon urged Agency members to give the Development Committee some feedback as to their desires regarding goals and objectives for this Plan. Mr. Kennon emphasized that the goals and objectives presented earlier were very preliminary and do not represent a formu- lated plan. He stressed that the final goals and objectives must be a good, citizen-participation plan. Following discussion, Mr. Mooneyham moved that the preliminary goals and objectives for the Plan be forwarded to the City Council for their review, and that a joint workshop of the Council, Agency and Planning Commission be scheduled to assure that all are in concurrence with these goals and objectives. The motion was seconded by Dr, Puder, and carried. Mr. Kennon presented graphics which were the result of a door-to-door, parcel-by-parcel survey his staff conducted showing the land use patterns and trends. He stated that the seven basic areas of concern are: 1) single use commercial, 2) mixed use commercial, 3) public use, 4) industrial use, 5) residen- tial, 6) office, and 7) medical. Chairman Casper noted this presentation was for informational purposes only. e) Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program (CRLB) - Mr. Kennon made a short presentation on this Program, as outlined in a memo dated May 21, 1981, for the Agency's consideration. A progress flow chart was also provided to apprise members of the procedure needed to develop the Program. Mr. Kennon stated that benefits from such a program would be manifested in job retention and creation; increased business prosperity; restoration, expansion and overall revitalization of the Central Business District. He stated staff would be bringing other items back to the Agency for discussion, and suggested some type of workshop might be appropriate at that time. Chairman Casper noted this presentation was for infor- mational purposes only, and required no action at this time. GENERAL a) Report on Request to Consider Full-Time Redevelopment Attorney - Mr. 0berholzer, in answering a question presented at last month's meeting, stated that the City Attorney's office will probably have more involvement in redevelopment than it has in the past, since they now have more experience whereas in the past they relied heavily on Mr. Jacobs' expertise. He stated that the Agreement with Mr. Joseph Coombs is for service on an "as needed" basis. He reviewed costs for legal services in the past, as compared to what costs might have been to hire and train a city attorney for similar services. b) Design Review Board Recommendation - Mr. Bidwell reviewed the proposed two-story addition to an existing two-story law firm building, stating that addi- tional parking would be provided, as well as the required landscaping. Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, this two-story addition to the office building located on the northeast corner of Truxtun Avenue and "M" Street was approved as recommended by the Design Review Board. c) Report on NAHRO Annual PSWRC - Mr, Kennon reported a rather pessimistic outlook by most attending this conference, stating that traditional funding of projects is expected to be more difficult under the new administration. However, Mr. Kennon noted that new funding techniques and resources utilizing in-place structures and improvements, emphasizing owner-participation and public/private alternatives, were discussed. Dr. Puder commented that this was "...a group we will do well to align ourselves with." ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the/Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting at 5 p.m. ~~.~ L~.~~J V I ftC ~brr -~s RE n~/Cha i ~Inra~n f Bernice E. Stewart} Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency