HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 120-95 RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 0 ' 9 5 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1995-2014 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3513 implemented a Transportation Impact Fee program for new development in order for new development to bear a proportionate share of the cost of the new or expanded transportation facilities required by such development; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3513 requires that the City Council annually adopt a proposed capital improvement plan for road construction funded by the impact fee program; and WHEREAS. a public hearing before the City Council was advertised and held MAY 31, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that the plan set forth as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved and adopted. -1- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on ~!~L ~ ~ ~ , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio C~Jrk of the council of the City of BakersfieId APPROVED APPROVED as to form: JUDY K. SKOUSEN City Attorney By: ~-~_~/ AssisNanD~~' for the City of Bakersfield -2- CiTY OF BAKERSFtELD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Regional Transporation Facilffies List PROJECI'S yEAR ($1,00O's of TDF Funds) Crosstown Freeway - S.R. 99 to S.R. 178 $169,653,000 * · ' * , $169,653 MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS KERN RIVER BRIDGES /dish ROad @ Kern River Carloway Ddve @ Kern River w/Roadv~y between dikes Mohawk Street @Kem River Chester AVenue ~ Kern River (widen) - City/County Manor Street @ Kern River (widen) - City/COUnty Morning Drive @ Kern River Subto~l - Kern River Bddge~ CANAL BRIDGES Par~rra Lane @ A~in Edison west (widen} S. H. 58 @ FriamKern (widen) S. H, 58 @ Cailoway west (widen} S. H. 58 @ Calk}way st (widen) /din Read @ Cross Valley Calk~way Drive @ Cr~s Valley ~ Akers Road @ Arvin Edison ~ Mohawk Street @ Cross Valley Mohawk S'm~t @ Carloway stine F~ad @ A~in Edison (widen) Manor Street @ Carrier SOuth H Street @ An/in Edison (Widen) North Chester Avenue @ Be~rdstey (widen) Oswell Steer @ Arvin Edison Wlbid ROad @ AnAn Edison (widen) Give Drive @ Celloway SUbtotal - Canal Bridges TOTAL COST 95-99 $3,0~0,000 $6,626,000 $1,058 $3,500,000 $t ,920,000 $1,610,000 County $16,656,000 $360,(:x~ol county County $500.000 $1,000,000 $160 $205,000 $320,0(X); $270,000 ~ $320,000 County County $500,000 $5,195,000 96ffi'cip.wk1 *Funds to be made av~ileble for protection Of rights of way, as needed. for each fteew8y alignment. s4o $36o~ YF. Aq ($I ,000's Of TDF Funds) i $3,000 Funding $215 $215 Other funding le shown oofy tol' those budgeted projects where an alternate funding source has ben identified. 30-Jun-95 Page1 PRO~ECTS CANAL CULVERTS Ta~Highvmy (S.R. 119} (~ Farmers (widen) panama Lane I~ Buen~ Vista (widen) Pane~m L~ne ~ FairneSs (widen) panama Lane I~ Kern Island (center branch) Pacheco ROad @ Buena Vista (widen) pacheco ROad {~ F6rme~s (widen) Pe, checo ROad @Kem Island (widen) White Lane ~) Kern island (widen) White Lane @ Kern Island Centlal Br. (widen) Muller Ro~d @ Eastside Ming Avenue ~ River C~nal Ming Avenue @ James Casa Lorna Drive @ Kern Island Stockdais Highway @ River Csu~l Give Drive @ Beardsley RenfTo Road @ James Renfro Re.~d ~ River Canal Allen ROad @ Buena Vista Allen Road ~ James Allen Road (~ River Canal ' Allen ROad ~ Goose Lake Slough (widen) Buena Vista Read @ Buera Vista (widen) Buena Vist~ ROad ~) River Canal (widen) Fruitvale Avenue @ Beardsley (widen] New Stile Road ~ S~ne (widen) Hale/Stre~ @ Eastside (Widen) Fairfax ROad ~ Eastside (widen) S, H. 184 (~ Eastside (widen) CANAL RELATED PROJECTS Panarts Lane (~ Farmer's Panama Lane ~ A~'in Edison - road realignment SOuth H Street @Kem islend (S.R. 119 to White} - _mad realignment S. H. 184 @ Ernstaide Sul~otaJ - Canal Re.tad Projects CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CAPITAL iMPROVEMENT PLAN Regional Transportation Facililles List I ~ TOTAL COST ~ 95-96 County $100,000 $35,000 ~ $80,000: $100,0~0 $180,000 ~ $30,000' County i $180,000 County County County $80,C00 $8o,ooo! $180.000 $40,000 $100,000 $100,o00 county i $100,000 Count,/ County $1,935,000 $48,000 I $46o.o0o:. s46o= ~ $2,300,000 I. county I $2,808,0001 YEAR ($1,00O's of TDF Funds) 96-97 I 97-2000 2000-2014 $3 $17 $0 $1~$0 $351 $20 $0 $10 $o $20 $20 $1 $2,300 3o-Jun-95 Page2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Regional Transpomtion Facilities List PROJECTS DRAINAGE CULVERTS, BRIDGES AND DITCHES East Pararea Road ~ Caliente Creek Bypass Sham Avenue Bridges (3 Ioca~ons) MohawkSfreet@A.T.&S.F.R.R.-CitytCour4y TOTN. COST 95-96 coun~ county Cour~ $520,000 $325,000 $560,000 $580,000i $320,000 ! $1,0(:x),0001 $3,385,000 County $3,250,000 $1,475,0CO County county county ~6000000! County County $1,400,000 $19,625,000 Courity county County court/ $9,125,(:XX) $1,600 county county County $t6,625,ooo $1,400 $14,S00 $0 $0 $0 $1 .OO0 $4,000 $0 $7,500 $0 $0 $0 Other Funding $500, $2,172 30-Jun-95 Page 3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Regional Transportsaon Facil~es List PROJECTS IMPfl--OV~ RNLROAD GRADE CR~SING$ panama Re~d ~ ArVn Branch (A. T. & S. F. R. R.) panarne Lene @ Sun~et Branch ($. p. R. R.) pacfle¢o Read @ Sunset Branch (S. p. R. R.) Muiler Rm~i ~ ~ Branch (A~ T. & $. F; R R.) ~_~ L~ OrNe ~ $. P: R. R, Branch StockdaJe High~y ~) S~ P. R. R. Branch S. H. 58 ~ A. T~ & s F;/S. P.R. R; Connection (West of L~nd=o) He, leman Road @ A~ T. & S. F. No~s Road@ S. P;R; R. Spur N~ Roed ~) $. P; Ri R. Spur Re~'o Flee~ ~$. p. R. R; Branch N~R~s.P.R.R. Branch Buem V'mta Read @ S. P. R. R. Branch (Nd River @ S: P. R. R. Branch Seu~ Chester Avenue @ S. P. R. R. Branch North CheSte~ Aveflue @ S. p. R R. Spur Unkm Avenue @ S. P. R. R. Branch TOTAL COST Subtotal - improve Railroad Grade Crossin~ls Ne~ tns~llal~ons (66 Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count $7,807,000 9 Io~h~o~s} $1,080,000 95-g6 yEAR ~$1,0~30's of TDF Funds) 2000-2014 $0 8O $0 $5 $5 $0 $100 $~,643 $1,020 $8,887,000 $7,663 Funding ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS 1 S. H. 119 - Stine Road to South H S~eet $5.093.524 $5, 094 S. H.58 - Allen R~ad to S. H.99 $3,757,429 $18,997,500 $5,657 $18,998 $2,574 Drive - Brimhall Road t3 Steckdale Hi,baa,/ $1.500,000 $1,124 TnJxtun Avenue - Wldenin~ @ Oak St. S. H. t78 - Mesa Matin te Mira Monte (4 lanes) SUBTOT~ -- R~AY IMPROVEMENTS TRANSIT IMPROV~ENTS · ofsystemdue~o20t0d~ $7688000 $77 $77 $231 . . $7,149 30-Jun-g5 Page 4