HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/23/75 MINUTES RA-30- M I I~ U T E S BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting - September 23, 1975 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency wes called to order by Chairman Vincent Casper on September 23, 1975, at 4 p.m. ~n the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Ralph H. Poehner Dr. Glenn D. Puder James L. Stewart Theron Taber ABSENT: Robert E. King Bill Lee STAFF: H. E. Bergen, Executive Director Dick Foster, Deputy Executive Director Denny Haynes, Treasurer MINUTES Chairman Casper noted a necessary correction to the Minutes of the August 26, 1975 Regular Meeting, as follows: Under the heading "Projects," Item b, a typographical error shows an amount of $1OOO,OOO, which should be corrected to read $100,0OO. Otherwise, the Minutes were approved as mailed. FINANCE a) Approval of Vouchers for Payment - On motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Taber, and carried, six vouchers listed on Voucher Register dated Septem- ber 22, 1975, presented by Mr. Haynes, were approved for payment. PROJECTS a) Authorization for Agreement for Development of Hotel - Mr. Foster apprised Agency members of staff's meetings and discussions with Mr. Robert L. Schwartz, President of Hotel Development Consultants, Inc. of Enc~no regarding possible development of a hotel in the redevelopment area near the Civic Auditorium. He stated that Mr. Eugene B. Jacobs' office had thoroughly investigated Mr. Schwartz and found him to be a legitimate entrepreneur, and successful in his business. Mr. Foster requested authorization by the Agency to enter into an agreement with Mr. Schwartz' firm to perform services necessary to secure the commitment of a hotel company to manage and operate a "first-class" hotel of between 300 to 400 rooms and/or to participate in the joint-venture development and construction of the hotel. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Poehner, seconded by Mr. Stewart, and carried, the Agency authorized staff to enter into an agreement with Mr. Robert L. Schwartz, President, Hotel Development Consultants, Inc., as outlined above, for compensation in the amount of SI,5OO.OO to be paid upon signing of the agreement (representing a sum equivalent to expenditures and expenses in securing the commit- ment of the hotel company); and compensation in the amount of $5,OOO.OO to be paid only if and when a commitment is received from a hotel company; making a total of $6,5OO.OO if both phases of the agreement ere completed. Mr. Loron Hodge of the Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce was present and advised members of the need for a first-class hotel in Bakersfield, and pointed out possible advantages of having it located near the Civic Auditorium. Dr. Puder asked Mr. Hodges what the chances might be for the Chamber of Commerce reimbursing the Agency for the $6,500 out of the Bakersfield Industrial Growth Fund. Mr. Hodge said he would look into it. -31 - b) Five Additional Parking Spaces for Wells Fargo - On motion by Dr. Puder, seconded by Mr. Taber, and carried, Resolution No. RA13-75, "A Resolution of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Consenting to an Agreement for Use of Parking in the "K" Street Parking Garage," was adopted. c) Plaza Aqreement - Mr. Foster reported he had received a copy of the "Plaza Agreement" between Arcon and United California Bank for construction of an open landscaped plaza in the area between UCB's building and Arcon's improvements (formerly a portion of K Street), for an amount totaling $11,462.00. GENERAL a) Appraisal - Portion of Block 272 - The second appraisal has been received and the attorney's office w~ll make recommendation for setting a "just" compensa- tion on this property within approximately two weeks. This may necessitate a Special Meeting. ADJOURNMENT Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency There being no further business to come before the Bakersfield Rede- valopment Agency, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. VINC~¥ CASPER, Chairman ,:~ Bakersfield Redevelopment ~r~cy