HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/24/75 MINUTES RA-17- MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting June 24~ 1975 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Acting Chairman, Dr. Glenn Puder, on June 24, 1975, at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: PRESENT: Dr. Glenn Puder, Acting Chairman Bill Lee Ralph H. Poehner James L. Stewart Theron Taber ABSENT: Vincent Casper Robert E. King STAFF: H. E. Bergen, Executive Director Dick Foster, Deputy Executive Director Denny Haynes, Treasurer Jack Reagan, Community Development Dewey Sceales, Planning Department Phil White, Building Department Ed Schulz, Public Works Mark Breakstone, Legal Counsel for Agency MINUTES The Minutes of the May 27, approved as mailed. 1975 Regular Meeting were CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence for presentation. REPORTS a) Elks Building Status - Mr. Foster introduced Mr. Don Scharp with Audax, a development company of Santa Barbara, who presented a rough schematic of a tentative joint venture with another group (Devco) for development of this property, plus additional property within the block. The presentation included a senior citizen's tower; commercial facilities (main core); parking to accommodate approximately 300; plus an attractive mall, possibly with sidewalk dining; etc. Mr. Foster explained that this report is merely an early alert as to the possible concepts on the block, since around September 1st H,U.D. will offer the Elks Building property for sale to the City or Agency. It will go on the open market if the City or Agency does not purchase it. All owners of the other property included in the joint venture are agreeable to selling, therefore, there would be no condemnation necessary. On motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Taber, and carried, this preliminary report was officially received by the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency. BY AGREEMENT OF ALL MEMBERS, CHAIRMAN PUDER MOVED AT THIS TIME TO ITEM (b), UNDER "NEW BUSINESS" OF THE AGENDA TO ACCOMMODATE MR. KENNETH BATES. ATTORNEY FOR ARLIS AND BETTE CUTBIRTH~ OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY TO B~ DISCUSfED. MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -2- June 24, -18- 1975 NEW BUSINESS b) Authorization for Appraisal of Real Property - Mr. Foster reviewed the status of this property known as 1310 17th Street, and explained the necessity for requesting the Agency's authorization for appraisal of real property for purposes of acquisition. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried, Resolution No. RA6-75, "Resolution Authorizing the Appraisal of Real Property in the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project," was adopted. CHAIRMAN PUDER MOVED THE MEETING BACK TO ITEM (b), UNDER "REPORTS" TO CONTINUE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA. REPORTS, continued b) Special Meeting~ July 15, 1975 - Mr. Foster explained that a Special Meeting of the Re~evel0pment Agency would be neces- sary July 15, 1975, to approve final payment to the "K" Street Parking Garage contractor. c) Liability Insurance for Agency Members - Mr. Haynes advised that the Agency does have a policy to protect members from possible action brought against them individually, as a member of the Agency, or if included in action against the City, in the amount of $1,000,000, which it is planned to raise to $5,000,000, January 1, 1976. OLD BUSINESS a) Formal Acceptance of Weston Proposal for Parcel "C" and Agreement to Negotiate Exclusively - This proposal was reviewed by Mr. Breakstone, and Mr. Carl Danielson representing Weston. Mr. Foster read the resolution. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Taber, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and carried, Resolu- tion No. RA7-75, "Resolution of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Accepting a Proposal by James Aloe Weston, Trustee, to Pur- chase and Develop a Certain Parcel of Land in the Downtown Bakers- field Redevelopment Project and Approving an Agreement to Negotiate Exclusively," was adopted. b) Selection of Auditor - Mr. Haynes summarized the pro- posals received, and reviewed the qualifications of the firms sub- mitting proposals, for the annual Redevelopment Agency Audit. On motion by Mr. Taber, seconded by Mr. Lee, and carried, Elmer Fox & Company was selected to perform the audit. NEW BUSINESS a) League of California Cities. Planning Seminar - Mr. Bergen urged members to attend, if able, all or part of, this seminar, and advised any member interested to contact either his office or Mr. Foster's. (ITEM (b), UNDER "NEW BUSINESS" WAS PREVIOUSLY ACTED UPON.) -]9- MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -3- June 24, 1975 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. by Acting Chairman Dr. Glenn Puder. DR. GLENN PUDER, ACTING CHAIRMAN Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Bernice E. Stewart Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency