HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/25/81 MINUTES RAMINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting--August 25, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Vice Chairman Foth, Tuesday, August 25, 1981 at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeanne Foth, Vice Chairman Dr. Richard Bilas Frank S. Lewis (4:05 p.m.) John S. Mooneyham Gene Winer ABSENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Dr. Glenn Puder STAFF PRESENT: Philip Kelmar, Executive Director Richard Russell, Deputy Executive Director W. D. Higginbotham, Jr., Treasurer Richard Oberholzer, City Attorney David Kennon, Economic Development Coordinator MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 28, 1981 and Special Meeting of August 14, 1981 were approved as mailed. FINANCIAL a) Voucher Approval - Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Winer seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, Vouchers 17 through 37 totaling $8,320.94 were approved for pa~q~ent. MR. LEWIS ARRIVED AT 4:05 P.M. CORRESPONDENCE a) Department of Housing and Urban Development Letter - The secretary read a letter from the Department of Housing and Urban Development dated July 31, 1981. The purpose of the letter was to formally notify the City that its application for an Urban Development Action Grant for the Bakersfield Town Center project has not been approved due to the City withdrawing its applica- tion. PROJECTS a) Hotel - Mr. Kennon reported that the appraiser has completed the work on the hotel site and formal submittal will be Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. After staff has reviewed the appraisals, the start of a 30 day exten- sion, which was granted on July 28, 1981, will begin. The Auditorium Improvement Plan was submitted to the Agency members for their information. Mr. Kennon provided charts covering various major issues of the plan. Chart No. I indicated the basic site for the proposed hotel, which is east of the Auditorium, including "P" and 16th Streets, which are anticipated to be closed. Chart No. 2 indicated the form of access to the hotel. Staff and the developer have both agreed that the best access would be between the Auditorium and hotel site from the California Avenue corridor for service and maintenance, and somewhere along lruxtun Avenue and "Q" Street for access to the hotel. The area below the Auditorium, as depicted in the chart, represents storage for props and equipment used by the Auditorium. Chart No. 3 covers the issue of parking. Mr. Kennon also reported that plans for the hotel are still in develop- ment. GENERAL REPORTS a) Goals and Objectives - The Preliminary Goals and Objectives for the Redevelopment Plan were presented at a joint meeting of the Redevelopment Agency, City Council and Planning Commission on July 28, 1981. Comments received from members of these various policy making bodies were basically favorable, therefore, no changes are recommended at this time. Mr. Kennon did recommend the Agency adopt the goals and objectives as presented in order to begin with the citizens participation plan, which calls for citizen participation and input regarding the planning of the downtown redevelopment. Following discussion, Mr. Mooneyham made a motion to approve the Preliminary Goals and Objectives, subject to change, so as to begin the citizens participation program. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lewis, carried, and approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bilas, Foth, Lewis, Mooneyham and Winer NOES: None ABSENT: Casper and Puder b) Citizens Participation Plan - Staff submitted a report on the Citizens Participation Plan. The plan is designed to inform and involve the public in the planning process of the redevelopment of the central city. The report outlined the plan's objectives and several techniques that may be used in the implementation of the plan. Also outlined in the report are various methods that will be used to keep the public informed of the planning process. Comments received from the public will be submitted to the various policy making bodies for consideration. At this time, Mr. Kennon requested the Agency's approval to begin the Citizens Participation Plan and that an additional 300 hours of staff time and $2,000 for reproduction and correspondence be granted in order to imple- ment the plan. Upon motion by Mr. Winer, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, staff was granted additional staff time and resources to implement the Citizens Participation Plan. The motion was carried and approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bilas, Foth, Lewls, Mooneyham and Winer NOES: None ABSENT: Casper and Puder At this time, Mr. Robert Ashbeck of the California Association of the Physically Handicapped (CAPH) addressed the Agency regarding his concern on accessibility to the handicapped in the proposed hotel. Mr. Ashbeck believes the City of Bakersfield is losing a considerable amount of money from potential convention goers because disabled citizens cannot be accomo- dated in the City's hotels. He requested the Agency consider making the proposed hotel fully accessible to the handicapped in order to attract groups like the Veterans of Foreign Wars and CAPH. c) Adoption of Final StudS Area - Mr. Kennon presented a map depicting the boundaries of the study area. The boundaries primarily consist of "A" Street on the west, 26th Street on the north, "V" Street on the east, and California Avenue on the south. At this time, Mr. Kennon requested the Agency adopt this area as the final study area for purposes of conducting a citizens participation program and conducting additional studies. Following discussion, Mr. Lewis made a motion to approve the boundaries as set forth in the map presented by Mr. Kennon. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, carried, and approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bilas, Foth, Lewis, Mooneyham and Winer NOES: None ABSENT: Casper and Puder d) Authorization for Staff to Attend Workshops - Mr. Russell requested that he and Mr. Kennon be authorized to attend a seminar on "Downtowns of the 8Os: Functions and Finance" which will be held September 24-26, 1981 in Portland, Oregon. The cost will be approximately $2,000, which includes registration, transportation and per diem expenses for two people. On September 30 through October 2, 1981 there will be a conference in San Diego regarding "Urban Environmental Design." Mr. Russell requested the Agency authorize Mr. Kennon and Mr. Stan Grady to attend this conference. The cost for this conference will be $710, including registration and per diem expenses for two people. Agency member Foth asked that reservations be made for her as well. A seminar regarding "Redevelopment Project Implementation: Financing Alternatives" will be held in Los Angeles on September I1, 1981. Mr. Russell stated that if any of the Agency members are interested in attending this seminar, they should plan in getting their reservation in as soon as possible. Mr. Lewis then made a motion to authorize Messrs. Russell and Kennon to attend the seminar to be held in Portland and Messrs. Kennon and Grady to attend the conference to be held in San Diego. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, carried, and approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bilas, Foth, Lewis, Mooneyham and Winer NOES: None ABSENT: Casper and Puder e) Acquisition and Relocation Consultants - Mr. Russell reported that several proposals have been received from firms regarding the relocation of businesses within the shopping center area. The proposals will be submitted to the Development Committee of the Agency for review and the Committee will report back to the Agency during the September 22, 1981 meeting. There being no further business to come before the Redevelopment Agency, Vice Chairman Foth adjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m. JEANNE ~OTH, Vice Chairman Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency M. Compton Secretary