HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/23/80 MINUTES RA M I N UT ES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting - September 23, 1980 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper Tuesday, September 23, ~980 at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman John S. Mooneyham Dr. Glenn D. Puder Gene Wirier ABSENT: Robert E. King Jeanne Foth, Vice Chairman Frank S. Lew~s STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Needham, Deputy Executive Director Philip Kelmar, Treasurer Richard Oberholzer, City Attorney Calvin Bidwell, Building Director Jim Gilchrist, Community Development & Housing Coordinator David Kennon, Principal Planner, Community Development MINUTES Minutes of the Special Meetings of September 4 and 11, 1980, were approved as mailed. FINANCIAL a) Voucher Approval - On motion by Mr. Winer, seconded by Dr. Puder, and carried, Vouchers Nos. 37 through 44 (Voucher Register dated September 23, 1980), totaling $4,466.27, were approved for payment. PROJECTS a) Shopping Center - Mr. Needham reported nothing new on this project but a lot of activity regarding criteria needed by H.U.D. regarding the U.D.A.G. Application, which he stated was a good sign that it was being processed. b) Hotel Feasibility Study - Mr. Needham stated that staff felt the need for an up-dated feasibility study in order to actively pursue this development. He asked Mr. Kennon to explain staff's position. Mr. Kennon asked that staff be allowed to issue a "Request for Proposal," stating the needs of the City, as opposed to what the developer wants, thus allowing the City to take a leadership roll in the development of a hotel. He estimated the cost for such a study to be about $10,OOO. Dr. Puder stated he would like more information before acting on this; and he questioned the need for another feasibility study at this time, noting that if one is performed now, it might again be out-of-date by the time a developer is found for the project. He also noted the last feasibility study (1977) was paid for by the Chamber of Commerce, the Agency and the developer. Mr. Kennon stated the problems with the original study related simply to the passage of time, i.e., on-going energy shortage; changes in population, employment, transportation, inflation; tremendous rise in labor and material costs; and the fact that the site analyzed under the original study is no longer being considered for the hotel. In addition, the assumptions made relative to market penetration and economics are not adequate for a bond feasibility study. Mr. Kennon said that regardless of decisions made, these questions would have to be answered by either the City or a developer. Dr. Puder asked that the previous developer be contacted to determine his reason for not proceeding with the project. Chairman Casper asked Mr. Kennon if there had been any inquiries from potential developers in the last 30 days. Mr. Kennon responded that there had been numerous inquiries, with at least three from bona fide developers. Followlng discussion, it was the concensus of Agency members that any feasibility study should be a joint effort with the developer, and staff was directed to have the developer participate in the proposal and formulate some guidelines for selecting the developer, including within these guidelines the joint participation of the developer. c) Parking Status Report - Mr. Needham reported that Mr. Ernest McCoy, local architect, had been contacted regarding plans for the additional level to the "K" Street Parking Garage. Preparation of plans and cost estimates will begin within the next 90 days. The secretary read a letter dated September 18, 1980, from Mr. William Farnsworth of Bank of America Property Management Division, stating that the Bank is interested in the third story addition to the "K" Street facility, and listing five items to be answered first. Mr. Needham apprised members that he had learned of a proposed multi- storied parking structure which the County intends constructing for additional parking for employees and the public behind their recently occupied Judicial Building. GENERAL a) Petty Cash Fund - Mr. Needham explained that the $25 Petty Cash Fund had proven inadequate and that staff is very often required to supply cash for the various postal, etc., needs; he recommended that the amount in this fund be raised to $100. Followlng discussion, on motion by Dr. Puder, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, the Agency approved a Petty Cash Fund of $100. b) Design Review Board: 1) Hall Letter Shop Signage~ 1221 - 18th Street - Mr. Bidwell explained that the signage presented was in good taste, but exceeded the Agency's Standards. The Design Review Board recommended that the sign be reduced in size, and brought back to the Board. (Informational only) 2) Nomination for Board Membership - Dr. Puder read a letter from the DBA dated September 16, 1980, nominating Mr. Donald E. Renfro, architect, to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Ken Sorenson's resignation. Mr. Bidwell pointed out that Mr. Renfro had been serving as an alternate member. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Winer, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, Mr. Donald E. Renfro was appointed a regular member of the Design Review Board. c) Correspondence: 1) Letter from Nancy Ann Dunn - This letter dated August 19, 1980 expressed Mrs. Dunn's desire to become involved in the redevelopment of downtown Bakersfield. Mrs. Dunn is a part-time free lance artist, and an art teacher in the City School system. She expressed interest in the area of u...the unlimited possibilities for aesthetic and cosmetic treatment of buildings, walls, sidewalks, signposts, fountains, etc." Following discussion, Dr. Puder moved that Mrs. Dunn's letter be referred to the Design Review Board for their consideration. The motion was seconded by Mr. Winer, and carried. 2) Letter from L. F. Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin - This letter dated September 8, 1980, read by the secretary, expressed the opinion that this firm, after reviewing the financing plan for the shopping center project, believes it to be feasible, and would submit a firm proposal for the bonds to be issued by the Agency or the Parking Authority in accordance with City requirements, and bond bid requirements of the State of California. 3) Legislative Seminar - Chairman Casper advised any member desiring to attend this seminar sponsored by Katz, Hollis, Coren & Associates in Los Angeles on October 1st, to contact the secretary for the necessary arrangements. 4) Letter from Governor Brown - Mr. Needham asked the secretary to read a letter just received from the Governor which thanked Mr. Needham for his letter favoring AB-1994 relating to reimbursements for the loss of business inventory revenue. ADJOURNMENT ~ There being no further business to ~O.!~/~the Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m. ~ ........ ~]]]/~-~ ~ · .~./'"~ .~ ~- ~ ~ ~. _- ~ VII~,~7~A~, ,(21~alrman ~'i~ - ~ /~;~.~Z/~L/"~ "-~/~'f~/~.~ - Bakersfie d Re~velopmen~ ..~.,A,~ency Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the ~/ Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency