HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/16/79 MINUTES RA MINUTES B A KE R S F I EI~D"R~D'E-V~'L ~P~E N 'f AGENCY Regular Meetinc~ - January 16, 1979 The Regular January Meeting was moved ahead one week to January 16, 1979, to allow members who desired to attend a scheduled forum in San Diego. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Casper Tuesday, January 16, 1979, at 4 p.m., in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Robert E. King Jeanne Foth Frank S. Lewis John S. Mooneyham Ralph H. Poehner, Vice Chairman ABSENT: Dr. Glenn D. Puder STAFF: H. E. Bergen, Executive Director Dennis S. Needham, Deputy Executive Director Philip Kelmar, Treasurer Calvin Bidwell, Building Director Richard Oberholzer, Assistant City Attorney Jim Gilchrist, Community Development & Housing Coordinator MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 28, 1978 were approved as mailed. FINANCIAL a) Voucher Approval - On motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. King, and carried, Vouchers Nos. 33 through 43, totaling $70,182.67 (Voucher Register dated January 16, 1979), were approved for payment. b) Mortgage Revenue Bond Financing - Mr. Needham noted that considerable correspondence on this subject has been received, and has been sent to Agency members. Mr. Gilchrist answered questions from Agency members, and advised that another class will be held Monday, January 29, 1979, for members who did not attend the previous meeting, to study funding of urban renewal under SB-99 and the Marks/Foran Bill. Following discussion, staff was directed to contact developers, the Builder's Exchange, etc., regarding the Agency's interest in fun~ing under these bills, and to provide a status report at the next meeting. PROJECTS a) Parking - Mr. Needham discussed the Downtown Business Association's letter dated December 22, 1978, regarding downtown parking, and reviewed his proposed answer to the DBA's questions. Following discussion, Mr. Needham was directed to respond to this letter with data as presented. Mr. Needham advised that Mr. Bergen's letter of December 22, 1978, to all parties concerned, requested re-negotiations on the "Operating AgreementI' for the "K" Street Parking Garage. Mr. Bergen reported telephone responses had been received from all parties, with a willlngness to re-negotiate and an interest in the addition of another level of parking. This will be pursued by staff, and progress reported at future meetings. Mr. Needham reported Mr. Larry Guay, developer of the California Republic Bank Project, in a letter dated January 2, 1979, stated, "As soon as I have a reasonable bid for the cost of construction, I will contact you for further dis- cussion regarding the additional parking level." He is in the process of estab- lishing the over-all cost of a third level of parking for that structure. Mr. Needham reviewed Quad Consultant's letter of January 10, 1979, which was in response to a request for evaluation as to the extent to which the construction of approximately 70 spaces as a third-deck addition to the ~'K" Street Parking Structure could be financed by revenues from parking meter fees or other parking charges for such spaces. Following discussion, the Agency directed staff to request Quad, contractor for the Downtown Parking Plan Study, to make some analysis on just what parking downtown is worth. Mr. Needham read a letter from Mr. Hugh Sill dated January 3, 1979, requesting cancellation of a lease between himself and the City on what is currently a public parking lot at 18th and "Eye" Streets. Following discussion, it was the consensus of members that this property is much needed for public parking, and staff was directed to bring this to the attention of the Council's Business Development and Parking Committee for their evaluation. GENERAL a) Annual Report - Mr. Needham apprised members that according to Section 33080.1, State law, redevelopment agencies are required to present a report to its legislative body for their review and action. The report shall contain an independent financial audit report for the previous fiscal year; a work program, including goals for the coming year; an examination of previous year's achieve- ments as compared to the achievements with the goals of the previous year's work program; and recommendations for needed legislation to properly carry on a program of housing and community development. Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, the Annual Report, as presented in a memo from Ms. Stewart to Mr. Needham dated December 28, 1978, was approved for transmittal to the State. b) Conflict of Interest Statements - Mr. Needham noted that forms and instructlons had been mailed to members, but if anyone had questions to contact either Ms. Stewart or Mr. Oberholzer. c) E.B. Jacobs' New Partnership - Mr. Needham apprised the Agency of a new partner, Mr. Herbert M. Weiser, in the Los Angeles office of Agency Counsel. The firm is now Jacobs, Weiser, Kane, Ballmer & Berkman. d) Design Review Board Recommendations - Mr. Bidwell reviewed Design Review Board action with members. Sketches and pictures were available for perusal by Agency members. He stated the Board recommended approval of the following: 1. Mosesian Foods (sign), 2023 Chester Avenue - Signage meets Agency require- ments. Medical Pharmacy (si~na~e), 1915 - 17th Street - Signage on both eleva- tions was excessive on first presentation; however, after modification, meets Agency requirements. Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried, Items 1 and 2 above were approved as recommended by the Design Review Board. Yarn Barn Appeal (si~na~e), 1600 - 19th Street - Mr. Bidwell reviewed the background on this item for Agency members, stating that signage on both elevations far exceeded the allowable. He pointed out that Mrs. Carpenter had selected the painting contractor from the yellow pages of the phone book, and had trusted him with the legalities of the signs. Mr. Bidwell stated the contractor failed to get the proper permit. Both Mrs. Carpenter, owner of Yarn Barn, and Mr. George Hay, owner of the building, addressed the Agency requesting permission to keep the signs as now painted, stating that they were not offensive, and were comparable in size to those on adjacent and surrounding buildings. Following discussion, Mr. King moved to adhere to Agency standards and the Design Review Board's recommendation, by denying this appeal. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried. e) Participation Aqreement - Mr. Needham advised Agency members that a "draft" agreement was forthcoming from Mr. Jacobs~ office, which he would submit to them for review prior to any necessary action by them, relating to the request by Reverend Fred Cottriel of the First Assembly of God Church regarding their property located on the former site of the proposed hotel project. Agency directed staff to furnish members with reasons this agreement is necessary. f) Redevelopment Legislation - Mr. Needham noted that a copy of Mr. Gene Jacobs' letter dated January 5, 1979 transmitted information relative to legisltion adopted at the 1977-78 session affecting redevelopment. He stated Mr. Oberholzer would be available at the next meeting to answer any question the members might have. g) Idea Downtown Improvement Forum - Mr. Needham noted that some members are planning to attend this forum on "Financing Downtown Revitalization: The New Realities" with the hope of learning more alternative ways of financing redevelopment projects. h) Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman - Chairman Casper opened this portion of the meeting for nominations. Ms. Foth nominated Mr. Ralph Poehner for 1979 Chairman, but Mr. Poehner declined and countered by nominating Mr. Vincent Casper for re-election. Mr. K~ng moved the nominations be closed, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham. Chairman Casper was unanimously re-elected. Mr. Lewis nominated Mr. Ralph Poehner for re-election as Vice Chairman; Mr. King moved nominations be closed, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham. Vice-Chairman Poehner was unanimously re-elected. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Bakersfield Redevelop- ment Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting at ~5:30 p.m. Bakersfield Redevelol~nent Agency Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency