HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/27/79 & 04/10/79 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting - March 27, 1979 and Joint Workshop April 10, 1979 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper, Tuesday, March 27, 1979 at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber of City Hall. The secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Frank S. Lewis John S. Mooneyham Dr. Glenn D. Puder ABSENT: Robert E. King Jeanne Foth Ralph H. Poehner, Vice- Chairman STAFF PRESENT: Dennis S. Needham, Deputy Executive Director Richard Oberholzer, Assistant City Attorney Alex Buechler, Plan Check Engineer Jim Gilchrist, Community Development & Housing Coordinator W. D. Higginbotham, Finance Operations Manager MINUTES FINANCIAL Minutes of the Special Meeting of March 13, 1979 were approved as mailed. a) Voucher Approval - Voucher No. 55 to Quad Consultants in the amount of $353.75, which was included on Voucher Register dated March 13, 1979, and which was not approved by the Agency at the March 13th meeting, has been cancelled. Its submittal was a staff error. On motion by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, Vouchers Nos. 58, 59 and 60, totaling $1,501.07 (Voucher Register dated March 27, 1979), were approved for payment. PROJECTS a) Proposed Shopping Center - Chairman Casper noted Mr. Dan Donahue's letter dated March 19, 1979 to [~r. H. E. Bergen transmitted "...a good faith deposit of $5,000..." as required by the Negotiation Agreement executed by the Agency and John S. Griffith & Company, and requested Mr. Jacobs to submit a copy of the Dispo- sition and Development Agreement to his Company's attorney. GENERAL a) Silt Parking Lot - Mr. Needham reported he had been unable to firm a meeting date for the Parking Committee, but will do so before the next meeting. b) Design Review Board Recommendations - Mr. Needham reviewed the Board's recommendations for Agency approval of the following: l) Jost Floor Company signage at 1921 Chester Avenue, which met Agency requirements. Santa Barbara Savings Building signage at the northwest corner of 17th and Chester Avenue--the sign to be located on 17th Place meets Agency requirements. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Dr. Puder, and carried, the Agency approved the Board's recommendations. c) Joint Agency/Council Workshop - Chairman Casper stated a joint Agency and City Council workshop would be held Tuesday, April 10, 1979 in the City Council Chamber from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Purpose of the workshop would be to review the history of the Agency, types of projects involved, financing alternatives available and parking needs and solutions, for the benefit of Council members. Chairman Casper urged members to attend if possible. On motion by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, Chairman Casper recessed the meeting at 4:25 to be reconvened at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 10, 1979 in the City Council Chamber. JOINT AGENCY/COUNCIL WORKSHOP The meeting reconvened Tuesday, April 10, 1979 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber to re*examine the purpose and the progress of the Bakersfield Redevelop- ment Agency for the benefit of the City Councilmen in general, and the three new Councilmen in particular. Mayor Hart advised Council members that this was a workshop only, and that no action would be taken by the Council. Mr, Bergen called the roll for the Council PRESENT: Councilmen Barton (Vice-Mayor), Payne, Ratty and Strong. as follows: Christensen, Means, Miller, ABSENT: None follows: Chairman PRESENT: Casper asked the secretary to call the roll for the Agency as Agency Members Casper (Chairman), Poehner (Vice-Chairman), Foth, King, Lewis and Puder. ABSENT: Hooneyham Chairman Casper introduced the participants in the Workshop, stating that Mr. Bob Kingp Charter member of the Agency, would be first on the agenda with a review of the Agency; Mr. Carl Danietson of Guay & Danielson, developers of the hotel, would be second; Mr. Dan Donahue, President of John S. Griffith & Company, developers of the Regional Shopping Center, third; and Mr. Harry Tow of Quad Consultants, last, with a status report on the Downtown Parking Plan Study. He introduced Mr. Gene Jacobs, special legal counsel for the Agency, and Mr. Cai Hollis, special financial consultant for the Agency, who also participated. 1) Agency Review - Mr. King stated the necessity for a Redevelopment Agency in Bakersfield was due to fragmented property ownership proving the need for the power of condemnation to help private development obtain property in the downtown area. He reviewed the organization, and reported on completed, current and future projects of the Agency. 2) Hotel Project - Mr. Danielson outlined the problems and progress of his Company in developing a hotel adjacent to, and connecting, the existing Civic Auditorium on Truxtun Avenue. Mr. Danielson stated he expects to have a final-stage drawing by the end of the year. Plans are for a 325 to 340-room, twelve to fourteen- story, full-service, first-class hotel. 3) Regional Shopping Center - Mr. Donahue noted that his Company had been working with the Agency since 1972 to obtain commitments from major retail stores to develop a downtown mall. Culmination of the Company's efforts came in July 1978 with an announcement from the J. C. Penney Company, and more recently in March with the May Company expressing definite interest and becoming a partner in the development. Plans for this project are a 750,000 square foot, two-level, air-condi- tioned mall, plus a parking structure. Project area is east of "K," west of "0," North of 20th, and south of 23rd Streets. Project completion has been moved ahead a year from a previously estimated date to March of 1982, with construction to begin in September of 1980. 4) Downtown Parking Plan Study - Mr. Tow reported that his firm had been retained last year to produce an implementable overall solution to the downtown parking problem. He stated interim reports have been submitted to the Agency, and the final report, with Quad~s recommendations and suggestions, will be in staff's hands within the week. Question and answer periods followed each discussion. Messrs. Jacobs and Hollis answered questions regarding both Federal funding of projects, and bond financing. ADJOURNMENT / There being no further business to com~.~-~re the Bakersfield Redevelop- ~'~-~~fi<~'~'~ment Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the~~~_~me tC~9 p.m,c~m BerniCe E. Stewar~, Secretar~ to the BakersfieCl/d Red~V/e/lopment Agency Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency