HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/19/76 MINUTES RA JOINT MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Special Joint Meeting and Public Hearing August 19, 1976 A Special Joint Meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield and the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was held in the Council Chamber of City Hall at 4 p.m., Thursday, August 19, 1976, for the purpose of conducting a Public Hearing on the Proposed Addition of Land to the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project and on Proposed Amendments Therefor to the Amended Redevelopment Plan for the Project. A copy of the Minutes of the Councll of the City of Bakersfield, dated August 19, 1976, reflecting all action taken at this Special Joint Meeting and Public Hearing marked "Exhibit A" is attached hereto and thereby made a part hereof. V~I~NCENT C~'~R, C~airman - // ~ Bakersfield R~de~elopment Agency~~ ~ Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency n~ersfield, California, August 19, 1976 Ifinuten of a recessed meetlnf of the Council of the City of l~ersfield, California, for · Joint Public Hearing of the Council of the City of Baksrafield and the Bakersfield Redevelop- ment A~ency, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 4:00 p.m., Thursday, August 19, 1976o The. ~eetin~ wo~s called to order by Mayor 'MAYOR HART: Th~ is the time set for th; special Joint ~eetin~ of the City Council end the Bakersfield Redevelopment AKenoy called for the purpose of conducting a public' hearing on the proposed addition of l~d to the Downtown B~kerefield Rede- velopment PToject and on proposed amendments therefor to the Amended Redevelopment Plan for the Project. Th4m le the t~ma and place set for such Joint Public Hearing as specified in the Joint Notice of Public Heariug pub- liehed pursuant to the California Community Redevelopuen$~ Law. That notice and nccompanyin~ documents were mailed as required by the Cnliforn[it Community Redevelopment Law. Will the members of the Redevelopment Agency and the staff please take their places. Mayor Hart led the Pledge of Allegiance. Absent: Secretary Present: Absent: followln~ ft. bo Mayor Hart. Councihnan Barton AGENCY CHAIRMAN CASPER: plebe call the roll. Will the City Clerk please call tho roll. Councilmen Bleecker (seated at 4:35 p.m.), Christensen, Medders, Rogers, ~ceales, Strong Will the Redevelopment A~ency AKency Membe~ C~sper, Foth, King, Pettit, Poehner A~oncy Member~ Puder, Stew~t ~R ~T: This record ~e have before ~ contal~ the d~ents: ~e ~o~ed ~en~ents to the ~ended ~develo~ent ~oJect which include providing for th~ addition of land to the ~oJect, ~e ~develo~ent ~ency ~rt to the City Council on the ~o~ed ~endments to the ~ended Redevelo~ent Plan. ~ersfleld, California, August 19, 1976 - Sage c. Amended Rules Governing Participation by Owners, Operators of Businesses, and Tenants in the Redevelopment l~oJect. d. The City Planning Commission report and recommendation to the City Council approving the proposed Amendments to the Amended Redevelopment Plan and recommending their adoption. e. The Final. Supplement to the Environmental Impact Report per- raining to the proPosed addition of laud to the Redevelopment Project .and the proposed Amendments therefor to the Amended Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment ProJect~ Ladies and Gentlemen, in order that we may have an orderly meeting and make the most efficient use of otn' time here, I em going to ~mk that everyone who participates tn this hearing ohmerve n few e~mple rules. To a~ettre that everybody who wishes to speak will have an opportunity to be heard, the Council and the Agency will follow the following rules: a. The written agenda will govern the course of the meeting. Copies of the agenda are available in case you did not take · one at the door. b. All persons who desire to be heard will have an opportunity · to speak. n. .People who wish to speak for or against the addition of land to the Redevelowaent Project, and/or the proposed Amendments to the Amended Redevelopment Plsnshould fill out a form. These forms will now be picked up. 'If you have filled them out, we ask that you bring them forward, or seme. individual will pick them up and bring them forward to us. If you do not have a form and wish to speak, please raise your hand and we will see that one ts made avaJ. lable to you that you might fill it out. d. Before commencing to speak, you will be sworn in by the City Clerk. B~kerefield, California, August 19, 1~76 - Page e. Before st~rtin~ to speak, plebe ~lve your muse and address and the o~*~anization, if any, which you are repre~enting at this he.ring. ' ....... ~. ' f. In orde~ that everyone will be~ ~ble to hear thee .who are speakin~, we want to urge you to speak clearly ang directly ~nto the microphones here at the front of.the roo~. I :now declare the public hearing open rom the City Council and the Redevelopment Asency. '.-',. Under the law, it is my responsibility to Pre~ide over this Joint Public Hearing° -. · ' · We shall now have the presentation of the proposed addition of land to the RedeveloPment Pro~ect and tbs proposed amendments therefor to the Amended Redevelolment Plan by the A~ency staff. At this time, I would like to call on ~r. Dick Foster, Co~munit~ Development Director of the City and Deputy Executive Director eT the Redevelolmsnt Agency, to introduce any pe~ons who will partici- pate for the Agency and have them stand and t~ sworn in. ~. FOSTER: I ~ Dick Foster, Co. unity D~velop~ent Director of the City and Deputy Executive Di~:'ector of the ~develop- ment A~ency. Those persons who may ]~articip~te for the A~escy are: H. E. Rergen~ Executive Director cf th~ RedeVelo~ent Agency and ~ity ~anager gu~ene Jacobs and Doug Hart, Speci~.l Counsel for the ·, , Redevelopment Agency Kenneth'W. Hoagland, Clty'Att~rney . · - · Dick Foster, Deputy Executive Director of the Redevelop- · ent Agency and C~,n~unlty Development The A~ency participants were s~orn in s~ s body by the City Clerk. ,, :', , :, ' · , Co~aunity Development Director F,~ster stated this hea~'in~ ~he existing boundaries in order t? allow t~e development of a $30-million hotel complex and reviewed the .tren proposed to be added to the existing boundaries. ]~akersfield, California, August 19, 1976 - Page Mr. Foster further stated the nine-block area meet8 the criteria of being sub-standard, under-ut~lized, or vacant and quaiifiee a~ a Redevolol~nent Area. Mr. ~acobs presented background ~nformation on the hotel developer, tho proposed hotel complex, and the financing of the proposed project. 'MR. FOSTER: Thi~ concludes the Agency's presentation. If there are any quo~tions, the Agency representatives are available for ~ore in-depth discussion. ~ · MAYOR HART: At this time, the City Clerk will read the name~ and addresses of all per~oes who have submitted written o~maunication~ in favor of the proposed addition of lind to the Redevelopment l~oJect and/or the adoption of the proposed Amendments therefor to the Amended Redevelopment Plan. The City Cler~ will also give a brief and general s,,mmnry of each written connaunicntion. Letter from Lawrence I. Welll, 1234 Chester Avenue, Suite 105, who strongly recomtaends expeesion of the boundaries and supporting downtown development.. Latter from Dr. Don Ratty, President, Downtown Business Ameociation, stating that the Board of Directors of the Downtown i~uainess Association h°" taken the position of strong support for the concept of the hotel complex being proposed for downtown. MAYOR HART: At this time we will have the oral etatoment~ ~nd questions by persons in favor of the proposed addition of land to the Redevelopment Project and/or the' adoption of the proposed Amendments therefor to the Amended Redevelopment Plan. Will the City Clerk please call the persons who have turned in form~ and swear in each speaker. After being sworn in by the City Clerk, each of the following persons addressed the Council and l~edevelopment Agency in favor of tho prol~Sed addition of land to the Redevelopment Project and/or the adoption of the proposed Amendments therefor to the Amended Redevelopment Plan: Bakersfield, Csllforula, Augttt 199 197~ - ~ ~. ~ay ~wa~on, 3208 Idaho Street, stated hs .,~ ha~ t~aveled u a ~ber of the Conve~tlon C~tttee fo~ a fraternal o~gan~atlon, ~d the~e 18 no faclllty tn the ~n ~oaqutn Valley that offe~ adeq~te fo~ l~ge ~ou~. ~e pro.ed hotel c~pl~x ~ld brl~ in revenue to the Clty by · *' attF~ttng more convention. Willi~ K. La=zertnl, 2307 S~uce Street, who ow~ and operat~ ~vance ~ver~e Company at 701 - 16th Street and a fo~er member of the 'Convention ~e~u, stated that If the Clty'~ going to continue to be succ~sful in s~lteitlng good convention, which are ext~ly ~rtant to the entire co~unity, we m~t have a ft~t~lus, all-p~p~e hotnl. to ~ndle ~he type ~d size of the ~u~ ~ve .ln the City. · ~ F..CI~k, 206 ~r~ey.Avenue; put Chain ' of ~e Convention ~reau, stated ~ersfleld h~ g~ and.~ growing. We can be another*Valley t~ or we can ~ the oha~lng,*progFesstve City of ~kersfteld that ~o~ how to c~btne the new with the old. No~lan Black, 4801 ~lle Terrace ~E, Vice ~ldent of the ~eater ~kersfleld Ch~r of ~erce, m~tng tbs first p~t of a two ~rt presentation, expressed the vle~ of the', Ch~r of C~erce. ~e~field ~ ~c~l~ one ~ California's f~st growl~ cities, d~ in p~t to o~ fine econ~ic conditio~. ~e p~ed hotel c~plex is a step in the right direction for the ~tterment of field by providi~ for additional Jo~, re*ulti~ In added p~ch~ing ~wer. I. L. (~b) Wolfe, 3~ ~vln Street, repr~entl~ the Convention ~eau of ~eater ~kersfield,, stated that ~ke~field is sixth in the State of Californi~ in attracti~ convent~o~ and in order to attract larger groups ~kersfield nee~ a eu~t~tial headqu~ters. ~vid W. ~ley, 51~ ~nnox Avenue, rep~entl~ the ~vid W. ~ley Comply and the Bayfield C~p~y, ~th eng~ed in couercial real estate develo~ent and contracti~ for the le~i~ ~ent of the ~ of ~erica ~ildi~ on ~t~ at Chester, stated that the l~al econ~y a~ro~hes $1~-billion annually, attracting attent~n from national tenants and ~tional h~inees. ~pa~lon is inevitable; the only question to dec,de Is the q~lity of the exp~ion. Mr. Aitchison, ~ner of Black Ang~ Sorer Inn and ~ta~ant, 333 Union Avenue, stated we have one of the f~nest Convention B~ea~ in California and they need something they can work with. ~ese gentlemen have prop~ed guch a thing, and the Black A~ endorses it. Bakersfield, California, August 19, 1976 - Page 6 Reverend Fred Cottriel, 3709 ~raebu~n Drive, Pastor of the.Filet Assembly of God Church, 930:- 17th Street, which occupy and hold, rent~ and use for church privileges twenty- fou~ of the pieces of property in the area. Mo~t of the senior citizens in that area are in these rentals, and the church is building a new facility for the elderly at anether location. The largest single piece of property has been held by the church in view of the proposed project, which they feel is a great thin~ for Bakersfield. Robert E. Jones, 2500 Renegade Avenue, speaking as an interested citizen, stated he firmly believed the adoption of this plan and the coustuemation of the development us proposed will do nothing but benefit Bakersfield in general and the downtown area in particular. Richard Hoffman, 2004 Duke D~lve, speaking us a private citizen, stated he was very interested in the project for the contin~ed orderly growth of Bakersfield, Marshall H. Jacobeon, Attorney, 5635 Road, and Member of the Industrial Commit:tee of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that s~ hotel complex of the nature proposed ca~ ,~ave nothing but a revitalizing effect on the doWntown arcs and increase tourism, which would produce more economic growth for th*~ co~mmunity. A~{hur R. Masters, 6100 Bel Airs Way, oWnt~r of a store building at 831 - 18th Street, em~hasized he is for the project but respectfully reliuested the City Council place a time limit of ul[~s to twelve month~ so the property owners can t'eason- ably plan leases or sales of their properties without a cloud of uncertainty hanging ov,~r their heads. liAYOR HA~T: At this time the City Clerk ~till read us-~and addresses of all persons who have submitted w~itten c~-~unicatious oppOsed to the propomed addition ~f land to the R~development Project and/or the adoption of the PrOposed Amend- manta therefor to the Amended Redevelopment Plan. The City Clerk will also give a brief and general summary of each written coamunication. Letter from ~lllta~ J. ~rady, Brady-B~andt Insurance Agency, 918 Truxtun Avenue, stating complete opposition to exten~ion of the boundaries. Letter from Pershing Jung, 822 - 17th Street, who strenuously objects to being included in the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Area, as he expects to live out his life in his home. lhtkersfield, California, August 19, 1976 - PsB,s '~ Letter from grnie Melons, regarding property st 830 - 17th Street. He is a joint tenant with his father, who is quite elderly, and his father had hoped to live out his twilight yea2m in his home. Letter.from A. Melons, .resident at .830 - l?th. Street for over fifty years, 84 years old, living alone, and feels he is too old to relocate. . · . . · "- letter from George and Mary Toy, 1715 "Q' Street, 'who a~e in their retirement years and happily enjoying their home. L~tter from Mrs. Evelyn Leipelt, who resides in Stockton, Californ~a, whose property is located at 1020 Truxtun Avenue, requesting postponement of sixty days. MAYOR HART: At this t/me we will have the oral and questions by persons who oppose the proposed addition of land to the Redevelopment Project and/or the adoption of .the pro~eed Amendments therefor to the Amended Redevelopment. Plan. Wil£ the City Clerk please ask those persons who are opposed.to step forward individually and then be sworn in .... : Francis Mart, 1030 - 1Tth Street, stated · :. he wa~ opposed to government condemnation of private land for private u~e. MAYOR HART: I ask at this time if the City Clerk letters of inquiry or of no position for the record° Letter from Arthur Masters, Property Owner, Master Properties, principally concerned with a store h~ildin~ at 831 - 18th Street. M~. Mnsters has presented some questio~ ~n h~s letter which he request~ the City Council or the Redevelopment A~ency to answer. MAYOR HART: At this time ws will ask for the oral ·ents and ques21ons by persons who are not taking a positive position either for or against but have somethin~ to offer to ~his meeting relative to the proposed addition of land to the Redevelopment Project and/or the adoption of the proposed Amendments therefor to the Amended Redevelopment Plan. Bakersfield, California, August 19, 1976 - Page Linda Young, P. O. Box 6521, business address 1129 - 19th Street, raised questions regarding the basis of paYment for properties within the proposed area, relocation of persons residing tn a hotel when no other accommodations are available in the area, relocation of the business, and the t~e allowed to vacate after notification. Mayor Hart and Mr. Jacobs clarified the various questions po~ed. Mr. Jacobs. indicated he would be plea~ed to meet with Ms. Young after the meeting to discuss the specific problem. ~AYORHART: Are there any other persons here in this audience desiring to speak? If so, please come forward, indentify yourself, and be sworn in. Wlllim J. Brady, property owner at 918 Truxtun Avenue, stated he had sent a letter objecting to the proposed expansion of the boundaries and the description of the area as a "blight area." He further stated he did not wish to sell his property and feels he has property rights, and that the intent of redevelopment ~ being stretched to suit private interests. MAYOR HART: Are there other persons here who wish to speak? Please come forward. Gloria Stewart, owner of a property on 19th Street that had belonged to her father for about fifty years and the same business has been at that location for about seventy years, asked that a time limit be put on the project and if the hotel complex did not materialize, the properties revert back to the owners. The following written forms were submitted by persons in the audience: Jake C. Siemens, 4001 Noel Place, business address - 1010 Chester Avenue. "It's about t~ae Bakersfield started developing downtown. This would be a terrific start:" W. W. Phoenix, 2708 - 30th Street. Paul A. Dennis, 3817 Country Club Drive, business address - 3732 '~" Street (business property owner). Frank Fish, 601Sesnon Street, business tenant - 1424 - 17th Street. Bakersfield, California, August 19, 1976 - Page 9 Cliff Sllveira, S607 Malden Court, property owned within the project - 1715 Cheater, T. I. Building. Paul I~eysr, 6702 Edmond Uny, bu~inssa address - 619 - 16th Street; address of property owned within the project ~ 901-903-905 ~ 1Sth Street. Dou~ ginner, 922 DeVote, business address - 1307 Columbus. Opposed: Ernest Melons, 301 N. 6tine Road - owns~, 830 ~ 17th Street. A. Melons, 830 - 17th Street, residential owner-occupant - "Age Willis= J. Brady, Stoekdale business'property owner - 918 ?ruxtun r Avenue. No position: Gustavo G. Gar;a, 609 - 3rd, McFarlnnd' ~ husiness address 1030 - 18th Street (property owner). MAYOR HART: Nearin; no requests to speak, ! declare the public henrin; closed for the purposes of the f[ty Council. AGENCY CHAIRMAN CASPER: I hereby declare the p~b~lc hearing closed for the purposes of the Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Jacobs clarified some points which had been rn~ed by tbs individuals participati~ in the public portion of tht MAYOR HART: Do the members of the Redevelol~eent At~ncy desire to discuss and consider taking action at this time? AGENCY CHAII~.~N CASPER: Do any m~bers of the Redewloy- sent ~ency desire ~o ~k questto~ or request f~ther clarific',tioa on the propped addition of land to the ~develo~ent ~oJect the proposed ~en~ent~ therefor to the ~ended Redevelop=net PL,n? ~r. Foster and Mr. Jsco~ a~wered questio~ by ~ency Bakersfield, California, August 19, 1976 - Page lO Mr. Pettlt stated for the record that at the Redevelop- ment Agency meeting of.August 17~ 1976, the Agency members read and reviewed esso heartfelt opposition letters from residents In the pr~osed area who were concerned about being displaced. Mr. Pettit indicated the City 'staff unured that the full extent of the law that provides every .right to these individuals would bo carried out, and it is the purpose of the Agency t~ see this happens, A~sncy Member Ps'tit moved for adoption of Resolution No. RA13-76 of the Redevelopment Agency approving 'and adoptin~ the Proposed Amendments to the Amended ~edevelopment Plan for the Downtown Redevelopment l~oject in all ~espects as amended by Mr. Jacot~ and hereby direct the A~ency 3~creta~y to file a certified copy of said Proposed Amendments with the Minutes of the meeting of the Agency, and the Agency'hereby recommends the City Cou~lcil of the City of Bakers~ield approve and adopt said Proposed Amendments to the Amended Redevelopment Plan. Agency Member Kln~ offered a sub~titute motion proposing an amendment to the Resolution, with the aPpropriate language, that if the project does not move forward within a twelveJmonth period the boundaries be redefined back to the present or then eXisting area of the Redevelopment PrOject. After discussion, Agency Member Pettit withdrew his. motion. Agency Member Kine withdrew his sub~titute motion and moved that if an affirmative recommendation ~us made On the Resolution which has been approved,'that provisions be made that it will expire within a twelve-month period if the hotel project does not go forward and further suggested that the precise wordl~ of that be set forth by the Agency's Co~-eel. This motion was seco~tded by A~ency Member Poehner. Bakersfield, Califo~,~a, August 19, 1976 - Page The Agency Secret~ry called the roll as follows: Ayes: Agency Members Casper,'Foth; Klng,'Pettit~ Poehner Noes: None- . Absent: Agency Members Puder,.Stewart A~ency Member Pettit reintroduced h~ ~otion u stated earlier that the Redevelolment Agency adopt Resolution No. of the RedevelOlment Agency apprOving.and adopting the Proposed A~endments'tothe~A~ended.Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Redevelopment.l~oJect, with the appropriate changes previotmly adopted. This motion was seconded by Agency Member Foth. . The-Agency Secretary. called.the.roll.as folloms: Ayes:. Agency.Members Oasper,.Foth,-King, .Pettit, [Poehner Absent: A~ency ~emb~rs. Puder i.. Stewart AGENCY CHAl~AN CASPER: ' Mr.' Mayor,. l' hereby transmit to the City Clerk and the City Council the Resolution of the Agency approving and reco~uasnding that-the City.Council adopt the Proposed Amendments to the A~ended RedeveloPment Plan, which Provide for the addition of .the land to the Redevelopment Project, and the additional motion with the twelve-month termination date. MAYOR~HART:.Thank you, Mr. Casper.. Do any ~e~bnrs of the Council desire t~ ask quest~onn or to ~eque~t any further clarification on .the p~oposed addition of land to the Redevelopment ]>~oject and/or the .proposed Amendments therefce to the Amended Redevelopment Plan? Vlce-Yayor Bleecker questioned the present status of the negotiations on the proposed development. ~r. Jacobs stated that the developer has indicated he is prepared to be~in w~thln three to foyer months if. the City can take the necessary action at this time. l'be necessary documents will ,be .L~mediately put into writing with th~ developer. The decision on the hotel ~tsslf, which is the business transaction, and timetables will be brought to the ~edevelop- meat Agency and the City Council for consideration at m later date. Bakersfield, California, Augtmt 19, 1976 - Page Counctl~an Sceales questioned, if the City is enable to pttrchaSe property from ~ndiv~duals without going through the legal process of cond~anat~.on, is the seller forced ~nto paying eap~tal would not apply ~f the money ~s reinves~ ~nreal ~tate w~thin two years. · Counc~an ~ge~ qu~oned who decides w~ther of the pro~sed addltio~ should ~ closed sub-stan~rd or utilized. ~r. Foster stated ~he definition of under-utlllzatiou ls defined by law and sta~d and sub-stand~d are defined by ~he Clty'~ Bulldi~ Code. Mr. Jaco~ mtated that the ult~ts is the 'C~ty Cou~l's, .thigh the f~nd~ the Cou~ll makes. Co.clean ~ge~ refer~d'to the letter fro~ Mrs. Evel~ ~ipelt of Stockton, Callforn~a, request~u~ a 60~ay ponement of the'hearing ~d ~ked if anyone would respond to letter. Afte~ ~ng sworn ~ by the City Clerk, ~r~e ~ated he w~ here wi~h h~s p~ents from Stockton, California and qu~t[oned why h~ parents~ pro~rty w~ ~luded ~n the ~devolo~ent ~ea. ~r. Foster e~lalned good develo~ent would require that protective ~ea ~ound the develo~ent of the ~rop~ed shopp~g center. presentation, questioned how taking an ~ndivld~l'8 probity for use by another private ~e of that property can be J~tifled. Mr. Jaco~ ~nd~cated that ~his is a public purpose and the co.ts have apgroved emlnent, domtn, for ~nstance, for univer~itles, l~ ~s a public p~pose. In th~ .f~eld, public p~p~e ~ fo~d revitalizing cities which are deter~or~ti~, ~d this kind of e~lnent domaln ts necessary became there is no other way to do Bakersfield, California, August 19, 1976 Councilman l~ogers qnestion®d.whethsr consideration has been given to moving ths~exieting ho~es of elderly.people who have lived in their homes ~ lon~ time, intouch ~ ~el~ation could ~ trade, lc to the older citizen, to a l~at~o~ which would ~ clone to shopp~nK, doctor, dr~ s~or~, and so forth. Mr. ~ob~ stated this h~ been done nuccesnfully ~n other ~e~, work~nK o~ au indiv~dual basis. ~r. Foster ssid h~s de~rtmen~h~ ~en workin~ ou a on~-to-on~ b~ls on such a c~e and believes 1~ can be renolved. Council~n St~ng qu~t~oned whether ~. Brady and some of the other ~ple who ob3~ted would ~ contacted in the interim. Counci~an Nedders quentioned whether there would ~ a~y i~ediate change in the t~ st~cture ~f a property Is included.in ~he proposed e~a~on area but not within the ~und~ies of the proposed hotel project. ~r. Jaco~ stated ~here would be no chan~ in the t~ st~uct~e. Councilman ~cker requested t~t everyone who h~ opposed the exte~lon of the ~unda~y for w~tever re,on, whether In writing, whether they live ~n or out of '~kersfield, or whether they were here ~tonight and have ~ltten no letter, that they be contacted persona11~ by the C~unity ~velopment staff, to dete~ine if proble~ can be worked o~t ~ead of t~e. ~r. F~ter S'tated his departmen~ would work toward that effort, to be c~pleted ~AYO~ ~T: If ~here are ~ other questio~, ~e ~k ~hen thnt this Council call for a =orion on the Ordnance approvin~ end adoptinK t~e ~o~ed ~en~ents to the ~ended ~develo~ent Plan, desiKnatin~ it ~ beinK ~he fi~t readin~ by title only. O~n a ~otion 'b/'Couu~il~sn ~edde~, fl~t readini =~ co~idered liven an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of ~ker~:/ield approvin~ and ~optt~ ~en~ents to the ~ended ~develop- ment Plan for the ~wnfown ~ke=sf~eld ~develo~ent P~oJect, Bakersfield, California, August 19, 1976 - Page The City Clerk called the roll as follo~: Sceales, Strong Absent:' Councilman Barton Agency ~lember King urged that the ~develop~ent Agency be allowed to present fully what the Agency is doing, has been doing, and what the Agency thinks might b~ the consoquenc~s of an affir~ative action on the suggested Northeast Bakersfield Shopping Center and what effect it might have on the futnre of the City of ~e~afield. Councl~ Bleecker indicated that ~are ~e certain pr~esses the City m~t go {brough, but first there m~t be an Env[ro~ental Impac2 3tudy, which ~ being done now, which would indicate any zoning changes in that p~t of the City to accede- date a shopping center. According to law, that infection m~t ~ brought to tho Planning Couission, 'and ~t Is up to them to make their rec~endatio~ to the Council and i~ would be up to the Council to decide whether to rezone that property, and a large consideration would ~ given at that particul~ ttae as to whether the ~develo~ent Agency h~ ~en able to devetop some- thing downtown. A~CY C~I~N CAS~R: At th~ tl~e we call for an ~dJour~ent ~f the ~development ~ency In regard to this ~eetl~. ~e sta~d adjourned. ~ayor ~t stated, since the Council has ~ecessed to two sep~ate m~tings, the Council cannot move p~t the ~3rd of August, 1976, which is a regular Council ~eeting date, so the Council will adjourn at this t~e and reconvene on the regular date and call ~other meeting at that ~ime. UPOn a motion by Councilman Christensen, She meeting adJouraed at 6:45 ATTEST DONALD ~, H~RT MAYOR ~f ~h~ City of Bake~{~"ield, Calif. CITY CI~RK ~ Ex Officio Clerk of the Cou'noil of the City of Bakersfield, C~lifornia mp