HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/74 MINUTES RABakersfield, California, November 18, 1974 -44- Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 8:00 P. M., November 18, 1974. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hart followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Father Craig O'Neill of St. Joseph's Catholic Church. The City Clerk called the loll Present: Mayor Hart. Absent: None Minutes of approved as presented. Mayor Hart Continued Joint Bakersfield and as follows: Councilman Thomas, Barton, Bleecker, Medders, Rogers, Strong Heisey, the regular meeting of November 4, 1974 were recessed the regular Council meeting for a Public Hearing of the Council of the City of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency. Continued Joint Public Hearing of the Council of the City of Bakersfield and the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency on the proposed amendments to the Redevelop- ment Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project and the area proposed to be added to the Project. MAYOR HART: This is the time and place for the special joint meeting of the Council and the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency for the purpose of conducting a continued joint public hearing on the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project and the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Redevelopment Project and the area proposed to be added to the Project. On November 4, 1974 the duly noticed joint public ~earing of the Council and Redevelopment Agency was held. Following public comments on the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report it was moved and adopted by the Council and Redevelopment Agency that the Joint Public Hearing and Special Joint Meeting be continued to this date, time and place. -45- Bakersfield, California, November 18, 1974 - Page 2 AGENCY VICE-CHAIRMAN CASPER: Requested the Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency to call the roll: Present: Agency Members Casper, Lee, Poehner, Stewart, Taber Absent: Agency Members King, Puder AGENCY VICE-CHAIRMAN CASPER: This is a special meeting of the Redevelopment Agency. MAYOR HART: The record contains the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan and the Redevelopment Agency Report to the Council on the proposed amendments, which contains the Draft Environmental Impact Report. The record also contains the Amended Rules Governing Participation by Owners, Operators of Businesses and Tenants, and the report and recommendation of the City Planning Commission approving the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan. Ail written and oral communications received prior to the Joint Public Hearing on November 4, 1974 are part of the record. Cards were distributed to those persons in the audience requesting to speak or express their opinion of the proposed amend- ments. MAYOR HART: Under the law every person speaking must be sworn in by the City Clerk. I now declare the public hearing open for the City Council. AGENCY VICE-CHAIRMAN CASPER: I now declare the public hearing open for the Redevelopment Agency. MAYOR HART: Under the law it is my responsibility to preside over this Joint Public Hearing. We shall have the pre- sentation of the Agency. At this time, I would like to call on Mr. Bergen, Community Development Director of the Agency, to introduce the persons who will participate for the Agency and they have already been sworn in. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BERGEN: For the record, I am Harold Bergen, Community Development Director of the Bakersfield -46- Bakersfield, California, November 18, 1974 - Page 3 Redevelopment Agency. Those persons who will be participating the Agency are: Richard Foster, Community Development Director Eugene Jacobs and Mark Breakstone, Special Counsel for the Redevelopment Agency for Richard Foster and City staff, since the an attempt to communicate the downtown area. explained the activities of the Agency hearing was continued two weeks ago, in with the property owners and tenants in Mr. Foster stated that there are persons in the proposed area who will be displaced and cited several corrections in the proposed ordinance approving and adopting the amendments and the report to the City Council on the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Plan. Mayor Hart requested that the cards distributed to the public requesting to speak or expressing their opinions of the proposed amendments be picked up. Mayor Hart requested the City Clerk to read the names and addresses of all persons, subsequent to the November 4, 1974 hearing, who have submitted written communications in favor of the adoption of the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan and/or Environ- mental Impact Report: Communication was submitted by Richard Foster, Community Development Director, in regards to a verbal approval of the proposed amendments from Vernon Smith, part owner of property located at 2022-2024 Chester Avenue. Mayor Hart asked for oral statements and questions by persons in favor of the adoption of the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan and/or Environmental Impact Report. After being sworn in by the City Clerk the following persons spoke in favor of the proposed amendments: Joe Henley, 1673 Chester Avenue Lawrence F. Lake, 22nd Street & Chester Avenue Lawrence I. Weill, 1420 - 19th Street -47- Bakersfield, California, November 18, 1974 - Page 4 The Clerk reported that the following persons turned in cards in favor of the amendments: Ida M. Simonson, 1919-1927 "K" Street Bennie Shapiro, 1110-1130 - 19th Street Mayor Hart requested that the City Clerk read the names and addresses of all persons, subsequent to the November 4, 1974 hearing, who have submitted written communications objecting to the adoption of the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan and/or Environmental Impact Report. The Clerk reported that no co~ununications have been received objecting to the proposed amendments. Ma~or Hart asked for oral statements and questions by persons objecting to the adoption of the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan and/or Environmental Impact Report. After being sworn in by the City Clerk the following persons spoke in opposition to the proposed amendments: Leo J. Wiener, 1100 - 18th Street Gary Stein, 19th & "L" Streets (Mr. Stein presented the Council and Staff with a lengthy questionnaire which was answered by Mr. Eugene Jacobs) The Clerk reported /hal the following persons turned in cards in opposition to the amendments: Clyde Trammel, 1314 - 17th Street Gino Fanucchi, 1100 Truxtun Avenue Norire Sabonjian (Best Cleaners), 1600 - 1608 "F" Street Russell Hoenshell (Downtown Business Association Questionnaire) After being sworn in by the City Clerk, Robert Wardwell, 1919 Chester Avenue, asked several questions regarding the options and position of the property owners in respect to the proposed downtown regional shopping center. -48- Bakersfield, California, November 18, 1974 - Page 5 After being sworn in by the City Clerk, John Brock, 1918 Chester Avenue, stated that a strong retail development in the down- town area is necessary to make downtown a viable area and he is definitely for the district development. After being sworn in by the City Clerk, Hugh Sill, Sill at 1508 - 18th Street, stated that redevelopment of the area is needed and the right of condemnation is an absolute Building downtown necessity to accomplish this, and he is in favor of these proposals. After being sworn in by the City Clerk, Michael Belluomini, representing a family owned business in the downtown area, proposed a condominium type concept, owned by local businessmen, rather than a developer owned shopping center. Mayor Hart closed the public hearing for the purposes of the City Council. Agency Vice-Chairman Casper closed ihe public hearing for the purposes of the Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Eugene Jacobs stated it should be distinguished that this is a project amendment to expand the boundaries of the Redevelopment Area and establish certain legal powers, not the approval of the developer's contract for a regional shopping center which will be brought before the Agency and Council at a later date for approval. Redevelopment Agency members explained their support of the proposed amendments. Adoption of Resolution No. RA31-74 of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency certifying, approving and adopting the Environmental Impact Report on the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project and the area proposed to be added to the Project. Upon a motion by Agency Member Taber, seconded by Agency Member Lee, Resolution No. RA31-74 of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency certifying, approving and adopting the Environmental Impact Report on the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project and the -49- Bakersfield, California, November 18, 1974 - Page 6 area roll call vote: Ayes: Agency Members Casper, Lee, Poehner, Noes: None Absent: Agency Members King, Puder Agency Vice-Chairman Casper, I hereby Clerk and the Council, Impact Report. proposed to be added to the Project, was adopted by the following Stewart, Taber transmit to the City the Resolution adopting the Environmental Adoption of Resolution No. RA32-74 of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency approving and recommending the adoption of Amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelop- ment Project. Upon a motion by Agency Member Stewart, seconded by Agency Member Poehner, Resolution No. RA32-74 of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency approving and recommending the adoption of Amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Agency Members Casper, Lee, Poehner, Stewart, Taber Noes: None Absent: Agency Members King, Puder Agency Vice-Chairman Casper, I hereby transmit to the City Clerk and the Council, the Resolution of the Agency approving and recommending that the Council adopt the proposed Redevelopment Councilman Bleecker reviewed, in detail, the proposed ordinance and Environmental Impact Report and asked numerous questions. During discussion, Mr. Jacobs stated that, for a point of clarification, this ordinance not only approves a boundary change but adds the power to move forward with the Redevelopment Plan; however, before the plan could be implemented further approval will be necessary. Plan. -50- Bakersfield, California, November 18, 1974 - Page 7 During discussion, Councilman Rogers questioned the displacement of persons within the proposed area. Mr. Jacobs stated that in rechecking the total area there are 16 families, 133 single individuals and 81 dwelling units subject to displacement. Mr. Foster stated that most of these people are transients staying in hotels and it is not the problem it appears to be. First reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Bakers- field approving and adopting amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project. After additional discussion, upon a motion by Councilman Barton, seconded by Councilman Heisey, first reading was considered given an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield approving and adopting amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project, by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Thomas, Barton, Bleecker, Heisey, Medders, Rogers, Strong Noes: None Absent: None There being no further discussion, Agency Vice-Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting of the Redevelopment Agency. The joint meeting of the City Council with the Redevelopment Agency for the purpose of holding a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project and the area proposed to be added to the Project was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. REDEVELOPMF~ AGENCY SECRET~RY to the Redevelopment Agency