HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/27/81 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting October 27, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper on Tuesday, October 27, 1981 at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Jeanne Foth, Vice Chairman (4:06) Richard Bilas Glenn Puder John Mooneyham Frank Lewis Gene Winer (4:18) STAFF PRESENT: Philip Kelmar, Executive Director Richard Russell, Deputy Executive Director W. D. Higginbotham, Treasurer Ron Lundy, Accountant Richard Oberholzer, City Attorney David Kennon, Economic Development Coordinator MINUTES Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 30, 1981 were approved as mailed. FINANCIAL Voucher Approval - On a motion by Mr. Lewis to approve Vouchers 69 through 96 totaling $32,629.92, was seconded by Mr. Mooneyham and were approved for payment. CORRESPONDENCE 1) A letter addressed to Phil Kelmar from Alan Dean Howell, Project Coordinator of South Valley Homes, Inc. requesting information for parking in the downtown area. No action required. 2) Upon request of Chairman Casper, the secretary read a letter from John Diatte, President of South Valley Homes, Inc. addressed to Mr. Kelmar into the record. Mr. Diatte was present and formally asked for a 90-day exclusive right to negotiate in order to study and determine the economic feasibility of developing the block between K and L Streets and 19th and 20th, into a parking/office structure. Because of the interest shown by Golden Empire Transit (GET) District in the past to develop these properties as a transit terminal for GET, Mr. Ivo Keyser was asked to comment concerning the status of the proposed transit terminal. Mr. Keyser expressed his concern over the loss of this site as the site of the proposed terminal but stated he would not be allowed to enter into any negotiation until such time as they had received official word that their UMTA grant had been approved. Mr. Keyser also stated that Mark Gibb of the Kern County Council of Governments is in Washington and is waiting for a confirmation for the grant to be approved. He is anticipating the approval from the Board (GET Board) for permission to request an exclusive right to negotiate at such time as the grant is finally approved. After further discussion, Ms. Foth made a motion to grant South Valley Homes a 90-day exclusive light to negotiate concerning the development of the subject property and that during this 90-day period is to conduct certain studies to determine the economic feasibility of the project and make these findings available to Agency staff with initial proposals by the end of that 90-day period. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bilas and a roll call vote as follows: AYES: Casper, Foth, Winer, Bilas, Puder, Mooneyham, Lewis NOES: None ABSENT: None 3) A letter addressed to Mr. Kelmar from Mr. Calvin Hollis, President of Katz, Hollis, Coren & Associates, Inc. regarding request for contract amendment on increased fees of Principal (11% increase) and Senior Analyst (13% increase). Mooneyham made a motion to approve the increased fees for the Principal and Senior Analyst rates for Katz, Hollls, Coren & Associates. The motion was seconded by Ms. Foth and carried. 4) A letter from A. S. Mazotti, Bank of America, San Francisco, regarding their initial agreement to perform financial consulting ser- vices in conjunction with Rafferty, Guerin and Co. for the Bakersfield Redevelopment Project. Ms. Foth made a motion to approve the Bank of America proposal to joint venture with Jim Rafferty, as consultants for the proposed bond issues for the shopping center. Motion was seconded by Mr. Puder and carried. AYES: All NOES: None ABSENT: None MS. FOTH LEFT AT 4:35 P.M. VI. GENERAL 1) The staff presented a Redevelopment Plan notebook to the Agency members to help them follow and understand the planning activities and thought going into the development of the new Redevelopment Plan. Staff indicated there will be some 38 separate studies, activities, or actions necessary to develop this plan. The Agency members wene instructed to keep these in their possession and to insert each study as it is presented to them. 2) The Annual Financial Report was subitted to the Agency. Mr. Bilas asked what the total bonded indebtedness of the Agency is, and the total bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfield. Mr. Lundy noted that the figures were approximately $2.6 million and the City of Bakersfieid's indebtedness was approximately $18 million. Mr. Bilas also questioned whether the bonded indebtedness of the Redevelopment Agency was included in the City's $18 million. Staff in- dicated it was not. Mr. Bilas asked that in as much as the Agency re- ceived taxes, shouldn't the indebtedness be noted along with the City's. Mr. Higginbotham said that the financial statements for the City of Bakersfield and the Redevelopment Agency are in compliance with recog- nized accounting and reporting principles. Mr. Bilas suggested that we show the total bonded indebtedness of the Redevelopment Agency relative to the total bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfield. Mr. Bilas raised another question in reference to the amount of dollars being "diverted" from the general tax fund to the Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Lundy referred to the budget of '81-~82 and noted $588,000 were being received by the Agency. Mr. Bilas wanted to know Why the Agency is not on the property tax bill if they are a taxing agency. It was indicated by staff that the Agency neither assessed nor collected taxes. Mr. Bilas furtlier stated that there would be a lawsuit against "all" the Redevelopment Agencies in California as being unconstitutional under the terms of Proposition 13. Mr. Lundy said under tax increment financing the base values in tax rates are frozen at a certain level, any assessed valuation above that level go to the Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Lundy further stated that there is no specific designated tax on the tax bill that shows how much of the tax dollars go to the Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Casper stated that the Agency was supported entirely by the increments derived from only the redevelopment area. He further added that the bonded indebtedness is not a general obligation bond. Mr. Mooneyham made a motion to accept the Annual Financial Report for fiscal year ended June 30, 1981, Mr. Lewis seconded. The motion was carried. 3) Upon request of Chairman Casper, the secretary read a memorandum from the Development Committee concerning the relocation and acquisition consultants for the Downtown Mall Project Mr. Kennon stated that the maximum fee for services from Rod Gunn and Associates would be $82,000 and the maximum fee for the services of Egan Gost would be $95,000. Mr. Winer made a motion to accept Egan Gost for acquisition con- sultant and Rod Gunn as relocation consultant for the Downtown Mall Project. The motion was seconded by Mr. Puder and carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Redevelopment Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting at 5:05 p.m. R. Allison Secretary VIN£ENT CASPER, Chairman of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency