HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/04/80 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Special Meeting-September 4~ 1980 A Special Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper Thursday, September 4, 1980, at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, for the purpose of conducting the business of the regularly scheduled meeting of August 23rd which was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. The secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Jeanne Foth, Vice Chairman Frank S. Lewis John S, Mooneyham Dr, Glenn D, Puder Gene Winer ABSENT: Robert E. King STAFF PRESENT; Dennis Needham, Deputy Executive Director Richard Oberholzer, Assistant City Attorney (Arrived at 4:30 p.m,) Calvin Bidwel], Building Director Melvin Tooker, Development Services Coordinator Jim Gilchrist, Community Development & Housing Coordinator Dav;d Kennon, Prlnclpal Planner, Community Development Dennis Pisila, Principal Planner, Advance Planning OTHERS PRESENT; Mr, Lawrence E, Guay, Developer MI'NUTES Minutes of the July 22, 1980 Regular Meeting, and the August 12, 1980 Special Meeting were approved as mailed, FINANCIAL a) Voucher Approval ~ On motion by Ms, Foth, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, V6bchers Nos.'l~ through 36 (Voucher Register dated September 4, 1980), totaling $92,419.23, were approved for payment. PROJECTS a) Hotel ~ Mr~ Needham apprised the Board of the ezplration of RA2-80, Negotiation Agreement with Arlington Hotel Development Corporation. He stated the developers had said thgy were, at this point, not interested in developing a hotel in Bakersfield. Mr, Needham commented he believed it to be for financial reasons. Chairman Casper sa~d this leaves the Agency open to other developers. Following discussion~ the Agency directed staff to pursue other developers, and to contact the Board of Trade, Builder's Exchange, Convention Bureau, etc. in an effort to get the word out that the Agency is seeking a new developer for a first~class hotel for Bakersfield, DR. PUDER ARRIVED AT 4;05 b) Guay~s Proposal Re Kern County Facility ~ (Mr, Mooneyham wanted it noted for the record that due to a possible conflict of interest, he would not participate in any discussion or action on this item.) Mr, Needham reviewed Mr. Guay's letter dated August 8, 1980, and asked Mr. Guay to explain his propo- sal to Agency members and answer their questions. Mr, Guay explained that he wanted the Agency to be aware that he plans to submit a proposal to the County for the development of an administrative Welfare Department office building. He explained he would like to locate his project on the vacated City Corporation Yard site, but would require additional land to comply with parking requirements. He stated that, as noted on the plot plan made available to Board members, the proposed site is situated outside the Redevelopment Project boundaries, and would need the assistance of the Agency to package the land. Mr. Guay stated he would like a letter stating he appeared before the Agency, and that if his proposal to the County is successful, the Agency would be interested and consider working with him. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Wirier, seconded by Ms. Foth, and carried, the Agency directed staff to send a letter to Mr. Guay acknowledging his presentation and advising the Agency's willingness to consider his proposal, if successful, for a new Kern County Central Welfare Facility. c) Parking - Mr. Needham noted a letter dated August 25, 1980 from Mr. Don Peck, General Manager of the Bank of America Building, stated that the owners are agreeable to renegotlate the contract for the "K" Street structure, subject to certain conditions as outlined in their letter. Mr. Tooker reported he had also had a conversation earlier in the day with Mr. William Farnsworth of the Bank's Property Management Department in San Francisco who said the lease agreement had been reviewed by their legal staff, and that the Bank would be agreeable to the new rates upon completion of the additional level of parking. Interested parties and Agency staff are scheduled to meet sometime within the next few weeks for further discussion. Following discussion, on motion by Dr. Puder, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, the Agency instructed staff to proceed with the necessary legal documents and the planning and architecture for an additional level of parking on the "m'l Street Parking Garage. GENERAL a) Agreements for Legal Services - Mr. Needham reported a letter from the firm of Jacobs, Weiser, Kane~ Ballmer & Berkman, dated August 13, 1980, advised that Mr. Jacobs, effective September 1, 1980, will withdraw from the partnership and take a position as professor of law at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Mr. Needham stated there were two documents to be considered--one to change the partnership name to Weiser, Kane, Ballmer & Berkman--the other, to a separate agreement for Mr. Jacobs' services when and if required. Both agreements reflected increased rates. Following discussion, on motion by Mr, Lewis, seconded by Dr. Puder, and carried, Agreement No, RA5-80, AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES with Mr. Jacobs; and Agreement No. RA4-80, FIRST AMENDED AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES with the firm Weiser~ Kane, Ballmer & Berkman, were approved. b) Adoption of Amended E.I.R. Procedures - Mr. Needham introduced Mr. Pisila who reviewed the changes ~n the Amended E.I.R. Procedures required by the State, as noted in Mr. Pisila's memo to the Agency dated August 29, 1980. Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Lewis, and carried, Resolution No. RA5-80, "RESOLUTION ADOPTING AMENDED PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT OF 1970 AND THE REGULATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA RESOURCES AGENCY," was adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Foth, Lewis, Mooneyham, Puder, Winer and Casper None King c) Report on Housing Bonds - Mr, Gilchrist reported proposals had been received from four bond underwriters, and that they have been reviewed by the Budget Review and Finance Committee, Mr. Gilchrist noted that selection has not yet been made; however, all four firms stated that one of the first steps in the process should be to conduct a ho~sing feasibility study, and the Council approved this study, at a cost not to exceed $25,000. Mills-Carneghi, Inc. of San Fran- cisco, was selected by the staff to conduct the study, which should begin within the next several weeks. d) Design Review Board - Mr. Bidwell reported on Design Review Board recommendations as follows: 1) Bank of America Si~nage - A 7½ square-foot, freestanding sign on Truxtun Avenue was recommended for denial, based on the amount of signage existing on the structure. 2) Exterior Alterations and Signage, Marvin Lipco - A renovation of the exterior of the existing buildings, 1207 through 1217 ~ 19th Street, including signage, was recommended for approval. 3) Plans and Elevation for a Two-Story Office Building - This 7,500 square-foot structure is to be located on the southwest corner of Truxtun and "Q" Streets, and provides the required parking. Board recommends approval. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, the Agency approved the three Design Review Board's recommendations above. e) 1) Resignation of Ken Sorenson - Mr. Sorenson's letter of resignation dated August 12, 1980, stated "...increasing responsibilities out of town make it ~ncreasingly difficult to attend meetings on a regular basis." The Agency accepted Mr. Sorenson's resignation, and directed staff to send a letter thanking him for his services. Correspondence: Letter Dated August 6, 1980, From Efren Gutierrez/Eduardo Martinez - This letter was in regard to public-assisted housing, Following discussion, on motion by Dr. Puder, seconded by Mr. Winer, and carried, the letter was received to be placed on file. 2) Letter Dated August 11~ 1980, From Bank of America, San Francisco - This letter stated the Bank would be willing to bid on the Agency's S17.6 million lease revenue bonds if offered for sale. Following discussion, on motion by Dr. Puder, seconded by Mr. Winer, and carried, the Agency received the letter to be placed on file. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Casper stated that this being a Special Meeting, no other business shall be considered, and adjourned the meeting at 5 p.m, / -~-~,~V~t'i~I~ENT CASgE~ Cha'T~man~~ B a ke r s f i e 1 d (.~deve 1 oP~'/Age n cY gern~ce £. Stewart, Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency