HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/27/75 MINUTES RA M I N U T E S BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting - May 27, 1975 The regular meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Vincent Casper on May 27, 1975, at 4:20 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Robert E. King Bill Lee Ralph H. Poehner James L. Stewart ABSENT: Dr. Glenn Puder Theron Taber STAFF: Harold Bergen, Executive Director Dick Foster, Deputy Executive Director Jack Reagan, Community Development Department Dewey Sceales, Planning Department Bob Thomas, Planning Department Phil White, Building Department Alex Buechler, Building Department Ed Schulz, Public Works Department Phil Kelmar, Finance Department Mark Breakstone, Law Offices Eugene B. Jacobs, (Legal Counsel for the Agency) MINUTES a) Chairman Casper asked if there were any corrections or additions to be made to the Minutes of the April 22, 1975 Regular Meeting. There being none, the Minutes were approved as mailed. b) A Special Meeting called for May 13, 1975, was cancelled for lack of a quorum. CORRESPONDENCE a) Cutbirth Property~ Northwest Corner 17th and L Streets - A letter to the Agency, dated May 12, 1975, from Kenneth H. Bates, Attorney of Deadrich, Bates & Tutton, was reviewed by Mark Breakstone. This letter requested a schedule as to when and if the Agency plans to take his clients' property as part of the proposed downtown shop- ping center; and notified the Agency that if "the property is merely being held under the shadow or blight of possible condemnation with- out any specific date," then he would recommend to his clients that "they consider appropriate action under Section 1243.1 of the Code of Civil Procedure." Attorney Bates asked permission to address the Agency. He said as a postscript to his letter he would like to add that Arlis and Bette Cutbirth, owners of the property, had obtained a permit and spent $20,000 on demolition and preparation for construction. They had a written lease on the premises with the State of California (1974), then the State found out they couldn't be assured of occu- pancy for any length of time, "and finally dropped it like a hot potato." The property is vacant and non-productive. Following discussion, Mr. Breakstone advised that the Agency refer the matter to staff for handling. On motion by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Lee, and carried, the Agency referred the matter to the Agency staff for study and recommendation. MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -2- May 27, 1975 REPORTS a) Building Permits - Redevelopment Area - Mr. Foster gave a rundown of the list of "Permits Issued Within Downtown Develop- ment Area," which was provided for the members as informational only so they would be aware of what was going on in the area. b) Downtown Parkin~ Needs - Mr. Foster brought it to the attention of the Agency that now that the parking needs are being looked into, it has been determined that there is a need for additional parking in Quadrant II. He mentioned that there are 125 Bank of America employees, and some of these cannot afford the expense of the "K" Street Parking Garage. Mr. Foster said he didn't wish to pursue this subject further today, only wanted to apprixe the Agency that the staff is currently looking for an additional parking site in the area. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS a) Authorization to Expend Funds - Chairman Casper noted that this was an item on the agenda for the Special Meeting which was cancelled for lack of a quorum. He asked Mr. Foster to explain the expenditures. Mr. Foster noted that in part of the agreement efforts with special counsel and John S. Griffith & Company, certain cost estimates are necessary, and it is necessary to hire someone to make these estimates. He presented two invoices totaling $1300; one for an estimate of value of the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelop- ment Project, and another covering aerial photo showing all buil- dings and parcels in the proposed shopping area which will be used throughout construction of the project. On motion by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and carried, the Agency approved the expenditure of $1300 for these cost estimates and the cronar map, as presented. b) Selection of Auditor for Annual Audit - (This item was on the agenda for the Special Meeting which was cancelled.) Mr. Foster noted that this audit was budgeted by the Redevelopment Agency last year. He referred to his memo to the Agency dated May 27, 1975. Following a discussion of the appropriate means for obtaining a qualified auditing firm, on motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. King, and carried, the Finance Department Director, as Treasurer of the Agency, was directed to obtain a minimum of three bids for an audit of the Agency's records, to be presented to the Agency for acceptance of the lowest bid by a qualified bidder. Later in the meeting, Mr. Kelmar, representing the Treasurer of the Agency, explained the services offered by auditing firms, and specifications required in an audit. He then answered questions in this regard by Agency members. He noted that there might be considerable savings if the firm cur- rently auditing the City records was retained, as they are familiar with internal controls and procedures. Mr. Bergen reiterated Mr. Kelmar's statement, however, pointed out that this savings would probably be reflected in their bid. He advised that the City Charter requires an outside auditor, and that staff should MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -3- May 27, -13- 1975 not become involved, as this is the City Council's check on City operations. Mr. Lee wished to change the wording of his earlier motion to read"...acceptance of the lowest responsible bid by a qualified bidder." This was seconded by Mr. King, and carried. c) Parcel "C" - Mr. Breakstone reviewed the proposals received for purchase of and development on Parcel "C." He pre- sented staff's recommendation that the Agency accept Weston's proposal for the reasons outlined in a memo to the Agency from Mr. Bergen. Following discussion, Mr. King moved, seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried, the Agency adopted a motion rejecting a proposal by ARCON, Inc. for the purchase of Parcel "C" (southwest corner of L and 17th Streets), including a development thereon of a 5-story office building at some future date; and accepting a proposal submitted by James Aloe Weston, Trustee, for the purchase of Parcel "C," and development thereon of a 6,156 square-foot Wells Fargo Bank facility, for the reasons and conditions set forth in a memorandum dated May 27, 1975, to Agency members from Mr. H. E. Bergen, copy marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. MISCELLANEOUS a) Chairman Casper asked that a duplicate set of Agenda items be provided members at meetings. b) Mr. Poehner requested a rundown on the status of the "K" Street Parking Garage. Mr. Breakstone advised that some minor corrective and cosmetic work was being done, and that opening date has been tentatively scheduled for Friday, June 13th at 10 a.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Bakers- field Redevelopment Agency, the meeting was~Bdjourned at 5:20 p.m. by Chairman Casper. ~ VINCEN% 0ASPER, C~N Bakersfield Redev~pment Agency Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency