HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/79 MINUTES RA M I N UTE~S BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting-December 18, 1979 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper Tuesday, December 18, 1979 at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman ABSENT: Jeanne Foth Robert E. King /Arrived at 4:15 p.m.) Frank S. Lewis John S. Mooneyham Ralph H. Poehner, Vice Chairman Glenn D. Puder STAFF PRESENT: MINUTES Dennis Needham, Deputy Executive Director Philip Kelmar, Treasurer Kenneth Hoagland, City Attorney Richard Oberholzer, Assistant City Attorney Minutes of the Regular Meeting of No~ember 27, 1979, and the Joint Public Hearings of December 5, 1979, were approved as mailed. FINANCIAL a) Voucher Approval - On motion by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Ms. Foth, and carried, Vouchers Nos. 49 through 58 (Voucher Register dated December 18, 1979), totaling $9,787.60, were approved for payment. b) Contract for Title Services - City Attorney Hoagland stated he and Mr. Jacobs would recommend the Agency enter into a contract with Title Insurance and Trust Company for certain title services, technical advise and assistance, since it is anticipated the Agency will soon become involved in the procurement or disposal of estates or interest in various properties. Following discussion, Mr. Lew;~ ~ved to approve Agreement No. RA7-79, CONTRACT FOR TITLE SERVICES," with Title Insurance and Trust Company, and authorize the Chairman to execute. Mr. Poehner seconded the motion, which carried. c) Bond Consultants - Ms. Foth report~ that meetings of the Agency Finance Committee with Agency Treasurer Mr. Kelmar, and various bond consultant firms had been held during the past week to facilitate selection for bond consulting services, and she stated it was the Committee's recommendation that the firm of Rafferty-Guerin & Company be contracted with for these services. Mr. Kelmar reviewed the Company's background, and concurred with the Committee's recommendaI tion. Following discussion, Ms. Foth moved that the Chairman be authorized to execute the contract with Rafferty-Guerin & Company as Bond Consultants for the Agency. The motion was seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried. d) Financial Statements - Mr. Kelmar ad~'ised members that due to the up-coming bond activity, statements will be required from time to time, and he would like to recommend the Agency authorize staff to retain the firm of Elmer Fox, Westheimer & Company for this purpose. Following discussion, Mr. Lewis moved that staff be authorized to retain the services of Elmer Fox, Westheimer & Company for the preparation and certification of financial reports as needed. The motion was seconded by Ms. Foth, and carried. PROJECTS a) Shopping Center: (Mr. Poehner asked that the Minutes reflect that he did not participate in any action regaCding the Shopping Center Project.) l) Relocation Specialists - Mr. Needham stated the need for relocation services was forthcoming, and requested authorization to proceed with negotiations for these services. Following discussion, Mr. Mooneyham moved, seconded by Mr. Lewis, and carried, that staff be authorized to proceed with negotiations for a contract with relocation specialists. Ms. Foth suggested, and staff was directed, to provide input to the Board for their review regarding these negotiations. Property Appraisals - Mr. Needham stated he had contacted Mr. Jacobs regarding property appraisals, and Mr. Jacobs said that efforts should begin to contact appraisers on a local basis. MR. KING ARRIVED AT 4:15 P.M. In answer to an inquiry, Mr. Oberholzer stated that appraisers who are interested should send evlden'ce of their qualifications to the City Attorney's office, who will review, and those qualified will be placed on a list for selection (after the first of the year) on the basis of their expertise. Following discussion, Ms. Foth moved, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, that staff be authorized to proceed with the selection of property appraisers, and that only local appraisers be used. 3) Land Buyers - Mr. Needham advised the Agency to direct staff to study and determine who the people are in the land-buying business locally. Following discussion, Ms. Foth moved that staff work with an Agency committee to make this determination, and that the Committee bring its recommendations back to the Board. Mr. Mooneyham seconded the motion, which carried. Chairman Casper appointed Mr. Mooneyham, Mr. Lewis and Ms. Foth to serve on the Committee to work with staff on Items 1, 2 and 3, above, and bring their recommendations before the Board. GENERAL a) Report to Legislative Body - Mr. Needham reviewed this report which is required by State law. Following discussion, Ms. Foth moved for approval of the report, and that staff be directed to forward it to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried. b) Correspondence - Chairman Casper asked the secretary to read a letter sent to the Agency by member Dr. Glenn D. Puder, as follows: "Inasmuch as I will be away from the City on the date of our scheduled December meeting and in the event that the Planning Commission recommends immediate rezoning of the Northeast parcel for the purpose of constructing a major shopping center, I ask that at the December meeting the Agency, along with whatever other resolutions it may make with regard to this matter, you do make this following recommendation to the City Council for its consideration (or the substance of this recommendation should you wish to amend it). 'We strongly recommend that before action is taken regarding rezoning the parcel in the Northeast for the proposed purpose of construction of a major shopping center that the proposed developers be asked to present their full development plan, just as the downtown developers have had to do. 'This would be the equitable and effective way to proceed in this matter, and could in due time insure the construction of both the downtown and the Northeast shopping centers, since it would allow the downtown project to get underway and also make certain that the proposed developers of the Northeast actually are capable of and ready to proceed with the development in that area.' "As always, I personally appreciate the time and effort expended by our fellow members of the Agency, and at this time specifically appreciate your consideration and action on what I recommend to you as outlined in this communication." Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that no action be taken at this time, but that it be placed on the January Meeting Agenda for possible action at that time. c) Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman for 1980 - Chairman Casper asked for nominations for Chairman, and Mr. Poehner moved that Chairman Casper be retained in that office for another year. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lewis, and carried. Mr. Mooneyham stated that since Mr. Poehner was unable to be as active due to his conflict of interest, he would nominate Ms. Foth for Vice Chairman. Mr. Lewis seconded the nomination, and she was unanimously elected. d) Downtown Improvement District - Chairman Casper stated that when this District was formed it was for the purpose of advertising and promoting downtown. He stated he had ta~ked with Mr. Dan Donahue, developer of the shopping center, and that Mr. Donahue said when his firm purchases the property for that develop- ment, they will come into the District. e) Relocation Housing - Mr. Needham reported a letter had been received (dated November 2, 1979) from Gannon Enterprises inquiring as to whether the "...City of Bakersfield would work with Gannon Enterprises in the selection, construction and operation of housing which would help the City meet some of its relocation obligations." Mr. Needham stated the Agency has the responsibility of providing housing. Following discussion, Ms. Foth moved, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, that staff be authorized to discuss the proposal with Mr~ Gannon, and request that he make a presentation to the Agency. f) N.A.H.R.O. Meeting - Ms. Foth stated th~s meeting scheduled for January 10, 1980 in Newport Beach would cover Redevelopment Financing, a timely subject, and suggested that members who can, might like to attend. The secretary was directed to make any accommodations for those interested. g) Hotel Project - Mr. King asked to be brought up-to-date on the status of this project. Mr. Needham stated that Guay & Danielson have been working out some details with their other partners, and that they will be coming up with a complete package within the next several months. Mr. Needham said that Mr. Gene Jacobs would be in town Friday, December 21, 1979, if anyone has any questions they would like to ask him. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m. ~' ViJ~C~ENT CASPE~,NChairm~g,/ Bakersfield Redevelo~t Agency Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency