HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/25/75 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIEL]~ ]~E~E%YE~O]~q~NT AGENCY Special Meeting - February 25, 1975 -]- A special meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Vincent Casper on February 25, 1975, at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The Secretary called the roll as follows~ PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Ralph H. Poehner Dr. Glenn D. Puder James L. Stewart Theron Taber ABSENT: Robert E. King, Vice Chairman Bill Lee STAFF: Dick Foster, Deputy Executive Director Phil White, Building Department Dewey Sceales, Planning Department Mark Breakstone, Law Offices of Eugene Jacobs CORRESPONDENCE Proposal to Purchase and Develop Parcel C. James Aloe Weston~ Trustee - Chairman Casper called on Mr. Mar~ Breakstone from the Agency's legal consultant's office for review of this proposal. (A copy of a memorandum on this proposal addressed to Agency M~mbers, dated February 25, 1975, from H. E. Bergen, Execu- tive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, was given to each member present.) Mr. Breakstone reviewed the proposal submitted by Weston, i.e., a purchase price of $100,000, a 1~ story building, 6,156 sq. ft. banking facility to be leased and occupied by Wells Fargo Bank. Mr. Breakstone recommended the Agency reject Weston's offer, explaining that the proposal doesn't appear to be the highest and best use of the property because, 1) it is not compatible with surrounding development; 2) it will not produce the tax increment which he feels should come from this property; 3) interest has been shown by others for puting Parcel C to higher use, and these should be investigated. Mr. Breakstone noted that Weston still has the "right of first refusal," and can in the future submit an equal or better proposal than others which might be received. Mr. Breakstone noted representatives for Weston were in the audience, and Chairman Casper asked if they wished to present any pertinent facts. Mr. Lawrence Guay introduced himself and Mr. Carl Danielson. He stated that the 14,000 sq. ft. of Parcel C was too small to consider anything more than a 1~ story building, and that it would not be good economics to do so, as there is consi- derable vacant office space in the area now. Mr. Guay noted they do feel that with this proposal the City has a chance to get banking facilities which will add to the attractive environment developed there to-date. Chairman Casper asked Mr. Foster if he had anything to add, and he said the staff believes as stated by Mr. Breakstone that this proposal should be rejected at this time for the reasons stated. Mr. Stewart motioned that Weston's proposal to purchase and develop Parcel C be rejected, subject to reconsideration at a later date after review of other proposals. This motion was MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -2- February 25, -2- 1975 seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Casper, Poehner, Puder, Stewart and Taber NOES: None ABSENT: King and Lee Mr. Danielson of Weston asked how long would it be before the Agency would make a firm commitment. Mr. Stewart suggested that if results were not firm by the next meeting, a time limit should be established. All members concurred. REPORTS a) Legal Service Agreement - Mr. Foster asked the Agency to act on the First Amendment to Agreement for Legal Services which was presented and agreed upon at December's meeting, but which was not acted upon. On motion by Mr. Taber, seconded by Mr. Stewart, the First Amendment to Agreement No. 74-121 was adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Casper, Poehner, Puder, Stewart and Taber NOES: None ABSENT: King and Lee b) 1975-76 Budget - Mr. Foster stated he will prepare a Redevelopment budget for the next meeting. If any members have questions or suggestions on or before that time, he will be glad to hear from you. c) Article on Redevelopment - A copy of an article entitled, "West Coast Roundtable: Centers No Magic Cure for Downtown Blues," was given each member. Mr. Foster commented it was excellent read- ing, and noted the article spoke highly of the John S. Griffith and Eugene Jacobs Companies. d) Pacific Telephone Company - Mr. Foster said he had been notified by PT&T that they wanted to remain at their location at 22nd and L Streets. e) Parking Garage Status - Mr. Breakstone reported the pro- ject speeding rapidly towards completion, however there will be a number of documents to be entered into between the banks and the Agency, i.e., a parking operations agreement involving UCB, Bank of America and the City; an easement agreement for drive-in banking facilities; an agreement between UCB and Arcon re the vacated por- tion of K Street which is to be treated in terms of the plaza-- trees, sidewalks, benches, etc. Also, a change order was neces- sitated to provide water and waste lines for future restroom facilities for the attendant at the garage, and two additional change orders are forthcoming relating to proper backup space, and dirt work required by the contractor. These are to be presen- ted at the next meeting. Mr. Foster added that the inspector had advised him the project was 30 days to completion. OLD BUSINESS Chairman Casper reminded members of in Costa Mesa this week on Thursday, February the one-day seminar 27. -3- MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -3- February 25, 1975 NEW BUSINESS a) Resolution No. RA1-75 - Mr. Breakstone presented a reso- lution for the Agency's approval for adoption of relocation rules and regulations. A copy of these rules and regulations were given to members at a Workshop held on February 11. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Poehner, seconded by Dr. Puder, Resolution No. RA1-75, "Resolution of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Adopting Relocation Rules and Regulations for Implementation of the California Relocation Assistance Law," was adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Casper, Poehner, Puder, Stewart and Taber NOES: None ABSENT: King and Lee b) Resolution No. RA2-75 Chairman Casper reviewed a reso- lution changing the Agency's regular meeting day. On motion by Dr. Puder, seconded by Mr. Taber, Resolution No. RA2-75, a resolu- tion of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency amending its by-laws to change the date and time for its regular meetings to the fourth Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m., was adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Casper, Poehner, Puder, Stewart and Taber NOES: None ABSENT: King and Lee c) Housing Advisory and Appeals Board - Mr. Breakstone asked for the Agency's approval by motion to request the City Council to establish a Housing Advisory and Appeals Board to which the Agency could assign relocations appeals for hearing. Following discussion, on motion by Dr. Puder, seconded by Mr. Stewart, approval was granted to request the City Council to establish a Housing Advisory and Appeals Board, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Casper, Poehner, Puder, Stewart and Taber NOES: None ABSENT: King and Lee ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. by Chairman Casper. Bakersfield Redevelop~9~t Agency Bernice E. SCewart Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency