HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/23/81 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regul.ar Meetin9 -- June 23, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper on Tuesday, June 23, 1981 at 4:08 p.m., in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman John Mooneyham ABSENT: Jeanne Foth, Vice Chairman Dr. Glenn Puder Dr. Richard Bilas Gene Winer Frank Lewis STAFF PRESENT: Philip Kelmar, Executive Director Richard Russell, Deputy Executive Director W. D. Higginbotham, Treasurer Richard Oberholzer, City Attorney Calvin Bidwell, Building Director David Kennon, Economic Development Coordinator MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 26, 1981 were approved as mailed. Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 11, 1981 were amended to delete the list of OTHERS PRESENT as these people were not involved in the meeting. CORRESPONDENCE Request of Chairman Casper for secretary to read a letter from Bell Tower Associates addressed to Richard Oberholzer, into the Minutes. Action taken by Agency to refer this item to staff and the appropriate committee for review and recommendation. FINANCIAL a) Voucher Approval - On a motion by Mr. Mooneyham, seconded by Dn Puder and carried, Vouchers 169 through 178 totalling $6,957.61 were approved for payment. PROJECTS a) Status Report on Shopping Center l) Renegotiation of Joint Development Agreement - Mr. Kelmar made an oral presentation to the Agency informing them that the Developer has been able to secure financing, and that now the City must come up with its share. He felt it would be a worthwhile effort to explore the possibility of trying to raise funds locally for the City's portion of the financing. He stated that there were several options open in terms of how to structure and market the bond issue. He suggested that the bonds could be structured in denominations of $1,000 (as opposed to $5,000). This would make it easier for smaller individual investors to participate. Mr. Kelmar stated that First Interstate Bank is willing to open a trust account for the City and that moneys could be invested in money market certificates during the interim. As a gesture of support and to encourage the City's participation in financing of this (downtown retail center), Mr. Kelmar presented a check for $1,000 to be deposited in a special trust for the Redevel- opment Agency. On a motion by Mr. Winer, seconded by Dr. Puder and carried, the Agency gave its support of "going public" in trying to secure financial support for the City's portion of financing for the downtown retail center. 2) Shopping Center Property Appraisals - Presentation made by Mr. Kelmar concerning ~pdat~lngJthe cost of property appraisals. Mr. Kelmar indicated the approximate cost for the appraisals would be between $750 and $800 per parcel. He indicated that if costs to appraise the 13 properties exceed $5,000 by more than $700 or $800, he would bring the issue back before the Agency. On a motion by Mr. Mooneyham, seconded by Mr. Winer and carried, the Agency authorized Mr. Kelmar to go ahead with the update of property appraisals. b) Status Report on Hotel Project l) David Kennon informed the Agency that staff has ordered an engineering survey of the site to aid the developer in the development of conceptual plans of the project. Also, staff has been working on a parking plan for the Auditorium and Hotel. He stated staff will be able to come back with more precise informa- tion in 30 days. c) Proposed Office Parkin9 Structure of "K" Street Garage 1) Mr. Lawrence Guay requested that he be allowed to negotiate a Joint Development Agreement with the City on the proposed parking structure at 18th and "K" Streets. This would provide approximately 100 new public parking spaces. He also requested a 90-day exclusive right to negotiate with the Agency on developing Phase II of this planned project. On a motion by Mr. Winer, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham and carried, Mr. was given the authority to establish a Joint Development Agreement on the proposed parking structure. Guay On a motion by Dr. Puder and seconded by Mr. Winer and carried, Mr. Guay was given a 90-day exclusive right to negotiate with the Agency on the develop- ment of the additional phases of this proposed project. These properties include parcels between 17th, 19th, "L" and "K" Streets and will involve the development of subject properties as various mixed commercial office uses. GENERAL a) Design Review Board Recommendations After presentation by Mr. Cal Bidwell, City Building Director, and after discussion by Agency members, on a motion by Mr. Mooneyham, seconded by Dr. Puder and carried, Design Review Board recommendation to approve the Convenience Food Market and Service Station on the northeast corner of 18th and "H" Streets was approved by the Agency. b) Staff Requirements for Project I~plementation Deputy Executive Director Russell presented a request to the Agency for approval of a new staff position titled Redevelopment Project Supervisor. It was recommended that this position and the job description submitted to the Agency members be approved to that recruitment can begin. Mr. Russell indicated that this position would not be filled until redevelopment activities demanded the additional staff and that the request for fulfilling the position would be returned to the Agency at a later date. It was recommended that this position be hired under contract for approximately $32,000 per year. This request will be forwarded to City Council for their review and approval. c) Proposal and Financial Audit Mr. Kelmar stated that the City Council approved the CPA firm of Bailey, Brennan, Slaughter & Company Accountants, Inc. to perform the City's annual audit. He suggested that the Redevelopment Agency utilize these same services. On a motion by Mr. Mooneyham, seconded by Dr. Puder and carried, Redevelopment Agency agreed to utilize the services of Bailey, Brennan, Slaughter & Company Accountants, Inc. in their annual financial audit. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Redevelopment Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting at 4:46 p.m. / ~¢~I ~CEN~, CAS~PE R, Cha i r~r~/o~-t h~--- BakersfiXe2~ Redevel~t Agency G. Porter Secretary