HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/75 MINUTES RA-5- MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT A~ENCY Regular Meeting - March 25, 1975 The regular meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Vincent Casper on March 1975, at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. 25, The Secretary called the roll as follows: PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Robert E. King, Vice Chairman Dr. Glenn Puder Theron Taber Ralph H. Poehner (Seated at 4:22 p.m.) Bill Lee (Seated at 4:35 p.m.) ABSENT: James L. Stewart STAFF: Dick Foster, Deputy Executive Director Phil White, Building Department Dewey Sceales, Planning Department Mark Breakstone, Law Offices of Eugene Jacobs (Legal Counsel for Agency) MINUTES Chairman Casper asked if there were any corrections or additions to be made to the Minutes of the February 25, 1975, Special Meeting. There being none, Mr. Taber moved, seconded by Dr. Puder, and carried, the Minutes were approved as mailed. Chairman Casper asked for a motion for approval of all past Minutes of the Redevelopment Agency meetings, which, although signed by the Agency's Chairman, had not been officially approved by Agency membership. Upon motion by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Taber, and carried, all Redevelopment Agency meeting Minutes of the past not approved were duly approved as presented. CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence for presentation. REPORTS a) Proposed 1975-76 Fiscal Budget - Mr, Foster presented a copy of the proposed Redevelopment Agency Budget for the next fiscal year to each Agency member, and recormnended its acceptance. Following discussion, upon motion by Mr. King, seconded by Dr. Puder, and carried, the Agency approved the proposed Rede- velopment Agency 1975-76 Fiscal Budget in the amount of $68,500, and recommended it be presented as submitted to the City Council for action in their regular budget session, by the following roll call vote: AYES: King, Puder, Taber and Casper NOES: None ABSENT: Lee, Poehner and Stewart -6- MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -2- March 25, 1975 OLD BUSINESS a) K Street Parking Garage - Contract No. RA4-74, dated August 15, 1974, between the Redevelopment Agency and Tumblin Company/Unicon Parking Structures, Inc. MR. RALPH POEHNER ARRIVED AT 4:22 P.M. 1. Change Order No. 3 Mr. Breakstone noted two previous change orders on this contract covered the change to prefab construction, and an extension of time for completion; then he explained that Change Order No. 3 encompassed about seven different items (as covered in Dick Foster's memo to the Agency dated March 25, 1975, copy of which was given each member), and which would increase the contract total by $2,503.90. Mr. Breakstone stated it was the recommen- dation of the staff that the Agency approve Change Order No. 3. On motion by Mr. Taber, seconded by Mr. King, and carried, the Agency approved Change Order No. 3 to Contract RA4-74, as presented. A copy of said change order marked Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. A further motion by Dr. Puder, seconded by Mr. King, and carried, authorized the Executive Director of the Agency to execute and issue said Change Order No. 3 on behalf of the Agency. 2. Parking Operations Agreement Mr. Breakstone reviewed all phases covered in this Agree- ment, i.e., allocation and rates for parking spaces for banks' employees and customers; proper "signing;" hours of operations with attendant; etc. He also noted that operation is to be under full and complete control of the Agency and the City. Mr. Breakstone stated that, basically, this Agreement is an extension of all earlier agreements entered into by the participants, bringing them together for general operation of the garage. Mr. Breakstone advised that it was the staff's recom- mendation that the Agency approve the Agreement as presented. Following discussion, on motion by Dr. Puder, seconded by Mr. King, and carried, Resolution No. RA3-75, "Resolution of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Approving a Parking Operations Agreement for the K Street Parking Garage," was adopted, with authorization contained in said Resolution for Chairman of the Agency to "execute said Parking Operations Agreement on behalf of the Agency at such time as the Agency has received and approved an agreement between ARCON, Inc. and United California Bank relative to the treatment of the Plaza in the vacated portion of K Street between their respec- tive facilities. MR. LEE ARRIVED AT 4:35 P.M. MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AOENCY -3- March 25, -7- 1975 3. U.C.B. Plaza Agreement Mr. Breakstone advised that ARCON and United California Bank will be submitting, in the very near future, their plans and agreement for treatment of the Plaza area. 4. "Signing" Agreement Mr. Breakstone reported that staff members (Dick Foster, H. E. Bergen, Ed Schulz, Charlie Graviss and Mark Break- stone) met last week with ARCON, Bank of America and U.C.B. representatives to work out details of a "signing" agreement. U.C.B. has employed the services of a design architect (fees to be split by all parties) who will design the basic sign needs. These will be presented to all parties for approval and recommendations, as well as to Conrad Associates who represent the Agency. 5. Grant of Easements Mr. Breakstone asked for the Agency's approval of a resolution to grant easements for ingress and egress for the purpose of vehicular use through the K Street Parking Garage to ARCON, Weston, Bank of America and U.C.B., and to their respective tenants. On motion by Dr. Puder, seconded by Mr. Taber, and car- ried, Resolution No. RA4-75, "Resolution of the Bakers- field R~development Agency Approving the Grant of Ease- ments to ARCON, Inc., Bank of America, United California Bank and James Aloe Weston, Trustee through the K Street Parking Garage From and Unto 17th Street, and Authori- zing the Chairman and the Executive Director to Execute Such Grants on Behalf of the Agency," was adopted. NEW BUSINESS a) Development Proposals for Parcel C - Southwest Corner of 17th and L Streets. 1. Proposal by James Aloe Weston~ Trustee Mr. Breakstone reported that this proposal, which was rejected in the February 25, 1975 meeting as not appearing to be the highest and best use of the property, was resubmitted by Weston. The proposal is for a 1~ story building, 6,156 square feet of which is a banking facility to be leased and occupied by Wells Fargo Bank. 2. Proposal by ARCON, INC. Mr. Breakstone reviewed a new proposal with architectural drawings, submitted by ARCON, Inc. for a 5-story building. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 5:10 P.M. FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS THE AGENCY'S OBLIGATIONS TO JAMES ALOE WESTON, TRUSTEE; AND WAS RECONVENED AT 5:55 P.M. Items 1 and 2, above (under Old Business), were discussed by the Agency, and on motion by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Taber, and carried, the proposal and architectural drawings resubmitted by James Aloe Weston, Trustee in a MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -4- March 25, -8- 1975 letter dated March 17, 1975, to purchase Parcel C for $100,000 (the property owned by the Agency in the Down- town Bakersfield Redevelopment Project at the southwest corner of 17th and L Streets), and to develop thereon a 6,156 square-foot banking facility; and the proposal and architectural drawings submitted by ARCON, Inc. in a letter dated March 12, 1975, to purchase Parcel C for $140,000, and to develop thereon a 5-story, 33,000 square-foot office building (with a banking facility as the ground floor tenant), are hereby received by the Agency. b) explained the City, Reimbursement to City of Bakersfield - Mr. Breakstone the charges on an invoice received by the Agency from and asked for a motion for reimbursement. On motion by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Lee, and carried, the Agency approved reimbursement to the City of Bakersfield the amount of $10,170.86 for costs incurred in the issuance of the Agency's Parking Lease Revenue Bonds for the K Street Parking Garage, and for costs incurred in the acquisition of the site and the construction of the garage which costs are itemized in Invoice No. 3902, dated February 28, 1975, by the following roll call vote: AYES: King, Lee, Poehner, Puder, Taber and Casper NOES: None ABSENT: Stewart ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, the meeting w~as adjourned at 6:05 p.m. by Chairman Casper. ~' VINCENT. C~SPER, C~RMAN Bake~f~e~d RedeVelopment Agency Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency