HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/28/81 MINUTES RA JOINT MTG MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING AND SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION July 28, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper Tuesday, July 28, 1981 at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Jeanne Foth, Vice Chairman Dr. Richard Bilas Frank Lewis John Mooneyham Gene Winer ABSENT: Dr. Glenn Puder CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mary K. Shell Councilman James Barton Councilman J. M. Christensen Councilman John Means Councilman Don Ratty Councilman Art Rockoff Councilman Vernon Strong PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Benjamin D. Phipps, Chairman James Redstone, Vice Chairman Mary L. Jones Stephanie L. McCormick Mary Prewett Gerald Van Horn STAFF PRESENT: Philip Kelmar, Executive Director Richard Russell, Deputy Executive Director W. D. Higginbotham, Jr., Treasurer Richard Oberholzer, City Attorney David Kennon, Economic Development Coordinator MINUTES Minutes of the Special Meeting of June ll, 1981 and Regular Meeting of June 23, 1981 were approved as mailed. CORRESPONDENCE a) Chamber of Commerce Letter - The secretary read a letter received from the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce dated June 26, 1981 in whibh they advised the Redevelopment Agency of their support of redevelopment in the Central City. GENERAL a) Specific Plan StudS Presentation - Mr. Kennon introduced staff members involved in the Study. He then gave a brief introduction as to the purpose of the Study. A slide presentation followed, depicting problem areas within the area surveyed (i.e., parking, structural deterioration, underutilization of buildings, etc.). Additionally, slides depicting the Study area's poten- tial for revitalization were presented. -2- b) Goals and Objectives - Mr. Kennon introduced a series of preliminary Goals and Objectives for the Central Business District Specific Plan and asked for suggestions or comments from the Agency, Council and Planning Commission. Mayor Shell stated that in her contact with the people of Bakersfield, she has found that there is a general need for cleanup, more enforcement of the Weed Abatement Ordinance, a plan for downtown landscaping, and the rest- oration of certain buildings, "capitalizing on the era of the building and restoring the building to that era". Ms. Foth commended the staff for the work done on the Specific Plan. She stated that she liked the Mayor's idea of restoring some of the old buildings in Bakersfield. Ms. Foth also stated that the idea of "old town is exciting'l, but that the City "must not lose sight of the new projects it has in mind now". Dr. Bilas stated that he enjoyed the presentation, but feels it raises questions the Agency, Council and Planning Commission should ask themselves. Dr. Bilas' main concern is how much control should government take in rede- velopment projects. "What is the role of government." Mr. Lewis asked if the structures surveyed through the Study belong to absentee or local owners. Mr. Kennon stated that most of the structures are occupied by renters or lease holders. Mr. Lewis then stated that he feels too much government handling can "mess things up, but the City of Bakersfield has a right to ask for standards on which it can exist and function." Mr. Mooneyham felt the goal for public participation and involvement in the planning process should be expanded so that the public can have direct input as to the proper role of the Plan and input as to how they would like to see the downtown area developed. Mr. Kennon then stated that a public participation plan will be brought before the Agency and City Council for review. Mr. Kennon also stated that questionnaires will be submitted to the Agency, Council and Planning Commission for additional input relative to the preliminary goals. Councilman Means then asked if there are any known examples where a city has had no government involvement in downtown redevelopment and have come out successfully. Mr. Kennon did not know of any cities coming out of the type of decline downtown Bakersfield is in, without some degree of government interference or assistance. Councilman Rockoff stated that his feeling about redevelopment is a "partnership and cooperative effort between government and the private sector." After a given project is proven to be financially viable, it is the private investor and the public that will make the project successful by their invest- ment. These should be the tests that determine whether a particular project will be supported or assisted by government. Mr. Phipps stated that he feels the function of government is to provide the opportunity for businesses to move into the downtown area; but before th~s can be accomplished, a definite plan must be developed. The public needs to be aware of precisely what government plans to do and when it is to be done before the private sector begins investing in rehabilitation. Mr. Phipps also stated there should be residential development in the Central City in order to have people "living and shopping" in the downtown area. Mayor Shell stated that she feels a very important reason the private sector has not invested their money in improving businesses downtown is that they are waiting on the decision regarding the shopping center. -3- Ms. McCormick stated that she was not certain of what is expected of the Planning Commission at this time, since the Planning Commission has not dealt with matters regarding the downtown area since she has been on the Commission. She stated she personally would welcome the opportunity to be involved with planning for the downtown. Mr. Kennon stated there were two basic reasons for getting the Planning Commission involved early in this process: 1) to have more policy making bodies participate in the planning of the downtown; and 2~ Planning Commission will be required to review any amendments to the General Plan and Redevelopment Plan; therefore, it is important they be knowledgeable and informed on the issues. Chairman Casper thanked the Council and Planning Commission members for their attendance and participation in the Specific Plan discussion. c) 1981-82 Budget - Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, the 1981-82 Redevelopment Agency Budget was approved as presented, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bilas, Foth, NOES: None ABSENT: Puder Lewis, Mooneyham, Winer, Casper d) Agreement for Legal Services - Following discussion, on motion by Mr. ~ Lewis, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, the Agreement for Legal Services with Jones, Hall, Hill & White for the purpose of providing certain legal counsel concerning Bell Towers project was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bilas, Foth, Lewis, Mooneyham, Winer, Casper None Puder FINANCIAL a) Voucher Approval - Following discussion, on motion by Dr. Bilas seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, Vouchers 1 through 16 totalling $75,144.16 were approved for payment. PROJECTS a) Development of Parking Structure - A preliminary plan for the proposed parking structure on the Sill-Hoenshell property ~as been submitted to the Agency. Mr. Guay stated he has already discussed this matter with Mr. Sill, and he is ready to meet with City staff. At this time, Mr. Guay requested the Agency instruct staff to get together with Messrs. Sill and Hoenshell to discuss the plan. Following discussion, Ms. Foth made a motion to instruct staff to contact Messrs. Sill and Hoenshell regarding the proposed parking structure, and that at the appropriate time, staff inform the Agency of the feasibility and financ- ing for this project. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lewis, carried, and approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bilas, Foth, Lewis, Mooneyham, Winer, Casper None Puder b) Shoppin9 Center Project 1. Status of Appraisals - Enclosed in the Agency's packet were letters from four appraisers. Mr. Kennon stated that the letters are to inform the Agency of appraisal updates and that no action is required at this time. He also stated the appraisal process should be completed within a few days. 2. Status on EIR - Mr. Kennon reported that Requests for Proposals have been sent to seven consultants and there has been a good response. All the consultants have been invited to attend a meeting with staff on July 31. Mr. Kennon stated the recommended proposal will be brought before the Agency at a special meeting of the Agency on August 17 or 18. -4- c) Hotel Project 1. Letter from Hedrick/McBride Development Co. - The secretary read a letter received from Mr. Tom McBride advising the Agency of the status of his efforts regarding the hotel project. 2. Status of Cits's Requirements - Mr. Kennon reported that a survey of the hotel project site has been completed. Also, an improvement program delineating how the project will be "meshed" with the Auditorium, should be completed by next week. Mr. Kennon also reported that it appears there will be a delay in receiv- ing the appraisals on property being considered for the hotel development because of the various projects the appraisers are involved with. The developer has been notified of this matter, and it is agreed that in order to have time to properly review the appraisals and conduct preliminary lease negotiations, an additional 30 days will be required after the appraisals are received. Mr. Kennon then recommended the Agency grant an additional 30 days after the appraisals have been received in order to give staff and the Agency's financial consultants the time needed to review the appraisals. Following discussion, Mr. Lewis made a motion to grant an additional 30 days beginning upon receipt of the appraisals. The motion was seconded by Dr. Bilas, carried, and approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bilas, Foth, Lewis, Mooneyham, Winer and Casper None Puder d) GET Terminal - Mr. Ruggenberg of GET reported the GET Board of Directors have reaffirmed their previous interest in the site on 19th and 20th/"K" and "L" Streets for the location of GET's downtown terminal. Mr. Ruggenberg also reported that an application for the funding of the terminal has been made with the Urban Mass Transit Administration (UMTA). He reported on GET's efforts regarding this matter, and stated that GET plans to continue to pursue it diligently. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Redevelopment Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting at 5:55 p.m. ~kkCENT CASPER, Chaii~man of the ersfield Redevelopment Agency M. Compton Secretary MC/gl p